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Friday, April 7, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 7

From Robert Lee Brewer:

It doesn’t feel like it, but we’re already a week into this year’s challenge. Poem on. 

For today’s prompt, write a discovery poem. This poem could be about making a discovery; it could be about something discovered (by someone or something else); or something you’d like to discover. I can’t wait to discover what new poems poets will create.


  1. This is my "Free day" so I took the time to go back and make sure I commented on everyone's poems, and I found many comments I had not read before also! It was awesome! And I am caught up! Except for today's poem of course.

  2. Don't trust anyone
    over 30.
    Life fast, die
    young, leave a pretty corpse.
    I believed these things

    at 17,
    at 30.
    Now, at 63, I
    discover they are
    not quite as true

    as I thought.
    And cliches I believe
    change. I realize
    that youth is wasted
    on the young.

    1. you got that right! lmao! yep I remember all that and now at 69 I think omg! don't trust anyone UNDER 30 :-). and hey we are still going to leave pretty corpses! love it!!

    2. just reread and realized you have life fast instead of live fast... missed it on the first read.

    3. Yup. I'll fix it on my own copy but your comment should be enough for other readers.

    4. not only youth but energy!when I was young I thought life went on forever, but now at just flew by and it's shorter than I thought. I enjoyed your poem a lot!

    5. I remember that saying, funny isn't it, to think of saying that and even thinking it might be true, though I never did. I remember good looking corpse, rather than pretty, but it was guys saying it when I first heard it. Liked the poem, but I think it's not that youth is wasted on the young, but rather that they don't appreciate it until it is gone.

  3. I heard the bellow
    of laughter
    coming from outdoors
    my curiosity drew me
    to a scene
    I didn't understand at first

    my boys, age 3 and 4
    were vigorously
    washing a little black boy
    with wet wash cloths
    from the house
    "we're tryin' to wash
    the chocolate off"
    the of the boy
    was in tears
    my boys had discovered
    the chocolate doesn't
    wash off!


    2. just not doing well today and my puter isn't acting right either.

    3. I actually remember when that happened!

    4. yea I think you were over visiting and we both heard that man laughing really loud and hard!!!

    5. that is too funny! i r remember you telling me about it and how the father thought it was hysterical, so glad he had a sense of humor. I think you told me that was the first black person your kids had seen. stil chuckling over the scene you presented.

    6. Yep, they had never seen a black person in their short little lives. They literally thought he was covered in chocolate!!! and the poor little black boy only being 3 himself wasn't quite sure. I laughed till I was sick.

  4. Victoria the Discoverer

    We’ll discover the poet inside you, Victoria told me
    You just need some guidance
    If you want to work with me I know
    Your hidden poet will surface and grow

    You just need some guidance
    Constructive criticism I will give and
    Your hidden poet will surface and grow
    Your poetry is already good - let’’s make it great.

    Constructive criticism I'll give and
    Help you learn different techniques
    Your poetry is already good - let’s make it great
    So you can post it publicly with pride. Yes I;ll

    help you learn different techniques
    I’ll teach you syllable and word count
    So you can post it publicly with pride. Yes I'll
    show you forms! Pantoums, villanelles, and more

    I’ll teach you syllable and word counts
    I listened and I learned so Victoria said I’ll
    show you forms! Pantoums, villanelles and more.
    You’ve got it You are oow a poet!

    I listened and I learned so Victoria said
    You’ve got it You are now a poet!
    If you want to work with me I know
    We’ll discover the poet inside you, Victoria told me

    1. How sweet. I am humbled. And everything I know and taught you I learned from Tad.

    2. And you are a remarkably good poet especially at those forms which you use so well.

    3. Great pantoum!! That is a very touching poem. I enjoyed it very much.

  5. Discovered

    Once upon a time
    I believed I was a caterpillar
    creeping here and there,
    munching where I could,
    without a care
    except to mind
    my caterpillar business.

    I never dreamed
    I was a butterfly,
    and didn't need to creep
    nor did I know I was asleep,
    until one day I felt as though
    my skin was far too tight
    and I yearned for flight

    without knowing
    how to fly, until I
    discovered all I had to do
    was see myself with wings
    and know that I could fly
    and know that it was true.
    until I did, and flew.

    1. very imaginative! all it needs now is illustrations and you have a children's book!!!

    2. LOL. And yes, we all need to imagine we can fly!

    3. Thanks for your kind words. It would make a cute book, you're right. Nice idea.
