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Thursday, April 20, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 20

From Robert Lee Brewer:

After today, we’ll be 67% of the way through this challenge. Only 10 days to go! 

For today’s prompt, write a task poem. The task can be some glorious duty, or it can be a seemingly small and insignificant job. Or the poem can take someone to task. It’s your task to figure it out and write it.


  1. Don't know if I'll get to a new one today, so here's an old one:

    Dead Flowers
    a pantoum

    Dead flowers in the pot on the kitchen table
    shed petals as I skitter by like autumn wind.
    I should probably dump the dirt, plant new flowers,
    add it to my perpetual to-do list. It

    sheds petals as I skitter by like autumn wind,
    the leaves too, neglected in my daily routine.
    Add it to my perpetual to-do list. It
    falls to the bottom. I do laundry, grocery shop.

    The leaves, too neglected in my daily routine,
    don't complain. No one complains at this undone task,
    falls to the bottom. I do laundry, grocery shop,
    vacuum the living room, sweep, mop the kitchen floor,

    don't complain. No one complains at this undone task
    of dead plants. They'd notice no clean clothes, no dinner.
    Vacuum the living room, sweep, mop the kitchen floor.
    I do not water the plant, revel in the sight

    of dead plants. They'd notice no clean clothes, no dinner.
    I'd feel guilty, but I wantonly kill flowers,
    I do not water the plant, revel in the sight,
    stems folded in half. I should care more about them.

    I'd feel guilty. But I wantonly kill flowers,
    neglected plants, watch blooms wither, crumble to dust,
    stems folded in half. I should care more about them.
    I do not. I leave them, look at them, smile at the

    neglected plants, watch blooms wither, crumble to dust.
    I should probably dump the dirt, plant new flowers.
    I do not. I leave them, look at them, smile at the
    dead flowers in the pot on the kitchen table

    1. I really like this one because I can sooooo relate to it. I think I told you the story of Ralph accusing me o killing his plants because I didn't automatically water his plants after we got married. i asked who did it before we got married and he said he did. so i asked then why did he expect me to do it? he because his mother did the ones at their house. huh? i told him i didn't do plants and if he wanted them to live then water them himself. :-(

    2. Wonderful pantoum, excellent use of the form. You are truly a master of this!

    3. I always wondered why it becomes the woman's job to keep the indoor plant/plants alive. I just plain forget them for some reason. Paul complain that I starve the poor thing. I tell him that he can water them also but he never does. All we have is one aloe plant. Nicely written. It must be pantoum day. I wrote one too. I couldn't be home today. So while in dr. waiting rooms I wrote my poem and posted when I got home. Only to find that both of you had also written pantoums. Fun day.

  2. Please I beg you please don’t ask
    It’s not that I don’t like you or care
    I just hate this particular task
    It’s just this task I can’t bear.

    It’s not that I don’t like you or care
    I must wear vinyl gloves and a mask
    It’s just this task I can’t bear
    Perhaps I should take a sip from this flask.

    I must wear vinyl gloves and a mask
    Really! I insist it just isn’t fair
    Perhaps I should take a sip from this flask
    No other task to this one can compare.

    Really! I insist it just isn’t fair
    I think I need an oxygen mask
    No other task to this one can compare
    Scoopers ready this breaks my back.

    I think I need an oxygen mask
    With something to cover my hair
    Scoopers ready this breaks my back
    Start scooping the litter boxes square by square.

    With something cover my hair
    Please I beg you please don’t ask
    Start scooping the litter boxes square by square
    I just hate this particular task..

    1. LOL. Yup. I hate that task too, so much so that that was partof my deal to get a cat, that I would not have to clean the litter boxes. Funny we both posted pantoums.

    2. yep, i was going to say this must be a pantoum day but I forgot me olvio

    3. I only do that task in sheer emergencies like if Paul is ill or something terrible happened to him...My asthma just kicks and I can't breathe for a half an hour. Even with a mask. After you told me in the text message what the prompt was I started working on a pantoum. I thought I was losing my touch so I decided to write one today again. It's funny that we all chose to write a pantoum today. Yours is perfect!!

  3. the tasks that she gave me were hard
    it took most of the day
    but at least I got plenty of pay
    I spent most of the time in the kitchen

    it took most of the day
    cleaning out the refrigerator
    scrubbing the stove
    doing the dishes, mopping the floor

    cleaning out the refrigerator
    it was a major task
    doing the dishes, mopping the floor
    in made me sweat as I mopped my way out the door

    it was a major task
    but I did all the laundry and changed the sheets
    it made me sweat as I mopped my way out the door
    I looked back to admire the floor

    but I did all the laundry and changed the sheets
    I had dusted everything including the ceiling fan
    I looked back to admire the floor
    my tasks were done and I closed the door

    I had dusted everything including the ceiling fan
    I put out the trash, a new bag in its place
    my tasks were done and I closed the door
    I made eighty dollars for eight hours of work

    I put out the trash, a new bag in its place
    but at least I got plenty of pay
    I made eighty dollars for eight hours of work
    the tasks that she gave me were hard

    1. Great use of the pantoum. Housework is so repetitive anyway. And yes, the tasks she gave you were hard.

  4. I'm exhausted just reading this!!! lol! good job on this one. felt like i was there doing the 'tasks'

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wonderfully well done pantoum, I agree with Victoria. Thanks for sharing this fine poem.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I somehow managed to post this poem twice hence the removal. Then I removed my comment above by mistake, oh well. I restored it but that is why there are two removals.

  7. Too many Tasks

    I've too much to do, I've too much to do,
    My tasks are too many for me
    I'm drowning in tasks with no end in sight
    As far as I can see.

    Tasks, tasks, multiple tasks
    saying yes to whoever asks
    Has gotten me into this terrible stew
    Of too much to do, to do, to do.

    I've too many things upon my list
    That I wished to accomplish with ease
    My rank ambition has made me a slave
    Because I'm committed to please.

    Tasks, tasks, etc.

    I'm drowning in tasks, what shall I do
    In order to save my soul
    I'll shutter my windows and lock the doors
    Until I've achieved my goal.

    Tasks, tasks etc.

    Don't knock on my door or call my phone
    I'm out to the world until
    I've finished my tasks if ever that is
    Though I'll work away with a will.

    Tasks, tasks, etc.

    And once I'm done I'll learn to say no
    And I won't try to please any more
    Don't ask me or task me, with something to do
    Or I'll turn you away from my door.

    Tasks, tasks, multiple tasks,
    I will say no to whoever asks,
    And I will get out of this terrible stew
    Of too much to do, to do, to do.

  8. This is a kind of chant or song of sorts, with a refrain that changes a little at the end. Hope it makes you all giggle.

    1. It did. And so true for so many of us. I like the rhythm of it. You can feel the weight of the task, tasks.

    2. Thanks, that was the idea and I am glad it worked.

  9. Yes, I got a real chuckle from reading your delightful poem/song!!! Very imaginative!

  10. fun write...yep learn to say no and if they persist in asking just ask them...what part of no didn't you understand?

    1. Thanks, yes, my truth. And my problem! silly me. Learning, learning.
