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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 26

From Robert Lee Brewer:

For today’s prompt, write a regret poem. Most people regret some action they’ve taken over the years, whether it’s saying the wrong thing, making the wrong choice, or putting off something for a tomorrow that never comes. Write about your own regrets, or the regrets of others (this is a great opportunity to write a persona poem).


  1. In the Air Force,
    when offered Russian
    school, my father convinced
    me I was

    Earned a Computer
    Science degree, wanted
    a Masters.
    He told me I
    was incapable.

    Didn't consult about
    college, thank
    god. Only asked
    when afraid. Maybe
    I knew he would say no.

    I needed
    my father to
    encourage me, state
    I could do anything,
    to say yes.

    I listened both
    times, did not learn
    Russian, never obtained
    a Masters.
    I regret it.

    I've been told he bragged
    about me. What an ass.
    Told others
    without telling
    me I did well.

    1. well written. I like the way it flows.

    2. It's Tad's 5/4 form. It's my fall back when nothing else works. Lines are 3/4/5/6 syllables long in a rotating sequence (Mine starts 4/5/6/3) but each stanza is 5 lines long (so the first stanza has 4/5/6/3/4) so it gives the feel of free verse while actually having a pattern.

    3. i like it... will have to try this on a future poem

    4. Very sad and sorrowful. I feel so bad for you. He told me girls don't go to college they have to learn to type in order to get a job. Very well written poem. gently flowing.

  2. why do I feel like we've done this before?


    Regrets? Perhaps I have a few
    But I wouldn’t change a thing
    Those regrets are part of what
    Gave me the will to dance and sing

    To live my life as best I can
    And not regret a moment of it
    No, I don’t hold onto regrets
    But hold onto life and love it.

    So if you regret a thing or two
    That stops you in your tracks
    Remember life moves forward
    Never does it go back.

    So let those regrets go
    You can’t change them now
    Your life they will only slow
    So to regrets say ciao.

    1. Awesome! I love this. And I had the same feeling, but couldn't find a poem, so maybe I did not. LOL

    2. Very very good!!! I had a heck of a time finding anything that I regret in my entire life. But I finally managed one thing and it turned out ok. So your poem said it all. Love it!!!

  3. I have a soul wrenching regret in my heart
    I gave my children up when they were young
    I got lost in my own exciting life
    I thought the children were better off with their dad

    I gave my children up when they were young
    went traveling to try to find a better life
    I thought the children were better off with their dad
    then I learned my 8 year old daughter was molested twice

    went traveling to try to find a better life
    we found a place in Kentucky, but it burned to the ground
    then I learned my 8 year old daughter was molested twice
    I tried to get my children back but his sister had them then

    we found a place in Kentucky, but it burned to the ground
    we found a place in Utah, but the Mormons were too strict
    I tried to get my children back but his sister had them then
    she wouldn't let me see them, said I was insane

    We found a place in Utah, but the Mormon were too strict
    we headed back home, found work so I could get my kids
    She wouldn't let me see them, said I was insane
    we rounded up the children after school one day, had a little talk

    We headed back home, found work so I could get my kids
    We got a nice apartment in a decent neighborhood hoping for the best
    we rounded up the children after school one day, had a little talk
    they were miserable and unhappy, hated where they were

    We got a nice apartment in a decent neighborhood hoping for the best
    we told them they could pack their clothes and just move out
    they were miserable and unhappy, hated where they were
    the boys moved in with their dad, the girls came with us

    we told them they could pack their clothes and just move out
    I got lost in my own exciting life
    the boys moved in with their dad, the girls came with us
    I have a soul wrenching regret in my heart

    1. this really is heart wrenching and I wondered if you would write about this. do me one favor and change it so it doesn't sound as if rich molested her as it was steve. the way it is written it sounds as if it was rich.

    2. Wow. Amazing telling of that story. Very intense.

  4. Oh my dear!!!How beautifully you have told this story, and how sad it is that you needed to do this. I do so sympathize.

  5. Regret is a bitter taste
    On the tongue
    and a sad song
    in the heart.

    I have no real regrets,
    Despite the fact that I might
    have reasons to.
    For even though
    the flowers that wilted
    because I didn't water them
    could not be revived
    my next were better tended.

  6. I like the way you began this poem. A bitter taste on the tongue and a sad song in the heart. That is regret in a nutshell. I only have aloe because you can forget to water them for a long time and they survive. lol fun poem.

    1. Thanks, Linda, I am glad you liked the poem and the metaphor. Hugs to you.
