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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 25

From Robert Lee Brewer:

It’s time for that final two-for-Tuesday prompt of April. Regulars probably already know what the prompt is. Here are the two prompts for today:
  • Write a love poem. The poem could be about lovers, but also the love of family, love between friends, or even loving your job, chocolate, or music. Or…
  • Write an anti-love poem. Maybe you’re a hater; that’s fine. We’ve got the anti-love poem prompt for you.


  1. It's Not That I Don't Believe in Love (a Catena Rondo)

    It’s not that I don’t believe in love
    I just don’t write love poems anymore
    It’s not that I don’t believe in love
    That was part of my teenage tour

    You know the angst that’s always part of
    Lonely nights and many a teens tears
    So many heart breaks and painful years
    You know the angst that’s always part of

    Lonely nights and many a teens tears
    The marriages, divorces, once again alone
    Memories of a silent phone
    Lonely nights and many a teens tears

    Older and wiser now I protect my heart
    It’s not that I don’t believe in love
    Or all the flowers and lace you dream of
    Older and wiser now I protect my heart.

    It’s not that I don’t believe in love
    I just don’t write love poems anymore
    It’s not that I don’t believe in love
    That was part of my teenage tour.

    (This form is the brainchild of Robin Skelton, academic, writer, poet and anthologist. It is a Quatrain, and the second line forms a rhyming couplet with the third line and is also used as the first and fourth line of the following stanza. Any number of stanzas can be created this way and the final stanza is a repeat of the first. This gives a rhyme scheme of;
    A. B. b. A..... B. C. c B…. C. D. d. C….finally …
    F. A. a. F...... A. B. b. A.....
    There is no set meter)

    1. Good poem but once you got me intrigued by the pattern I looked for it in yours and don't think it happened in several places. From what I see, you rhyme scheme goes as follows:

      A, B, a, b ... b, C, c, b ... C, D, d, c ... E, A, a, E ... A, B, a, b

      So the first and last stanzas don't have the 2nd and 3rd line rhyme and the rhyme from lines 2 and 3 does not continue as 1 and 4 of the next stanza, you pick up a new rhyme.

    2. This is kinda sad. Love makes the world go round. Yes, I remember the teen age angst of falling in and out of love...sometimes every other week. LOL Nice form. Great poem.

    3. yep that's right Vic. I had a Catena Rondo poem next to mine and followed the rhyme scheme from that poem.

    4. i guess the person who set up the page and example wrote the rhyme scheme wrong. teach me to trust something found on the internet.

    5. LOL. Sounds like something I would do!!

    6. You should write to the person who did the page and let them know about their error! I would bet they would want to know.

    7. this is going to be my 3rd poem set aside for a rewrite.

    8. I'm going to have to go back through them. Usually I'd save off the ones I thought worth editing and this year nothing struck me as worth keeping.

  2. Another old one that I swore I used for this prompt last year, and yes, he did this EXACT SAME PROMPT last year, but apparently I didn't, so I'm going with it today.

    (a mostly found poem)

    not hate, is the true opposite of love.
    hate takes strong feelings. indifference is

    aloof unemotional diffident
    uncommunicative superior

    dispassionate impartial nonchalant
    apathetic nonpartisan detached

    supercilious stoical unmoved
    disinterested distant unimpressed

    impervious inattentive neutral
    equitable uncaring unconcerned

    unresponsive unsympathetic cool
    haughty heartless uninvolved passionless

    objective scornful silent
    unprejudiced blasé heedless

    unaroused unbiased highbrow listless
    regardless callous unsocial cold

    1. I think you combined your love and hate poems into one. That was a good Idea. I enjoyed it very much.

    2. I do remember you using this poem before and it is just as good now as it was then... I would say indifference comes between love and hate. well written!

    3. I disagree (obviously since that's what my poem is about), but as poets, and humans, that's the way it works!

  3. I love the seasons
    of the year
    the beauty each one brings
    winter's cleansing white
    always last a bit too long
    but it makes the
    coming of Spring even
    more beautiful
    the greening of the grass
    and trees
    the blooms of the flowers
    enters summer and the
    beach, cook outs, campfires
    late at night
    a time for lovers
    to dance in the moonlight
    a time for perennials to bloom
    making everything fragrant
    then the magnificence
    of Autumn
    where the trees look
    like giant flowers in bloom
    the night sky becomes
    alight with beautiful sunsets
    I love Pennsylvania

    1. I miss Pennsylvania and your poem made me miss it even moreso. I still look at houses there. Duplexes for less than $50K. And "winter's cleansing white" DOES last too long and turn into huge black snowdrifts. LOL.

    2. yep, PA or VT the changing seasons are what make them interesting and not so boring as the south where the seasons may change on the calendar but not in nature.

  4. I hate bigotry
    and wife beaters
    I hate animal abusers
    child abusers
    and injustice
    I hate dictators
    and Trump

    1. Great list poem. Adding Trump on the end is almost redundant since he is most of the things on your list.

    2. funny how this started off so great then to add Trump at the end who is only all those things in the eyes of those who don't want to see the good in him and the good he has done. great poem up to that last line.

    3. so you changed your mind about trump? wow! you were so gung ho on him during and after the election.

    4. Everyone has opinions and open-minded people are capable of changing their minds. If you disagree with an opinion in a poem maybe you could do as I do and just critique the poem not the opinion.

    5. i did...see my first comment. it was a really good poem then it turned political and ruined it. my poetic and personal opinion.

  5. Replies
    1. We have to wait until he posts it. Next year, as we talked about, we really need a set of alternative prompts. This one was not only a repeat from last year, it's another so general I have about 100 poems I could have used. LOL.

  6. I have taught myself
    to love the unlovable
    I don't have to like.

  7. I was up late and didn't get to post this in time, Hope I am forgiven. (lol) I'm happy with alternative poems myself if they don't involve any complicated styles I am not familiar with. You three are much more knowledgeable than I am about that, though I am willing to try if something is carefully explained.
