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Monday, April 24, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 24

From Robert Lee Brewer:

For today’s prompt, write a faith poem. For some people, faith means religion. For others, faith means trusting in science and mathematics. Still others, think George Michael’s “Faith” just as some immediately conjure up Faith Hill. Regardless of where you put your faith (or don’t), today’s poem gives you an opportunity to express yourself.

That said, just a quick reminder: Be respectful of each other. It’s my one rule, and I have faith that y’all can handle it.


  1. I was raised Catholic
    to believe
    is going to hell...
    except for Catholics.

    Tried Baptist
    where I was told
    everyone is
    going to hell... except
    for Baptists.

    I have no faith
    but believe that if
    there is a god, heaven,
    and hell, that
    they are both wrong.

    I have faith no one
    will go to hell except
    those who would
    believe heaven
    is only for them.

    1. whoa! love it!! powerful and poignant! well written and well said. love love love that last verse.

    2. It looks like you don't have faith in much either. Your poem is very power packed and fun to read. I enjoyed it very much.

    3. Fantastic expression of your beliefs. Thanks.

  2. I will try to write a new one later but this has always been one of my favorite poems about faith/lost faith in the face of reality..

    Jesus Loves You

    As you push your shopping cart along
    painted white on dirty brick walls
    you see the words Jesus Loves You!
    and you know it must be true.

    Painted white on dirty brick walls
    the prophecy of man and God
    and you know it must be true
    as your stomach rumbles with hunger.

    The prophecy of man and God
    rings empty read with hollow eyes
    as your stomach rumbles with hunger
    all that promise now

    rings empty read with hollow eyes.
    Eyes dead with forgotten pain
    all that promise now
    lost like your home and family.

    Eyes dead with forgotten pain
    faith in God is long lost
    lost like your home and family.
    You find it hard to believe when

    faith in God is long lost.
    As you push your shopping cart along
    you find it hard to believe when
    you see the words Jesus Loves You.

    1. this pantoum brought tears to my eyes. I could feel the hunger of the homeless person. See the pain in his/her eyes. Very powerful poem.

    2. Wow. Powerful pantoum. Excellent.

  3. faith is a tricky word
    to have faith one must
    believe strongly in something
    I have faith in my husband
    that he will never hurt me
    I want to have faith
    in the morning sun
    but it may not always rise
    I want to have faith
    in life and death
    but life could cease to be
    I want to have faith in God
    but not a cruel God
    who sends his children
    to burn in eternal damnation
    I want to have faith in the Goddess
    but then I am labeled, "witch"
    So, I guess I don't have faith
    in much, except love...

    1. there is little in which to place our faith these days. when we were children it was easy to believe but the older we get the more we see and faith falls away. good poem!

    2. We are just a bunch of faithless sisters. Another good write.

  4. My faith is a chambered Nautilus,
    spiraling outward
    from the first time,
    standing in my crib
    I reached for the light.

    My Faith is a sunflower
    Turning its head
    to face the light
    as it moves
    through the sky.

    My faith grows with experience
    as I see how somehow
    there is correctness
    even when it seems
    that incorrectness holds sway.

    My faith accords with my heart
    as the wind sings
    as the brook burbles
    as the stones rattle
    as the flames crackle.

    My faith is without words
    without definitions
    without parameters.
    My faith is my tuning fork
    guiding my steps.

    1. Beautiful and thoughtful. Loved the sunflower image best.

    2. this is absolutely beautiful, Tasha. I that last verse is really powerful.

    3. this is a beautiful expression of your faith. I see a lot of beauty in you,

  5. This was an interesting philosophical conundrum and I appreciated it.

  6. I have a small problem to share: I will be off line this coming Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, returning Sunday evening. My daughter and I will be on a retreat and I will not be able to post or see the prompts. I will have email and if someone would email me the prompts I might be able to write to them and post on Sunday when I return or soon thereafter. Could someone do that for me? I would be most grateful.Thanks in hopes.

    1. Sure but don't you need to be online to get email? But send me your email address and I will send you the prompts.

    2. My email address is I can get email on my phone but the print is too hard to read on the WordPress site and I can't manage to post. Thank you very much.
