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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 12

From Robert Lee Brewer:

Quick comment on comments: I don’t know that this will fix all problems related to commenting, but multiple poets have confirmed that some specific words seem to be keeping their poems from posting. Once they removed the words, the poems posted. Voila! So I looked into it, and there is a banned words/symbols list–to help block common spam language like profane words and specific drug names, but also words like “nude,” “sex,” “loan,” “debt,” and “thx.” Also, some weird symbols and the term “url.” If that helps anyone, great. If not, please let me know at 

For today’s prompt, write a guilty poem. The poem can be written from the perspective of someone who is (or feels) guilty, or it can be about someone (or something) else that’s guilty. But guilty of what? Cheating on a test? Or a spouse? Or a diet? Only you know, and only your poem can reveal the truth.


  1. Oh my child what have you done now
    carve the pumpkins is what I said
    didn't know you even knew how
    but you cut off your daddy's head!

    You spilled blood all over the yard
    I can't let you out of my sight
    with you I can't drop my guard
    what will we tell the others tonight?

    What did he say to make you so mad?
    Will you please return my knife?
    You used to be such a sweet little lad
    until you took your dear daddy's life.

    Guess I'll have to call the police
    not quite sure what to say
    your daddy's life you did cause to cease
    my child don't look at me that way!

    Put down the knife and behave dear
    I'm begging you my dear darling son
    you're filling my heart with horrible fear...
    oh my child...what have you done?

    1. Quite a scary tale, left me trembling in my socks!!!lot of great imagery there!!! A whole novel in a few lines!!!

    2. LOL. I'm starting to worry about you Bonnie. Good write though!

    3. Brrrr!Scary poem! Good one though.

  2. this was an old one written in SEPT 2013. Hopefully I will be able to write an original one today but just in case I can't I always thought this one was fun.

  3. he's guilty
    to this day
    he really liked
    the little girl
    doesn't know why
    he did it.
    he pulled the chair from
    beneath her
    just as she
    was going to sit down
    no one saw him do it
    but he's guilty
    to this day
    he can't shake it off
    he hurt the girl
    he really liked
    maybe she didn't like him
    in return
    maybe that's why he did it
    he doesn't know why
    it was one of those
    impulsive things one
    does and they don't
    know why
    and he's been guilty
    to this day

    1. Poor Brian! I've never imagined him as impulsive so I can see where doing something impulsive, and mean, would bother him forever.

  4. guilty as charged! all i could picture was you in that movie where the woman is condemned as a witch and you are yelling... guilty...burn her...or something like that. good write.

  5. No this was about poor Brian. He did this in 3rd grade. He could never figure out why he did it. And he still talks about it. Poor kid. Nearly 40 years later.

  6. On Thanksgiving Day
    I haul out my stash
    of Christmas movies,
    run out of good ones
    by December 1st.

    So I put away
    reality, dive
    into Christmases
    far beyond my worst

    watch Hallmark Channel
    holiday movies
    where all the men have
    short hair, no beards, wear
    dress shirts and don't smoke.

    The women all learn
    that raising children
    keeping house is what
    they want and go off
    to Stepford Heaven.

    I feel guilty for
    eleven other
    months but it doesn't
    stop me from doing
    it again next year.

    1. lmbo! should I confess? oh why not... that is also my guilty little secret fun write! love it!

    2. Fun poem. I watch Christmas movies all year long. If I find one on Net flix I am so greatful that I play it twice!!

    3. Too cute, I would never have guessed it!

  7. Chicken Guilt

    I had to feed the chickens,
    carrying heavy pails
    of mash and corn and water
    to give to them every day.

    This was how I earned my allowance
    A vast fifty cents a week
    As well I cleaned under their perches
    Something I hated to do.

    One winter the marsh by the coop
    Flooded with water and so
    Instead of lugging it from the house
    I used this convenient supply.

    Sadly however the chickens
    began to sicken and perish
    and no body knew but me
    the reason they ill.

    Although I felt awfully guilty
    I was too afraid to tell
    how I had watered the chickens
    and the mystery remained.

    And then one day my father
    said "We have been told that you
    fed marsh water to the chickens."
    Alas, I had been found out.

    My great aunt's gardener had seen me,
    and when he heard of their plight
    told my parents about my misdoing;
    now they knew why they'd died.

    I do not remember my punishment
    But I know that I still feel
    guilt for the murdered chickens
    my laziness had done in.

  8. Poor chickens! Poor me carrying those heavy pails. No solution here, only guilt, long ago guilt!

  9. Poor Tasha. That was a lot of work for a little girl. I can only say, I may have even done the same thing had I been in your don't beat on yourself for trying to save yourself some steps. No one told you, "don't feed the chickens marsh water" so how were you to know it would be bad for them. Great poem.

  10. those poor chickens! i'm sure that will haunt you to the day you die. very sad poem.

  11. You are correct, Linda, I of course had no idea and actually, Bonnie, I don't really feel haunted by my guilt because I was after all ignorant. and didn't do it deliberately as Linda says. It is a good though sad story though.

  12. Sad story, and I agree with Linda. I likely would have done the same thing. No little girl should have had to do that hard of a job.
