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Monday, April 3, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 3

From Robert Lee Brewer:

I’ve found over the years that most people who can make it through three days have the stamina to keep poeming for 30. So let’s get through this together! For today’s prompt, take the phrase “(blank) of Love,” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles could include: “Water Bottle of Love,” “Smart Phone of Love,” “Toothbrush of Love,” “Tweet of Love,” or any number of blanks of love. I actually kind of love this prompt and am surprised I’ve never done it before.


Note from Victoria... Thanks, RLBrewer, now I have this song stuck in my head and the only phrase I can think of is "Pompatus of Love."


  1. The reality of love
    is not when you meet someone
    and fall head over heels without
    a single word said. That is
    passion, infatuation,
    cathexis. It is not love.

    The reality of love
    is when you spend time to look
    at your lover's homely face,
    find beauty, grace, elegance,
    discover definitions
    of love in lines, crevices.

    The reality of love
    is not expensive date nights,
    dinners, flowers, chocolate,
    or Prince Charming on his knee
    to invite you to the ball,
    dancing in your glass slippers.

    The reality of love
    is when you wrap your jacket
    around the person you love
    even though your arms are cold
    to protect them from the wind
    that chaps your own hands and face.

    The reality of love.
    Not love notes but love actions.
    Not giving you the world but
    traveling it together.
    Reach out to make love happen.
    Do not wait for fairy tales.

    1. The Reality of Love is truly that. you've hit the nail on the head with this beautiful poem!!! I loved it. I think you really know love. I read it out loud to Paul and it reads well aloud also and paul loved it too.

    2. awesome write and as Linda said you nailed this one! it reminded me of a poem I wrote poetry is for the young. it was in response to a young persons comment on my open mic that he was disappointed to see an overweight middle aged woman up there doing poems about lobe... his next line is what do old people know about love.. my question to him was what do young people know about real love? your poem says it all.

    3. Absolutely true, and nicely put as well.

    4. The is stanzas are better than the is not stanzas. The stuff that love isn't shouldn't be bland and obvious - then there's no worthy adversary for what love is. You could really let yourself go in the what love isn't stanzas - make the reader think Hey, this does sound pretty good.

      You know better than "beauty, grace, elegance." No ideas but in things.

      And yeah, I'm being tough because there's something there.

    5. Thank you for the critique. I normally work on a poem for a month or more before I let it "go public." As I said on Day 1, prepare yourself for a lot of bad poetry. On the other hand, I do tend to go back in May and edit the poems I think are "keepers" and until I read your critique I did NOT think of this one as one of those, so much so that I didn't even save it in a file.

    6. I think there's more there than you may have thought. Cut out all the explaining. It's not your job as a poet to explain what love is.

  2. The Feelings Of Love

    love is patient
    love is kind
    never boastful
    nor conceited
    never rude
    nor selfish
    not quick to take offense
    you always want to be together
    when you're not
    you're thinking about
    being together
    because you need this person
    without them, life is incomplete
    you trust them with your life
    it's the smile
    on your face you get
    when you're thinking of them
    missing them
    love is intense and passionate
    love is incredibly powerful
    it's natures way of tricking
    people to reproduce

    1. I liked your yesterday poem much more than this one, but this is still decent. Like Bonnie said, I think our childhood challenges actually did prepare us for this.

    2. love is forgiving without expressing the hurt you feel over what the one you love said or did... i do a lot of that! lol! yes love is all the things you said. this could qualify as a 'list' poem. have you ever heard of or written one before?

    3. sorry for the lame job today. I just didn't feel well and made a list of love stuff.

    4. it wasn't a lame job. most list poems are boring. this one was interesting and well done.

  3. A Single Rose of Love - Trijan RefrainEdit

    A single rose upon the plate
    you gave me that first night
    so sweet and lovely my heart did laugh
    and dance with loves pure joy.
    How could this end with love so sweet
    binding our two hearts and souls?
    How could this end?
    How could this end?
    You would be my forever love.

    A single rose upon the plate
    of silver shining oh so bright
    our twenty-fifth anniversary
    my heart still dances with our love
    my one true love forever
    until the day I die
    my one true love
    my one true love
    I’ll be forever by your side.

    A single rose upon the plate
    lies sadly in the candle light
    tears of sadness I cry now
    for a heart that must go on alone
    you are now gone from this earth
    my heart forever cries for you
    you are now gone
    you are now gone
    my single rose your love still holds.

    1. Pretty, and yes, much like a song indeed.

    2. I like the structure. It's very moving. In the first stanza you're waiting for,the other shoe to drop. What's going to go wrong? In the second you (the reader) decide that no, it's ok, this really is a love that works. Then the third is so wrenching.

  4. this is like a song. Did you have a tune going through your head while you were writing it??? If not I should sing you the one that came into my mind while reading it. It's very beautiful.

    1. tune... would love to hear what you came up with for this one.

    2. I like the form. I will have to look it up. Don't know if it's me or your poetry, but they all seem to make me feel choked up lately.

    3. And then I forgot what I wanted to say. I replied to THIS instead of the poem because I wanted to mention that you might want to think of putting this to music. I agree with Linda, it sounds like a song.

  5. Wild Shores of Love

    When lovers float
    with the breeze
    they can ignore all else.
    Please, write scores of music,
    gilded with honey,
    for the lovers dance
    enhance it all
    they need no money.

    The sky is not
    never was, the limit.
    Never asking why...
    why do you love me?
    just take me...
    my love is free.
    I know you will be faithful
    I feel it in my throbbing heart,
    my throat, my breast, my soul.
    Without you there is a hole
    in my life, like a knife.
    Come enjoy the power
    of the hour
    on the wild shores
    of Love.

    1. wonderful exciting imagery. a beautiful dance on the wild shores of love.

    2. Very fine dance, very strong expression, love it!

    3. Yes!! This is more like it!! Not that the other poem was bad, just not up to what I think of as your "usual standard."

    4. I love the part that starts with "please..." that sudden return from description to yearning is very moving.

  6. Song of Love

    When I hear you tell me
    I am beautiful even though
    I am not feeling as though I am
    I hear your song of love.

    When you thank me
    for meals I have made
    or for driving you to an appointment
    I hear your song of love.

    When we snuggle up
    and you fall asleep next to me
    breathing softly in my ear
    I hear your song of love.

    There is singing in
    the sweetness of your glance
    the soft touch of your hands
    as you rub my shoulders.

    The song I hear
    plays even in the silence
    as we sit watching the sun set
    together, holding hands.

    1. very beautiful imagery. very beautiful poem...

    2. I love this!! And my first thought was, "Damn, wish I'd thought of 'Songs of Love.'" That is a perfect interpretation.

    3. awesome write! so sweet and it flows so beautifully. love this one!

    4. Thank you, it was enjoyable to write and I am so happy you all liked it. One cannot easily judge one's own work.

  7. This one just flowed out so I must assume that it was building as I thought about the prompt. Nice prompt, nice poetry by all on the subject. We ladies know something about love I think.

  8. OK, I know this doesn't work. I've written poems like this before - narratives that don't go anywhere - and sometimes they do work, they find their own direction. Anyway, I wrote two stanzas without any sense of direction, then looked at the prompt, and let that sort of suggest a path for the rest.


    He died in a
    from Brooklyn to Soho
    on the way to an

    he had four
    varieties of drugs
    in a small valise
    but nothing in
    his system

    they were for four women
    each of whom required
    a different dose
    each of whom
    he could not do without

    as it turned out they
    could do without
    him or drugs
    one had turned to the Lord
    another had found

    peace in knitting
    and crosswords
    while two played the market
    in Dar es Salaam
    they did quite well

    1. As always, interesting story. Love the varieties of women/love.

    2. your poems always draw me into the words and the scenes and although it seems to have been written almost coldly it is very emotional.

    3. There's a wonderful book called "But Beautiful" by Geoff Dyer. He started out to write a series of biographical sketches of jazz musicians, but ended up writing a sort of series of poetic meditations. In his chapter on Chet Baker - and it's a long time since I read it, but this is an approximation - he says that Chet Baker was devoid of human feeling, and a result, the music he made had a kind of purity that could reach into the deepest feelings of the listener. I hope I'm not devoid of human feeling, but I do try to use words and images and the sound of words to find feelings, rather than to express feelings,

    4. Ah, my apologies, I had not seen yours before. I like what you are doing, Tad, keep up the good work!
