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Saturday, April 1, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 1

From Robert Lee Brewer:
"Let’s get this poeming party started.

For today’s prompt, write a reminiscing poem. In my mind, this means a poem that remembers something (a moment, a relationship, etc.). The poem could be kind of nostalgic or sharing lessons learned. But for those new to these challenges, you should know that I consider these prompts open to interpretation–so if you have another take, go for it."


  1. Okay, gotta admit I'm a bit disappointed in the first prompt. Hell, 90% of poems could be called reminiscing. But I decided I want to try to write something original every day. I likely won't succeed since I'm starting a new job this month also, but I will try. That means a lot of "bad poetry." Here's my first effort.

    Music of my youth defines me, molds me,
    holds me tight in its psychedelic grasp,
    but some days I gasp in pain, turn it off
    with a pointed click until I can breathe.

    Fighting tears that well up from deep inside
    I hyperventilate because I was
    Born To Be Wild, hitchhiked home from Texas,
    but now I wonder how I am alive.

    Are You Going to San Francisco? Yes,
    I longed to go, live in Haight Ashbury,
    but dreams of hippie life never got me
    to California, business trips did.

    I didn't understand The Circle Game,
    barely beginning the journey around.
    It is coming close to full circle now
    I cannot stand the running much longer.

    1. well this one certainly couldn't be considered bad poetry, this is awesome and filled with emotions. In fact I have decided I'm not goting to write a poem of my own. I'm stealig this one :-).

    2. Clever, clever, and as usual, up to your standard. If you have time take a look at the poem I posted in the last prompt because I think you might like it. I had intended to get one in sooner but you know how it is.

    3. "tears that well up from deep inside" is the soft spot. Otherwise, does the job.

    4. This is amazing! Filled with beautiful imagery and emotion. I enjoyed it very much.

  2. I will write a new one but today is the 8th year of my second husband's passing so I thought I would post this one I wrote yeara ago for him..

    The Gentle Tap of Your Heel

    In the night as I try to sleep
    pain and loneliness are all I feel
    in my memories dreams of you I keep
    I hear the gentle tap of your heel.

    My heart skips a beat or two
    as I remember our last dance
    how lovely we were - me and you
    your love my emotions did enhance.

    Around the floor we would dip and whirl
    your steps so precise and swift
    how I loved it when we'd spin and twirl
    from the floor my feet you'd lift.

    Now the music sounds flat and bleak
    the lonely notes echo in the dark of night
    my heart grows slowly soft and weak
    will I dance with you tonight?

    Will I meet you in my nights sleep
    it all seems so clear and real
    as in my memories dreams of you I keep
    I hear the gentle tap of your heel.

    1. This is awesome, brought tears to my eyes.

    2. Very moving, very special, hanks for sharing.

    3. Very sad indeed. I love the emotions it brought out of my soul.

  3. Once Upon a Time

    Once upon a time I dreamed of love
    and thought I'd found
    my fairy tale for real.

    Until my prince refused to grow
    while I could not remain
    the princess I had always been.

    I left that fairy tale behind
    and found a fellow adventurer
    who loved me enough

    to grow beside me. Now
    we live our fairy tale together
    making it our own reality.

    1. Funny how all of our reminiscing is about sad things. Nice poem, and I have been there too.

    2. Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. Looking forward o he next prompt.

    3. Awesome poem! I think we've all been there and loved there.

    4. such a sweet write. yes, there comes a time to leave fairy tales behind and grab onto reality which IMHO is much more exciting :-)

  4. I started to try for 30-30, but I decided I wouldn't really think about Robert Lee's prompts, I'd make my own prompts, from something I heard or read on that day. This one from a story on All Things Considered. But actually it is about relationships, as it turns out. Don't know if I'll really be able to,sustain 30-30'this way, but I'll do what I can.


    Claire's mother ran guns
    from Namibia across
    the border
    to Angola
    before Claire was born

    before she met the man
    who would take
    her to St. Paul
    a faculty wife
    who would be Claire's father

    in Bengo
    there'd been a man
    who took her to bed
    taught her about a cause

    he was arrested
    they impounded her Jeep
    she never
    saw him again

    for months afterwards
    she took Jim Beam to bed
    even when
    she came back home
    and took her degree

    1. Reminiscing, not relationships. Word-suggested did me in.

    2. Very powerful poem... and sad as well.

    3. i agree with Linda very powerful and very sad.

    4. Love the last stanza particularly. And I am with you. I will do my best but M-Th are much busier times for me. Let's see how long I last.

  5. plop plop, plop plop
    Paul had throw the first cherry
    at a little Mexican boy.
    They taught him how to play the game,
    squash them before you throw them.

    plop plop, plop plop
    I took my pilfered cherries inside,
    baked 60 little pies,
    while they riddled our white cabin
    red with squashed cherries.
    Paul's yellow shirt looked tie dyed

    When the game was over,
    I handed out my pies.
    Had to write the recipe down
    over and over, over and over
    in my meager Espan~ol
    they'd never had pie before.
    The next day, the children
    washed our cabin white, again.

    1. what a fun poem! made me smile :-)

    2. Cute!! 2nd line needs something "Paul had throw the first cherry" doesn't make sense. "had thrown" maybe or just "threw"?

    3. I took that as a typo, read it as "had thrown."

    4. The only thing I didn't really understand was "pilfered," I had gotten the impression that these cherries were growing in profusion, not that they'd been pilfered. Although I liked the word.
