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Monday, April 6, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 6 - Trapped

From Writer's Digest PAD Challenge:

When we finish today’s poem, we’ll be officially 20% of the way through this challenge. Poem by poem, we’re building up some great first drafts. So let’s keep it going!

For today’s prompt, write a trap poem. There are physical traps—like mouse traps and bear traps. But people also sometimes fall into language traps or social traps. Many competitive types in business and various games try to set traps for their competitors. Of course, for every person setting a trap, there’s likely another person trying to avoid falling into traps.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. Man Trap

    The table there.
    Shift the couch here. The chest there.
    Uh oh! I am trapped between.

    for help?
    My phone is there.
    I am wedged behind the chest.
    Wiggle and push. An inch more.

    Careful. Careful.
    Push. Slide. Grunt. Wiggle an inch.
    Suddenly there is movement.

    Looks nice.
    Sitting with pride.
    He’s home. He sees? He sits down.
    He says, “What d’ya do today?”

    1. LOL. Love it. Not at all what I expected given the title.

    2. Mary Anne Ellenburg FieldsApril 7, 2020 at 10:57 AM

      I love this and have lived it so many times!!! I used to start moving at midnight. I thought my husband might divorce me eventually! Haha

  2. trapped in a world
    where nobody cares
    candid people claim
    rights of others
    honoring no one
    trapped in a scheme
    so sour and stale
    that no on is free
    what happens now
    is up to you
    evolve, enlighten
    ... find free thought
    fight oppression
    offer peace and respite
    find liberation from
    the snares and entrapments
    of society...
    only you can claim
    the deliverance you

    1. I like all of this except maybe the beginning - "where nobody cares" is maybe too obvious. Howevver, reminds me of something a friend used to say, that maybe I'll work into a poem.

    2. I'm so glad you joined us, Linda. I have missed you here. Love the ending, and so true.


    Getting free was the easy part:
    Vos papiers. monsieur? and I
    had them, passports in seven
    different names, five different

    nationalities, and currency,
    rubles, marks, francs, pounds,
    and everyone wants dollars, so
    plenty of those. A cigarette

    boat waiting in the harbor,
    a map of the channel--shoals,
    eddies (watch for low
    hanging branches), night

    vision goggles, an Uzi, extra
    ammo, and if I didn't think
    about how I'd turned
    her in, good to go.

    1. Somehow this made the Warren Zevon song "Lawyers, Guns and Money" start circling in my head. But I don't think you perverted the prompt. I think the poem is right on.

  4. Fine fun to be had! What a tale in verse, nice! Thumbs up.

  5. Trapped

    Helplessly trapped
    means I can't do anything
    to get out of a situation.
    Or can I? Am lying to myself
    because I don't want to
    do what I need to get out
    of the trap or am in
    such a comfortable trap
    I don't want to leave it
    unless I get too uncomfortable
    and decide I'm not helpless
    after all.

    1. Yes, a comfortable trap. When I worked as a computer programmer I said I was trapped by money. I was initially going to say I'd like detail of the "situation" in the poem, but it applies to so many situations I changed my mind. It works well.

    2. I love the way it keeps turning on itself.

    3. How nice to read your positive comments. It wasa a challenging prompt.

  6. Not trapped
    in my own home
    but am free to play house
    keep my agoraphobia

    1. A cinquain! I like this form for short and pithy much better haiku, and I like the way you've used it here. Each line introduces something new.
      A lot of times someone who invents a new verse form names it after herself, but in this case the poet chose not to. Probably just as well. Her name was Adelaide Crapsey.

    2. Well, with this poem a day thing, I feel like I'm writing crapsey. LOL

    3. To write a new poem gives room to fix later or o ditch, which ever works. No worries, eh?


    “Trapped” is a predicament
    One should try hard to stay out of
    Not in.
    So I thought about it all day,
    Trapped in thinking about what
    I was thinking within.

    I’ve thought of being trapped
    and wondered...
    like miners, 33:
    Is the greatest stronghold
    From without,
    That within, holds me?

    But the more I thought,
    And considered my own
    Being trapped is strongest,
    I think, behind the face
    Given me.

    To my being, Creation’s mirth
    Gave the greatest freedom
    At birth.
    And yet, born with two hands
    It’s odd, I find, one hand trapped
    The other’s worth.

    The image of me, in my mind’s eye,
    Is multi-faceted in doubt
    And desire,
    I’m trapped by proxy,
    By limbic shades of feelings,
    By mind’s ire.

    And so, the sage told me,
    With eyes trapped, I cannot see
    Myself clearly.
    The best mask is faith
    It clears away
    To see myself dearly.

    I know this truth
    For I was given
    A clear vision
    Healed of brokenness
    Not trapped by life or shroud, .
    Freedom gained by decision.

    1. Wow. I love the imagery, esp. "limbic shades of feelings". I wish I'd recruited you to write poetry many moons ago.

    2. I love this one. Especially love the first verse, but it's witty and though-provoking all the way through.

    3. An interesting progression, Were I your editor I might cut it a bit...and I'm not, so please take my comment with a grain of salt, or pepper if you like?
