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Saturday, April 11, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 11: Control

From Writer's Digest PAD Challenge:

For today’s prompt, write a control poem. That is, write about having control, losing control, or sharing control with others. Of course, I expect at least one person to mention the control key on keyboards. And well, y’all always surprise me, because I can’t control which direction everyone is going to go with this prompt.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. Mary Anne Ellenburg-FieldsApril 11, 2020 at 6:15 AM


    Is control a state of mind
    That is never lost?
    If I refuse to take it,
    Will someone else will be boss?

    Does control give me
    Peace of mind?
    If I give it away
    Will Peace be hard to find?

    Is control what I need
    Over what I possess?
    If it takes time to manage,
    How much is less?

    Does knowledge and wisdom
    Increase my control?
    Should I embrace learning
    No matter the toll?

    Can I desire to control
    and work hard to gain?
    If I think “Yes!”
    Can I endure the pain?

    But what of that which
    I have no control?
    I shall stand under the Shadow
    Of One who controls it all!

    1. Love it. From all of our yoga chats I'd have to say you like control but are able to "go with the flow" when you need to.

    2. I enjoyed your poem. Control is a state of mind. And I hate being controlled, too.

    3. Nicely laid out thoughts well done.

  2. I can control the number
    of syllables in each line
    of my poem. Count seven.

    I make attempts to control
    content from my fingertips.
    It wanders away from me,

    takes me down those dark alleys,
    opens doors I don't want to
    unlock. Let's go to the park

    instead: outside, pleasant, air.
    Muggers lurk behind foliage
    assaulting my poetry.

    This poem was supposed to be
    about Coronavirus,
    but it got out of control.

    1. I loved the twist at the end! Fun poem!

    2. Mary Anne Ellenburg-FieldsApril 11, 2020 at 5:24 PM

      Of course...I did count 7: You are good!
      And yes, control always wanders away from me... it’s some my most frustrating moments until I realize it’s under my control to give the frustration away. My favorite: Verse 3. Diversion is a good tactic!
      Love you dear friend!

    3. I really like your metaphors, so vivid.

    4. I enjoy the challenge of syllables and word choices when piecing together a poem.

  3. behind the wheel
    I have control
    of life and death
    like a god
    snuff existence
    not just me
    but other inhabitants
    of planet earth
    with whom
    I co-exist
    quite a responsibility
    and I’ve never
    hurt another earthling
    with my car

    1. I've had that fantasy. Well told. It is SO great to have you back here.

    2. Interesting and nicely said.

    3. This is a great example of control that is not negative. The responsible thing to do is be in control of you car!

  4. Control

    Control is an illusion.
    I am not in control
    except sometimes
    of my thoughts
    and even then
    I'm liable
    to lose it.

    The illusion of control
    is just that, a fake
    fleeting feeling
    soon lost
    in the actuality:
    a universe that
    has its own way,

    1. I agree. It does certainly feel that way quite often.

    2. This is good, and soooo true. Have you ever read "The Road Less Traveled" by Dr. Scott Peck. There's a chapter on how you can't control anything, you can only control how you respond to what happens. Good book. My Bible.

  5. Remote
    control pointed
    at me. It didn’t work.
    This dream was a relief during

    Both hands waving
    nudges to the tossed ball.
    Watching. Hoping. It didn’t work.

    Alt Delete - Click.
    It might help. It might not.
    Did I save it before it froze?

    in my pocket.
    Save some. Spend some. Hide some.
    I’m stuck in the middle again.
    Save! Save!

    1. stuck in the middle again. Love it. I wondered if someone would do some different meanings of control. I didn't expect them all in one poem. LOL. Nicely done.
