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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 28: Look Back/Don't Look Back

From Writer's Digest PAD Challenge:

Here we are: The final “Two-for-Tuesday” day today. And after today, only two more prompts to go.

For today’s prompt:

  • Write a look back poem and/or…
  • Write a don’t look back poem. Because some folks just want to keep their eyes on the road ahead.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. Not
    to far
    in the recent
    past we gathered together
    without fear of the virus.

    used to
    visit our friends
    sharing space and air and time
    without fear of the virus.

    of us
    wasted chances
    to spend time with family
    before fear of the virus.

    of us
    always embraced
    activities and events
    before fear of the virus.

    wish that
    I was one of
    those who didn’t stay at home
    before fear of the virus

    we all
    stay in our homes
    until we can live safely
    without fear of the virus.

    1. The repetition works very well, like ringing a bell. And yes, I agree except that I never wished I was one who didn't stay home because they are the ones endangering others.

  2. Nice use of refrain - you build and add to its meaning with each stanza.


    sixty years
    later I could at last
    tell Hannah why
    I never called her
    after that

    party at her mother's
    house where we
    broke through being kids
    together and
    we kissed all night maybe

    second base
    even though who can
    more than not quite knowing
    what do next

    except I should call
    the next day
    ask how she was
    did she want to go out
    did she still like me

    I didn't
    call her because
    I had never called
    a girl and I did not
    know how to

    1. Love this immensely. I love the stanza breaks, giving double meaning to the last lines of each stanza.

  4. Awwww. I like this reference to the awkwardness of youth.

  5. Sad story... Hope you connected at the end.


  6. Remembering to Look

    They say
    You should never
    Look back,
    Only ahead.
    You might get
    Stuck in the past
    And forget it's
    only a memory.

    can change,
    and the past
    being gone, we
    may not remember
    what really happened.

    Better to look ahead
    it hasn't happened yet,
    so there's nothing
    to be remembered,

    and at the same time
    nothing to forget.

    1. Nice take on the prompt. I do try to look ahead but we should never ignore the past.

  7. Yesterday got away from me, so here's an old one that fits the prompt.

    March 2008

    Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away…
    memories the radio plays. I’m transported…
    Click. Silence. I can’t stand songs from my youth as I
    drive the downtown streets where I hung out. They bring back

    memories. The radio plays. I’m transported,
    roaming through Murphy’s, Grants, The Boston Store. Now ghosts
    as I drive the downtown streets where I hung out, they bring back
    this feeling, my chest sinks through my heart. I recall

    roaming through Murphy’s, Grants, The Boston Store. Now ghosts
    like false fronts, familiar, not the same, confusion,
    this feeling, my chest sinks through my heart. I recall
    those old stores to life, remove the new names, faces

    like false fronts, familiar, not the same. Confusion
    under control, I invoke my past to rise, bring
    those old stores to life, remove the new names. Faces
    appear too, ghosts unbidden, cannot get the spell

    under control. I invoke my past to rise, bring
    old lives, buried in concrete, up through the snow. They
    appear too, ghosts unbidden. Cannot get the spell
    right, to bring back the good times. I want to leave those

    old lives buried in concrete. Up through the snow, they
    shimmer, bring me back, make it home again. It’s not
    right to bring back. The good times? I want to leave those
    days that smothered me like warm snowdrifts. Memories

    shimmer, bring me back, make it home again. It’s not.
    The past gone, I live in the present. The spell breaks
    days that smothered me. Like warm snowdrifts, memories
    remain behind. It looks as though they’re here to stay.

    The past -- gone. I live in the present. The spell breaks.
    Click. Silence I can’t stand. Songs from my youth as I
    remain behind. It looks as though they’re here, to stay
    yesterday. All my troubles seemed so far away.

  8. Mary Anne Ellenburg-FieldsApril 29, 2020 at 8:11 AM

    Look Back—Don’t look back

    There’s a crossroads where now
    I see heartache in myself
    Looking back and yearning for
    A life that didn’t happen
    But yearning that it did.
    Like the Mirror or Erised
    It holds me in its trance
    Like opium holds its addicts:
    With claws of desire, pressed
    Into treasured dreams and broken promises.
    My deepest yearning is to rewind time
    And try again,
    Something that time proved
    Should have never been,
    All along.

    There’s a Crossroads where now
    I see truth in myself
    Looking forward and discerning for
    A life that yet, has happened,
    And willing to accept what unfolds.
    Like the prophecy of a sage
    With words which aspire
    To meet dreams and new promises
    My choice in yearning is don’t look back
    But try anew
    Something that time will prove
    Should have been possible
    All along.

    1. Poignant and well done. Even so, one day perhaps you will enjoy pruning it a bit to make it even stronger.
