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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Favorite Place and Time

This week's prompt is from Linda:

I want you to take your mind to your favorite place or room and put your most comfortable piece of furniture in there so you can sit down if you wish. Now, put yourself at your favorite age. Then, pick the one “thing” on earth that gave you so much pleasure that you were happy! Write a poem about this place, time and thing. And why you are happy?

Saturday, April 20, 2019

License Poem

We seemed have let the April Poem A Day prompts slide by us this month. I've chosen one of their prompts for this week, but for anyone interested, here is the blog where ALL of the prompts are listed.

Here is the one I picked for this week:

For today’s prompt, write a license poem. There are many different licenses available to people. Fishing license, driver’s license, license to plate, license to kill, and marriage license. Poem doesn’t have to be about the license, but it could mention a license, happen at a licensing office, or well, use your poetic license.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

simplify simplify - Thoreau

When Thoreau writes, "simplify, simplify" in the second paragraph, he is recommending that people do as much as possible to reduce their lives down to only the necessities. Society today tells us that nothing is ever good enough and that more is better; Thoreau is telling us to challenge those standards.

Tell us what you do to simply for your life... but to make it not too simple write it in the form of an acrostic.

An acrostic poem is a type of poetry where the first, last or other letters in a line spell out a particular word or phrase. The most common and simple form of an acrostic poem is where the first letters of each line spell out the word or phrase. Be sure to capitalize the letters defining your acrostic so we can see it... example

A juicy fruit that
Pleases the eaters
Palette with crunch. A
Luxuriant treat for
Everyone to enjoy

Saturday, April 6, 2019