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Sunday, May 26, 2019


Bonnie didn't want to offer a prompt because she did not write a poem for the last one, but I told her I am sure no one will mind, and would want to hear from her. So her prompt is:


I think we could even consider dignity and indignities, give it a bit more breadth.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Order from Chaos

This week's prompt is from Paul Fowler:

Making order from Chaos, Apparently, his life is like that and right now more than ever. (Must be those cats.) Though he does seem to thrives on chaos. Let's see what everyone comes up with.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


This week's prompt is from Tasha:

My prompt this week is to write about cats, kittens or any feline you choose. It could be an animal companion or an imaginary cat story, a cat you have known or one you ould enjoy knowing. Have fun. Tasha

Sunday, May 5, 2019


This week's prompt is from Tad (with obsessive bullets by Victoria...)

Here's a variation on a popular form, created by poet Allison Joseph. She calls it the demi-pantoum.

It consists of:

  • 4-line stanzas, 
  • rhymed ABAB. 
  • The third line of one stanza becomes the first line of the next stanza, but that's the only repetition. So it has something of the feeling of a pantoum, but it's a little looser. 
  • The first line of the poem is used somewhere in the final stanza. 
So that's this week's challenge. Write a demi-pantoum.

If anyone needs an example, Tad will send one.