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Thursday, April 2, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 1 - A New Word

From Writer's Digest PAD Challenge

Today is the first day of the 2020 April Poem-A-Day Challenge! Each day, I’ll provide a poetry prompt and a poem to get things started. You can secretly poem along at home, or you can share your poem in the comments below.

For today’s prompt, write a new world poem. There are new worlds and there are new worlds. You could write a poem about discovery of an actual planet. Or maybe your new world is actually a state of mind—or a series of books! In a way, I consider each new challenge a bit of a new world. Let’s explore this one together.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. Coronavirus bound

    I lash out at my house
    with spring cleaning force
    cobwebbed corners
    into shelves
    ceiling behind under

    disgusted with stink
    bugs found amid
    boxes of Magic cards
    that have not moved
    for many years

    I ask Karl what
    he wants me
    to do with the boxes
    I don’t care. I’ll be
    dead in six months

    he says starts
    up his video game
    I place the boxes
    back stacked along
    the far wall.

  2. A new World

    The dawn begins with night.
    It cannot brighten without
    beginning in darkness.
    nor end without brightness.

    A new world dawns each day.
    dawns as the sun rises,
    whether visibly or invisibly
    behind the looming clouds.

    Light dawns on a new world,
    whether we perceive it
    or not, on a world we have
    never seen before this day.

    1. I love the "dawn" in the first line of each stanza. It means different things in the first 2. Wish you'd've done one with something "dawning" on you too. LOL.

    2. Interesting comment, and a good idea. I will definitely give that some thought.

  3. New world, old world.
    All around,people catch the COVID
    Some don't notice.
    Some wheeze, some die.
    Christians, Muslems, Jews, Hindu, Bhuddists, Athiests.
    Same death, sort of...
    Some die in hospitals,oxygenated, intubated, immobilized, or in morphined commas.
    Some suffer & die in huts. Tents.
    Refugee camps, surrounded by loved ones they are infecting.
    No doctors. No beds.
    No oxygen. No morphine.
    New world. Old world.
    We're all in this together.
    Sort of....
