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Friday, April 3, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 3 - Follow [blank]

From Writer's Digest Poem a Day Challenge.

For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Follow (blank),” replace the blank with a new word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles include: “Follow the Leader,” “Follow Me on Twitter,” “Follow Your Heart,” and/or “Follow the Light.” So many things to follow or not.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. FOLLOW not those who refuse to obey!
    For the laws of the land
    guided by God’s hand,
    Far surpass nature
    Which only nurtures
    Until reality of need!

    FOLLOW the footsteps of He who is light
    Front, back, and side health
    of thine own self,
    Who delivers with word
    from voice of scourge,
    To prolong days in harmony.

    FOLLOW not those who lead by heart,
    For the heart can be
    quick to deceive.
    By stored-up treasures
    it measures,
    The distance to eternity.

    FOLLOW in love He who leads by love
    For He hears His own
    When they bemoan
    A lack of fidelity
    To life’s vanities,
    And gives to life wealth... instead.

    1. I love the internal rhyme, and it reads really well with beat too, but then you are a musician. You could even turn this into a song! You are certainly a multi-talented woman.

    2. A very nice poem of faith, with some subtle distinctions.

  2. Following

    I follow rules.
    It feels strange
    never having been
    the rule follower type.
    I carry on,

    stay at home.
    Never having been
    one expected to die,
    it's difficult
    to take care.

    I find myself scared
    as I never was when
    I read dystopian
    books. Heroes
    always survive.

    This is reality,
    not a novel.
    I am old,
    likely to die if
    the virus catches me.

    So I follow
    rules instead
    of fighting for freedom.
    Freedom kills you, me.
    I stay inside.

  3. Follow. Fiddle.
    A fern uncurls
    An arc of viral dust unfurls
    We speak and spit
    We stretch and touch
    The unconscious connection
    That risks so much.
    Follow. Fiddle.
    Foil the germ.
    Live on to end
    The despot's term.


    1. Neatly put, nicely done and well said.

    2. Nice to see you out here after many moons. Very descriptive of how this virus spreads.

  4. Follow the Rainbow

    Follow the way to the rainbow's end,
    perhaps you will find a pot of gold,
    at the very least you'll have some fun
    and you'll never, but never grow old.

    1. Nice to see you back. Very whimsical. Unfortunately, it's far too late for us to never grow old. LOL A great change from all the depressing shit I've been writing. Thanks for posting.

    2. Suit yourself, my friend. I consider myself ageless. Perhaps because I do try to follow the fun best I can.Comments much appreciated.

  5. Follow Your Thoughts

    Like the first dot
    to follow to the next one
    leading the way to a thought.

    Fanning the thoughts
    Into form and interest.
    And weeds out disinterest.

    Expressing words
    from the ideas and pictures.
    Leading the thoughts down the path.

    Gathered ideas.
    Created. Written. Exposed.
    Fan the spark. Follow your thoughts!

    1. I love this! At first I wasn't sure where "Follow" came in. Works marvelously. And very much how I write my daily poem. I read the prompt first thing in the morning and let the pictures form for a while before I attempt to write.
