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Saturday, April 4, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 4 - A Wish Poem

From Writer's Digest Poem a Day Challenge:

For today’s prompt, write a wish poem. The poem could be about making a wish or granting a wish. It could focus on the fallout from a wish granted or denied. Or think up a wishful scene to share in your poem.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. A Wish Poem

    A “Wish Poem” you ask, from wit?
    I wonder, what wish-rhyme would fit?
    Health? Wealth? Others? Myself?
    Love? Laughter? Joy everafter?
    Family? Friends? Fame that commends?

    A “Wish” poem I say: Rhyme give reason!
    I revel as wit becomes wisdom!!
    Speak! Live! Create! Give!
    Work! Energy! Power in synergy!
    My only Wish... Faith that transcends!

    1. You really do have a natural knack for internal rhyme. You should be a rapper! I like this one a lot.

    2. I like the energy in this poem!

    3. Perhaps strangely, this poem seems to have a Shakespearean cadence.I could see it being proclaimed from a stage by someone in costume.It reads well.

  2. Wishes

    To have this time over,
    hold my grandchildren,
    yet keep the good,
    quiet time,
    pausing to see the stars.

    My studio closed,
    death possible.
    For me too.
    I take online classes.
    Zoom commune with friends.

    Karl and I walk
    up the hill,
    down the road with no cars.
    When life reopens
    cars will come back.

    orchestras play online
    together apart.
    We watch for free
    these dark days.

    I want my old life back
    but appreciate
    the rare moments
    given me,
    wish to keep them also.

    1. Hugs to you and Karl. Moving poem!

    2. Hugs to you and Karl. Moving poem!

    3. Truth in those treasured moments.

    4. You and I are lucky to have a companion during this time. A very poignant poem, and I can also say my sentiments exactly.

  3. Quarantime Wishes Granted

    I wish I had time. I would go through my clothes and toss or donate them.
    I wish I had time. I would go through my books and old papers, and toss or preserve them.
    I wish I had time. I would finally learn how to knit, because I can crochet but can’t knit.
    I wish I had time. I would read ALL of the books written by my fathers, because I haven’t.
    I wish I had time. I would exercise in a way that works for me, so I can be happy and healthy.
    I wish I had time. I would learn ASL and Spanish and French.
    I wish I had time. I would sketch more. I would love to be able to capture random moments and thoughts in a simple sketch.
    I wish I had time. I would sort my thousands of photos. I hear there is a gadget for that.
    I wish I had time. I would pay more attention to geography. Its embarrassing and lazy not to know where places are.
    I wish I had time. I would start writing that book. I have been told that a page a day is 365 pages at the end of the year.

    1. You know it's really strange now that I have time,being retired,there doesn't seem to be Anything I M desperate to do. And now I can't do anything but stay home I can barely tear myself away from the sad news updates.

    2. Love this. And I had to laugh at the geography line. I am exactly the same.

    3. Me too, me too! Only my choices might differ yet the sentiment is idenical.

  4. Ideally like the poem. Made me think about time.

  5. I'm out of fudge swirl,
    keylime, vanilla,
    out of bread. Plenty
    of beans, rice, oatmeal
    and powdered milk though
    and lots of odd items, frozen, canned, root cellared.
    These will do.
    The wish for a flashy menu
    cancelled out by a wish
    to live, to see
    how this story ends,
    To know what happens next!

    1. Omg. So true. I have never wanted more take out meals in my life but responsibly and gratefully accept the meals I have.

    2. Yes, in the same boat so to speak. Stocked up and ready to not go anywhere for a month. Except oatmeal. I hate oatmeal. LOL

    3. Ahd I agree and second the motion to remain in place because nothing is worth risking illness for.

  6. A Wish is a Wonderful Thing

    How wonderful are wishes,
    yet I need to caution you
    to take good care when wishing
    for in case your wish comes true
    there may be unanticipated,
    consequences too.

    Be sure that you give thanks
    for whatever it is you get,
    and if it is unexpected,
    perhaps an unknown need is met.

    1. Yes, yes, yes. I have always repeated the old adage, Watch what you ask for, you may get it.

    2. As they say, "Ain't it the truth?" There is a folk tale about a man who wished for a horse and described it exactly except he omitted the tail. Needless to say he got laughed out of town.

  7. Replies
    1. thanks for your comment.I always appreciate them.
