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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Day 7

For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Urban (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles include: “Urban Cowboy,” “Urban Warfare,” “Urban Daydreams,” “Urban Living,” and so on.

Robert Lee Brewer's original post.


  1. I discovered limited HTML works in this box so I am trying it out because otherwise it's impossible to format a cleave poem. It won't do tables, centering or fonts, so I'm even trying to "space" it properly isn't working. I hope it works because otherwise it will be too difficult to read. If you aren't familiar with the cleave form, read each column first, then read across the columns to make entire rows of the three columns of text. This is, btw, the first time I have tried a 3 column cleave. I usually do 2 column ones.

    Urban, Suburban, Rural
                I have lived - in urban apartments  - in rural acres
    in suburban tract houses -    so many people    - where I lived
           where my children -     face dangers     - like cows
                    were not -  living in streets   - mountains, rivers
     afraid to cross streets -   there is culture   - beautiful landscapes
                   neighbors - poetry music theater - rednecks
              Stepford wives -   so much going on   - nothing going on sometimes
          where I have lived -       the city       - is the best

    1. Damn, he formatting is still bad. Please try to read the first "column", second column then third, then read across the line. Sigh...

    2. got it! excellent poem! It took several times to get the gist of the format but I got it and it was great. I loved the imagery.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Really well done! Descriptive, visual and also a point in each dimension!

    5. you nailed it! this form is so hard to write and you got it perfectly. each poem read wonderfully separately and as a single poem and all were very visual and easy to picture

  2. Well I like the Urban prompt - so here's mine:

    Urban Quiet

    When the traffic thins
    and finally stops

    When the street vendors
    put away their carts

    When the road crews pack up,
    leaving the DANGER signs in place

    When the stores close their doors,
    pull security grates in place

    When the cleaners leave the offices,
    their night’s work finished

    And the pigeons and the rats
    have devoured the best rubbish

    And the bouncers have
    cleared the drunks from the clubs

    There is one brief moment
    of stunning silence

    Before the trash trucks roll out
    from the Public Works yard

    Before the day shift workers
    enter the subways

    Before commerce and industry
    devour the human spirit

    Before the promise of a brand new day
    is broken

    The City is alive
    with endless possibility.

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington

    1. I love the idea of that one brief moment of stunning silence between the noises of the city.

    2. great stuff Priscilla! I like the City is Alive , with endless possibility...

    3. I know whereof you speak and it is maigcal.

    4. I lived in Philadelphia for three years. This is perfectly descriptive of an aspect of the urban not usually thought about. That strange beauty of the city momentarily at rest.. Thanks so much for reminding me of it!

    5. you took me back to NYC! where the city is always alive and it vibrates through you making everything more exciting. love it!

  3. The Urban Lawman by Linda Rivas Bole

    The urban lawman
    thinks he's a state boy
    he wants to play SS
    he thinks he's tough
    he thinks he's rough
    he wants to make a bust
    he eats raw eggs for breakfast
    and steroids he pumps for lunch
    doughnuts make his supper
    that's how he keeps his paunch
    he needs that paunch
    to push around
    the little guy with a joint
    he throws him on the ground
    and knocks him all around
    cause the urban lawman
    likes to play SS

    1. I like what you say here - and I really like HOW you say it! Your meter is spot on!

      And I'm Priscilla - none of the options work for me so I have to post as Anonymous!

    2. yep you did what you did best with this one... the internal rhyme that brings life to the words. well done.

  4. Love it!! I love the internal rhyme and great imagery.

  5. The Urban Shaman

    The Urban Shaman wields the forces of light
    he rides the city byways each and every night,
    keeping the forces of darkness at bay
    shielding the weak upon whom they'd prey.

    The urban shaman is a mighty force
    riding upon his magical horse.

    Paroling the streets of the night time city
    he eradicates evil and strikes without pity
    protecting the weak and reinforcing the strong
    He sings a mighty and powerful song.

    I'm the urban shaman and I'll do what is right
    to keep the city's people safe at night.

    He sings and he rides and he wields the light
    his heart is strong and his eyes are bright
    his magic is made of a marvelous intent
    to defend and protect those to whom he is sent.

    Singing I'm the urban shaman and I'll ride evil down
    I'll clean up the streets and safeguard the town.

    1. Great narrative poem. I love the whole idea of the "urban shaman."

    2. Seems like a song! Maybe the good policeman song bringing peace and "marvelous intent" We need some of these....

    3. i agree that this flows like a song. interesting concept and well written.

  6. The magic
    Old golden ceilings
    You beside me
    reminiscent of a day gone by

    The city Embraces us
    a large playground
    Fountains, Towers
    And tops of a mysterious elixir

    Reaching for bottles and stools I never thought I would
    An impossible hand guiding me home

    1. I imagine the mysterious elixir spouting from the fountain. You really are great with imagery.

    2. I imagine the mysterious elixir spouting from the fountain. You really are great with imagery.

    3. i have to agree with Victoria. you are great with imagery and it is somehow magical in this one.

  7. Part time Urban

    I like the idea of cities,
    walkup neighborhoods, museums, coffee shops
    the mix of culture and habit
    I need busy and humming sometimes
    bumping up against the world
    in a subway or a pub
    More often though I like quiet
    equilibrium, siting in a swing
    on a porch listening to rain fall
    I like the bright lights,
    then I like going home
    walking in the quiet dark

    1. yep! me too and you made this poem come to life as the scenes burst around me with each verse

  8. Urban Music

    The streets come alive with the rhythm
    of the drums as hands clap and fingers
    snap as feet dance in unison to the music
    and the night comes alive with electricity.

    People stop and listen and find themselves
    pulled into the sounds that fill their
    hearts and souls with a longing they
    can't and will never understand.

    In the apartment above the street
    people turn off their tv's and
    open their windows to the heat
    of the night to listen to the beats of the street.

    The night is alive and sings to them
    but too soon it ends as daylight approaches
    and real life sets in as they get ready
    for work anticipating tonight's reawakening.
