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Monday, April 25, 2016

Day 25

For today’s prompt, write an exercise poem. The poem could be about a specific exercise, or it could just incorporate exercising into the poem. Or it could be dedicated to a piece of exercise equipment–so an ode to an elliptical machine or those hand grippers or something. Of course, not every exercise is physical; there are military exercises, mental exercises, and so on.

Robert Lee Brewer's original post


  1. Floundering,
    Darkness covering a cold,
    Dejected body.
    Shrouds of black lick bare skin.
    Would it be easier--
    Laying on cold dirt,
    Lifeless and weightless
    Than to exercise a will to live?
    Getting stronger,
    Colors show again,
    Happiness comes back
    A runner's high
    Because you didn't die

    1. again you have a wonderful ability to use imagery in your poems. it flows nicely without feeling forced. i especially like the line shrouds of black lick bare skin.

    2. Yes, I agree with my sister. I always enjoy your imagery. Nice poem.

  2. Hello, after a spell, I'm back.

    Planting - the spring exercise

    Position the shovel.
    Place your full weight
    on the shovel by standing
    on its top rim so the shovel
    sinks into the earth.
    Rock the shovel back and
    forth to loosen the earth.
    Leverage it down and swing up
    this small load of earth
    out of a brand new hole.
    Empty the shovel to the side
    Do over. Do over. Do over. Do over.
    Remove the container and wrappings
    from the plant and set it in the hole.
    With a trowel ease the dirt around the plant.
    Gently tamp with a thumb or a toe.
    Keep filling in with rich loose earth.
    Water liberally.

    1. ah! it may sound boring but planting flowers and veggies etc is more than an exercise for the body but one that raises your spirits as you are part of creating life.

    2. Learning to grow things is on my very short bucket list. I'm okay with repetitive things. Maybe I can actually do it.

    3. Nice poem. I miss my garden.

  3. Is it an exercise of futility
    to argue with one who has no ability
    to find a place of tranquility
    discuss differences with civility?

    1. LOL. I did not read anyone else's poems before I posted mine. Same subject but yours is so much better! Has potential for a good rap.

  4. Well, this was a surprise!

    Exercise Poem

    The Internets are filled with vitriol today.
    It’s political season again – or still.
    So little considered criticism,
    so little polite discourse –
    it’s mostly ranting, disparaging one
    or some other candidate or those
    who support one candidate or another.
    The name-calling is rarely creative,
    mostly just mean-spirited.
    I want to respond, I want to provide
    some model of enlightenment’
    to raise the level of discourse.
    My experiences proves this
    a futile dream. I must exercise
    restraint, resist the urge to cast
    pearls before swine.

    The election is still a half year away;
    at the rate I’m exercising I should
    lose at least twenty pounds by then.

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington

    1. Damn, I wish exercising restraint really burned calories. I would love to love 20 lbs. before election day!!!

  5. Hate to cop out with a senryu, but I wouldn't feel right until I got this done, and I wouldn't feel right if I didn't work on lesson plans for tonight.

    arguing with Trump
    supporters an exercise
    in futility

  6. A bit of truthful humor.


    I used to hate to exercise
    I'd rather read or write
    However, sadly I surmise
    that if I do not exercise,
    my pants will get too tight.
    Tasha halpert
