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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Day 10

For today’s prompt, pick an emotion, make it the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles might include: “Happy,” “Sad,” “Angry,” or well, there’s a universe of emotions out there. Here’s a list of some possibilities.

Robert Lee Brewer's Original Post.


  1. (a mostly found poem)

    not hate, is the true opposite of love.
    hate takes strong feelings. indifference is

    aloof unemotional diffident
    uncommunicative superior

    dispassionate impartial nonchalant
    apathetic nonpartisan detached

    supercilious stoical unmoved
    disinterested distant unimpressed

    impervious inattentive neutral
    equitable uncaring unconcerned

    unresponsive unsympathetic cool
    haughty heartless uninvolved passionless

    objective scornful silent
    unprejudiced blasé heedless

    unaroused unbiased highbrow listless
    regardless callous unsocial cold

    1. I forgot to mention how this "poem" came about. I decided to write a poem basically expressing what the title and first two lines do. Do I went to and typed in "indifference." The results were so poetic I decided to use them, only rearranging the words for syllable count and impact.

    2. I remember being told at a young age, probably even earlier than high school, that hate was not the opposite of love - that hate is another form of passionate caring - and that indifference was truly the opposite of love. I know this is true - and yet, I think believing it kept me in a marriage longer than I should have remained: I reasoned that feeling that much hate "proved" I still love him! What I think I have learned is that there's no logic involved in emotion, no matter how hard we try!

    3. o true and I wouldn't have thought of this before. which is why when describing some relationships they are defined as love/hate - two intense emotions but not really opposite... yes indifference fits much better.

  2. Interesting emotion to pick, I wouldn't have thought of it as an emotion, but yet, I suppose...

  3. Love

    Love is a many splendored thing,
    or a little kid that's on the wing
    or else a sweet romantic fling,
    and yet, my love is
    that which I live to give
    and give to live.

    Love is the very song I sing
    love is for sure my everything,
    and I am sure of just one thing
    to those I love, that love I bring
    and give to all most heartily
    is freely given joyfully.

    1. Your poems keep making me want to follow with Beatles songs, "All you need is love! Love is all you need."

    2. This is beautiful - both in content and in style! Thank you.

    3. what the world needs now is love sweet love... very sweet poem

  4. Peace

    stylized propaganda,
    be with you.

    much more,
    a brother.
    no lamb slain,
    ideas free.

    1. LOL. Tasha said she didn't think of indifference as an emotion. I thought the same thing with Peace. I guess it's actually "indifferent" and "peaceful" that are the emotions but hell, we're poets and along with that goes a poetic license. LOL

    2. Right on! I have a guaranteed for life poetic license, how about you?

    3. I have often heard people describe feeling at peace and this poem takes you there quite wonderfully

  5. I could have sworn I posted this yesterday:

  6. Well, let me try AGAIN! Another emotion is beginning to well up in me - directed against the technology of course!

    Facts are solid.
    unlike emotions –
    lurking, welling up
    at odd moments
    causing chaos
    for the unprepared.

    Facts are definable.
    A father is a male parent.
    Definable –
    You can see him coming home
    after work, hat pushed back,
    smiling when he sees you.

    Emotions spill
    all over the place,
    all mixed together.

    Facts are protection
    from pain and grief.
    He fell the flight of stairs,
    concussion, long coma,
    death from pneumonia.
    A common occurrence,
    you can research it online.

    Emotions trip you up
    when you’re least prepared.
    Get in the car, remember
    to adjust the rearview mirror,
    suddenly you remember
    his teaching you to drive
    and tears well up, spill over
    before you can stop them.

    Emotions linger
    in the smell of Old Spice,
    taste of homemade pancakes,
    grandsons’ shared memory
    of walks in the woods.

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington

    1. wow! this certainly filled me with a lot of different emotions as I read.. wonderful!

  7. Hopeful Signs

    Peek out of the cloud
    eyes right, eyes left
    sniff the air for clues
    If I begin, when I begin
    what to do.
    The paperwork is mostly done
    a mountain of it
    and now hope like
    clarity beginning to form
    as the clouds part a little
    the rain lets up
    a few green shoots emerge

  8. Annoyed!

    When this topic posted I thought I'd try
    to write about happiness or love or joy
    but all I wanted to do was yell and cry
    I felt so angry and annoyed!

    A nurse walked in on my in bathroom
    said she wanted to see if I was okay
    and she continued to fill my time with gloom
    as she annoyed me throughout the day!

    Gave me a bath I didn't want - I can do it alone
    gave me instructions on getting back into bed
    moved the table so I couldn't reach my phone
    yes all day she continued to mess with my head!

    got my IV tube tangled in the cord in the wall
    so I was tangled and prisoner until I got it undone
    I swear she stood outside my door in the hall
    a sick and weird form of fun!

    When my dinner arrived I looked out the door
    to make sure she was nowhere in sight
    went to the sink to wash my hands once more
    turned around and my dinner she'd opened that night.

    When they came in to take my blood pressure
    I wasn't surprised to see 180 on the screen
    this woman really needs a refresher
    course on how not to be stupid and mean!
