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Friday, April 22, 2016

Day 22

For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Star (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write the poem. Possible titles include: “Star-struck,” “Star Man,” “Star Wars Prequels Aren’t Star Wars Movies,” “Starter Set,” “Stark Raving Mad,” and so on. Remember: I’m totally fine with prompts that get bent a bit 

Robert Lee Brewer's original post


  1. It was a star filled night
    we were park by Presque Isle
    we'd been necking for awhile
    when we saw it
    hovering out about the lake
    it glowed in the night
    it gave us a fright
    there were no cell phones back then
    we couldn't take a photo of it when
    it hovered close enough to know
    we were looking at a UFO!

    1. I remember you telling me how quickly you and Rich hightailed it out of there scared out of your wits :-)

    2. LOL. Yup, these days you could have pulled out your cell phone and snapped a pic!

    a ghazal

    When I grow up I want to be a movie star!
    Bonnie said I may as well wish upon a star.

    I will also sing and dance, learn to play guitar.
    I told Bonnie that I would wish upon a star.

    She said that I was silly, sillier by far
    than any other person who wished upon a star.

    I’ll show you, she said, I’ll wish for a candy bar,
    And then she closed her eyes and wished upon a star.

    I reached inside my drawer where all my secrets are
    gave her my Kit Kat she wished for upon a star.

    She grinned, and exclaimed, Maybe you’re not so bizarre
    And I went off to make my wish upon a star.

    1. lmbo! love it! when you wish upon a star makes no difference who you are....

    2. Got my chuckle for the day. Loved it!!! lmbo!!!

  3. Star Gazer

    Too often I find myself missing the beach
    as the stars appear in the night sky
    just inches from my arms reach

    my heart at peace filled with a gentle sigh
    the waves lap gently to the shore
    as the night blankets me from on high

    there is nothing I could ask for
    as I am trapped with no lake or bay
    front right outside my front door

    no thoughts or words could I say
    no entity could I beseech
    to make a perfect night or day

    just inches from my arms reach
    too often I find myself missing the beach

  4. I was missing the bay the other day, wanting a house that overlooked it. Then I remember Erie winters. BTW, the store/apts where the Sihtos lived and Oliver had his first store is for sale.

    1. What a feeling of nostalgia that one gave me. beautiful villanelle!!

  5. Stardust

    We are all stardust
    so physicists explain,
    which makes us
    all related – Mitakuye oyasin
    the Lakota people say.

    The Lakota have always
    known this without
    telescopes or space probes.
    Perhaps their Ancestors
    told them this was true.

    Today some aspire
    to the stars, dream
    of living on another planet
    in some other galaxy.
    Others aspire to be stars,
    to see their names in lights,
    five-pointed symbols
    on dressing room doors.

    Yet, one way or another
    we are all stardust.

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington

  6. Conditions for Constancy
    Human beings
    require a certain
    stability. Therefore
    it would be best
    if the constellations
    held steady
    not wobbling about
    shooting off into
    another paradigm
    skipping into another multiverse
    or tripping over
    subtle event horizons
    lurking at every bend
    of light waving or
    every twist of history's
    winking twinkling. Yes
    to remain would be best
    so always use
    starch when laundering
    an inhabited universe.
