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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day 6

For today’s prompt, write an ekphrastic poem. An ekphrastic poem is a poem inspired by art. You can pick your own favorite piece of art if you wish. Or you can use one of the examples [provided in Robert Lee Brewer's original post.]


  1. Painting a life

    Unfinished for decades,
    a women in jeans sits in a chair
    naturally with a black cat on the sill nearby.
    Behind her through big windows are
    the city and the sea, with a path to each.
    On her right a guitar in a stand,
    on her left a table full of writings.
    She sits in the chair
    faceless, eyes cast down
    uncertain, even as the painter is not certain
    how this will play out, what happens next.

    To view with the painting:

    1. Wow! First to post today. Now THIS is ekphrastic poetry, using your OWN painting. And the poem stands on its own too.

    2. I could see the painting in my mind. I could picture the girl and her windows and her guitar and her writings. Perhaps she will write a poem next in her painted life...good job!!

    3. how can i even try this after reading this one! all I can say is totally awesome

  2. pale face,
    creation sobs
    pale face echos.
    kaleidoscopic world
    spiraling towards the void.

    ( based off the scream)

    1. I can picture the image in your words.

    2. Love the painting and the poem! Speaks right to the painting.

  3. Salvador Dali's
    last supper
    looks like a space ship
    entering the clouds
    From inside the space ship
    Jesus sits at the controls
    he guides the ship all through
    the universe
    spreading peace and joy
    When he was a boy
    he performed miracles
    He grew to be a man
    I want to hold his hand
    while he suffers on the cross
    I feel like he is my own son
    hanging there bloody, and I cry...

    1. You're right! It DOES look like a space ship. I never noticed that before!!

    2. I am going to have to search that one out and take a look. The poem makes me really curious about it! I like how you bring it into the real world of caring.

    3. I agree you did bring it into the real world and it was easy to visualize even without seeing the picture

  4. I did as I threatened on FB, I wrote a poem inspired by martial arts. LOL.

    Watching William Perform His Bo Staff Form

    Gawky nerd, a bit pudgy, he bounds
    through life laughing looks like he would trip
    over his feet should he attempt dance.

    But when William takes up his bo staff
    grace pours out of him. His arms extend,
    work the staff, the moves, reach for the stars.

    His bo staff spins, blocks, strikes, whips, whizzes
    so fast my camera can’t catch it
    Air shivers with martial arts power.

    1. It's like this gawky boy is transformed by picking up the bo stick. Going to have to google that one too. "Air shivers with martial arts power." Gotta get some of that stuff!

    2. I felt as if I were there watching the transformation and it was awesome! as is the poem.

  5. Earnest faces
    limned with painted light
    crowning scenes that hunker into shadows.

    master of light and shadow
    inspires this memory of the Hermitage.

    A room of Rembrandts
    illuminate this Russian museum
    hypnotizing me with their ageless excellence.

    1. Rembrandt faces do seem to glow! Inner light painted on somehow always surrounded by shadow. "limned" & "hunker" great word choices!

    2. Yes, loved "limned". Which picture was this?

    3. All of them! I was in the Russian museum in room with 6 Rembrandts and I was enchanted. I'll never forget it.

    4. wow! this is beautifully written and easy to visualize

  6. OK, here's my ekphrastic poem.

    Madonna, with Child

    We know they are holy:
    golden halo encircles this tableau.
    Baby – naked save for a piece
    of cloth, not clothing,
    not blanket, just something red
    perhaps code portending
    blood sacrifice.
    Mother’s Mona Lisa smile
    evades our speculation
    about her thoughts, her dreams.
    The child is large, chubby,
    probably a toddler
    in today’s parlance.
    He seems firmly attached
    to her exposed breast,
    eyes searching her face.
    Viewers genuflect, cross
    themselves as they gaze.

    On a bench in the gallery
    a young mother sits,
    holds her infant close.
    As she shifts him to the other
    side, museum guards converge.
    Breastfeeding is not allowed here!

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington

    1. wow! the reality brought in at the end shows the hypocrisy of what we accept in a painting done in ancient times verses what the public will accept in today's world.

  7. You wonder what she thinks
    sad contemplative look on her face
    are her hopes in the jar from which she drinks?

    soft and lovely full of grace
    sadly lost in her lonely world
    what dreams does she chase?

    Did her life become unfurled
    as the space around her shrinks
    hair softly around her face curled

    are her hopes in the jar from which she drinks?
    you wonder what she thinks.
