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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 4

From Robert Lee Brewer:

Today is our first Tuesday of the month. If this is your first poem-a-day rodeo, then I have a special treat for you today, because I do Two-for-Tuesday prompts for these challenges. You can write to one prompt; write to the other; or try to do both. Totally up to you.  

Here are the two prompts for today: 

  • Write a beginning poem. And, of course, when something begins, it often signals something else ending. Soooo, the other prompt is to… 
  • Write an ending poem. Poem about something ending.


  1. This one combines both... beginning and ending

    The world ended when time began
    spun away out of control
    nothing to hold the masses in place
    only ghosts of what once had been.

    Dreams and nightmares merge as one
    darkness and light battled for space
    voiced silenced - no cries were heard
    tears streamed from haunted vacant eyes.

    A million hands raised in the vacuum
    found only a zone of whispered thoughts
    words that echoed in the void
    frightened those who still could hear.

    Now there is only gloom and death
    not a wish or dream remained behind
    the cursed and blessed all learned the truth
    the world ended when time began.

    1. By the time I was done reading this, I was imagining it in the voice of the guy who does the spoken word opening for Moody Blues "Days of Future Past." Love the last line in particular.

    2. This gave me the chills. It is excellent poetry especially on the fourth day. You have out done yourself. Totally awesome!!!! With this stomach ache, I'm having a hard time thinking. I shouldn't complain knowing what you're going through. This one belongs in a book!!!

    3. Sweet, as a friend of mine would say, and cogent! Fun to read out loud dramatically.

  2. and btw... i caught up with my comments on yesterday's poems.

  3. I was really tempted to use an old one for today. I have several on this theme. In fact I think he did a similar one last year. But I had time to write and know this is more of a "journal entry with short lines" than a poem, but hey, I'm writing!!!

    Before my walk up the mountain road
    I argue inside my head. Don't want to,
    so hard to start, but I begin, feel
    the breeze, smell the earth, hear the birdsong.
    One foot, then the other, step over
    breeches in broken road. Rain creates
    small rivers I navigate, step up
    to a smooth part. My lungs heave for air
    far too quickly but I reach the top,
    where I argue again. Turn around
    now? I look down the steep other side
    where the hunting lodge lies in hiding,
    the halfway point still down the mountain.
    Should I commit? I want to quit but
    all the way to the end always wins.

    1. I know that struggle. When I used to exercise with mom. Some days it was just too early to be up let alone walking that tread mill. and riding that bike. Then Destiny would come over about 12:00 and we'd go to the club and work out some more. It was a real push sometimes. I just wanted to sit on a machine and drink Gatorade and read a book. lol

    2. what a climb! i could barely breathe by the time we reached the top. i could feel your pain :-)

    3. Love how vividly you create the reality of what you did. I had the same experience once walking with y daughter in Italy and wow, it was like that!

  4. In the beginning
    there was coffee
    and maybe a little bird
    sitting on the window sill
    some people
    smoke a cigarette
    I think they stink
    hit on their pipe
    I can't
    Nazi doctor said, no no
    The beginning of a new day
    the sun's not shining
    looks like it might rain
    at least
    it's warm outside
    I like warm rain
    and there are those
    who think I'm insane
    it's no worse than
    a shower
    there are those
    who do that before coffee
    that's ungodly
    in my opinion
    days must begin
    if not, there would be

    It had to end
    I saw it coming
    the signs were there
    the daily/ nightly fights
    the constant discord
    the name calling
    a rotten marriage
    in the making
    It went on this way
    for months
    maybe as much as a year
    so he found someone else
    someone pleasant and helpful
    Soooo, Why are you blaming

    1. Love the images in the first one. Very vivid imagery!! Love the first lines too.

    2. love the top half and the coffee being the beginning. the in the end is a bit confusing but still a good write.

  5. A beginning and an end. Yes, I expect that's the poing. Nice.

  6. Mobius Mobile

    There is no end without a beginning
    And no beginning without an end.

    When the end comes, it is only
    to make room for the beginning to begin

    and when the beginning begins
    it also contains the end.

    The ourobouos bites its tail,
    And the tale of the ourobouros

    Is a cosmic lemniscate is a mobius strip
    without a beginning or an end

    and the seamless whole is the yin/yang
    All that illuminates the path of life.

    1. I love mobius strips!!! Once again, I wish I had thought of that! It would have made a great poem. It DID make a great poem for you! LOL
