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Sunday, April 16, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 16

From Robert Lee Brewer:

If we were running uphill for the first half of the challenge, we’d be running downhill from here on out. I know writing is a different process, but yeah, we’re getting through this month. Let’s keep it going!

For today’s prompt, take the phrase “(blank) System,” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles could include: “Weather System,” “Solar System,” “Writing System,” “Ecological System,” or any number of other takes on systems.


  1. Life’s Septic System

    Some of the waste sinks to the bottom
    Where the bottom feeders clean them out
    Eat them to make room for more scum
    To slowly sink and become part of the muc

    Yet some of it floats like algae and pond scum
    Where bugs and frogs and toads feed on them
    As fresh water pours in they are washed away
    Never to be seen or heard from again

    Sludge will always exist as humans muck up
    their lives and the lives of others
    As they leave behind all the waste in the form
    Of broken hearts that can never be washed away.

    1. Oooh, gross. This is good, but a very, very disgusting thought. LOL.

    2. I loved the way you compared an ecosystem in a pond to the wasted lives and broken hearts that people leave behind...well written.

  2. Beat the System
    a ghazal

    The drum beat thrums as the drummers do play.
    Games or music? Both discordant to play.

    The harder you work, the more life you lose.
    Climbing the ladder means games that you play.

    If you can fight your way to the top, you
    find there are rules by which very few play.

    I quit, because I can't beat the system
    when I never really wanted to play.

    1. first this is well written and it has a great rhythm from beginning to end.. and yes,I agree... the hard workers lose while those who know how to play the system reap the rewards

    2. I agree with Bonnie, this is well written.

  3. Ecosystem

    I breathe the air around me
    absorb the rays of the sun
    eat the food that either comes
    out of the ground,
    or lives off the plants.
    I expel air that feeds
    the leaves and plants,
    that other animals and myself,
    I process air, food, water
    turn it into things
    necessary for earth to continue on
    I am an ecosystem...

  4. Digestive System

    Eating takes place
    digestion does its thing
    remnants exit.

    1. Lol. I know the feeling and I am glad you are sticking with it.

    2. haiku isn't as easy as it looks either. good job.

    3. love your senyru! and it made me laugh!! well done!

    4. Oh many thanks, dear poetry sisters. I appreciate that I entertained you all.

  5. You can tell I wasn't exactly inspired however I don't want to miss a day so...bowing to my superiors above, I simply Haikued.
