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Friday, April 21, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 21

From Robert Lee Brewer:

For today’s prompt, pick an object (any object), make it the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles could include: “Toothbrush,” “Rake,” “Pilot G2 Premium Gel Roller Pen,” or any number of other objective titles. Have fun with it.


  1. Hands

    I hold your hand
    soft and small
    all live there
    in your palm
    clasped within
    your fingers grasp.

    I hold your hand
    cold and small
    linger there
    hate survives
    all hope died
    within your grasp.

    1. Wow. Very haunting. And this would have worked for the life/death prompt too. I think that's the problem I'm having with the prompts this year. They are too damn general. I need the restrictions to put something together.

    2. this is so touching and beautiful!! I love it!

    3. I hope this is not a true poem but instead an expression. Whichever it is it is very well done.

  2. I have an old "kid poem" I'm going to share also, but decided I needed to write a new one first. It's pretty rough but at least I wrote something:

    My mother is so very mean,
    She will not buy me what I want
    It looked so cool there on the screen
    I think I'll call and ask my aunt

    if she will buy it. I'll make noise!
    But mom won't let me use her phone.
    I say it's good for girls and boys,
    She says to buy it when I'm grown

    and have a job so I can pay
    and think about my choices made,
    I know I need this, so I say,
    I can wait till you get paid.

    My mother laughs! She is so mean!
    She says it's no, no matter when.
    But it's the greatest thing I've seen.
    I just want one, not nine or ten.

    I know I've lost and start to cry
    but mom just shakes her head at me
    and laughs and says, I will not buy.
    a 90 inch flat screen tv.

    1. lmbo!!!! this is hilarious! Thanks for my first chuckle of the day! The rhyme and rhythm were great!!

    2. yep made me laugh too. i always love your children's poems. you seem to write from the child's point of view and they never sound like an adult trying to sound like a child.

  3. A Rose

    I laid a rose
    upon your grave
    a tear fell
    from my eye
    I remembered
    things from
    long ago...

    I remembered
    you brought me
    one golden rose
    on our first date
    I remember you
    gave me one
    golden rose
    each year
    for my birthday

    so today
    for no reason
    I laid a
    golden rose
    upon your grave
    because I was
    thinking of you

    1. very sweet and sentimental.lovely write.

    2. Wow, you guys are into sad poems for today!!! Nicely done. The only problem I had was you might want to mention golden right off because I immediately imagined red when you said rose in the first stanza.

    3. Sad and lovely too. Is it a true one or a made up one?

  4. Can you guys believe it's day 21 already?

    1. I know. I was thinking the same thing when I made the post this morning. Almost down the final week!

  5. no I can't!!! We have been very diligent and faithful to this cause!!! I am proud of us all!!!

  6. Here's my old one.


    The ball bounces.

    Bonnie’s right hand, splay-fingered, flutters up and down
    keeps rhythm, ball hits cracked cement, tap, slap, tap, slap,
    Her left hand clutches a book as the right bounces.
    Reading wins, Bonnie’s eyes intent on the story.
    The ball arcs smaller, smaller, rolls downhill, hits rock.

    The ball bounces

    to Alice’s house. Her friend Georgie catches it,
    bounces it against the chimney. One, two, three, four.
    Try this! Hit the ground, ricochet, hit the chimney.
    Throw the ball under your leg. See who misses first.
    Alice wins. They abandon the ball for Barbies.

    The ball bounces

    down the street. Joe and Hank kick it as they amble
    to the park. The ball trails after. They pick it up,
    play hot potato, faster, faster, race, throw it
    backforthbackforth till they reach their destination,
    drop the ball, run off to play on the monkey bars.

    The ball bounces

    to Baby Scott nearby. Scottie and mommy roll
    the ball back and forth, laugh, notice the boys are gone.
    Carry the ball in Scott's stroller back to Joey’s house,
    but it falls too soon, rolls to a house, right under
    Bonnie’s empty right hand which moves idly up, down

    the ball bounces.

  7. I love this one! it always makes me laugh and reminds me how mom would get mad at me for talking on the phone and reading a book at the same time... lol!!

  8. very visual poem. It made me smile. I read it several times to get the true taste of it.

  9. Tuning Fork

    Struck tuning forks resonate
    Length plus thickness equals note.
    I am a tuning fork; I resonate
    to my sensed truth.

    When I am out of tune
    I breathe and quiet myself.

    To know one's own sound
    is to be attuned to one's soul
    and to find instinctively
    the pole star within.

    I am a tuning fork for myself.
    My truth resonates.

    1. there's nothing wrong with using an old one once in awhile. This one is cute and I enjoyed it very much.

    2. I love the metaphor of you as a tuning fork. Nice poem.

  10. Shame on me, I thought and thought and still couldn't come up with anything original so here is an old one that I rather like. But wait...Maybe a Haiku...

    1. I find no shame in posting an old poem and hope you are not implying that the rest of us should feel shame when we do that. Lives do not always leave time for a daily poem.

  11. Tree

    Standing silently
    sentinel of the seasons
    changing uniform.

    1. nicely done. enjoyed!

    2. Love this. So much said in so few words, and a genuine haiku, i.e. about nature with a seasonal reference!

  12. My go to form for a quick entry yet again.
