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Friday, April 14, 2017

PAD Challenge - Day 14

From Robert Lee Brewer:

I never like sharing bad news, but I’m especially not fond of sharing family news. Marie Elena Good shared on Facebook that Andrea Heiberg, a member of the Poetic Asides family, died of cancer on Monday. Like so many on the street, she was an uplifting and poetic voice for so many other poets. She will be missed.

For today’s prompt, pick a popular saying and make that the title of your poem; then, write your poem. Some possible titles might include: “Blood Is Thicker Than Water,” “You Can’t Judge a Book By Its Cover,” “More Than You Can Shake a Stick At,” and so many others. Click here if you want more ideas.



    It's as easy as pie, he said.

    First, crust. Cut two sticks of butter
    into half inch pieces and chill.
    Combine 2.5 cups of flour
    with one teaspoon salt. Cut butter
    into dry mix until pieces
    are the size of small peas. Slowly
    mix in six to eight tablespoons
    of freezing cold water until
    it is the right consistency.

    A good relationship is as easy as pie.

    You know it's ready when you pinch
    dough with your fingers and it holds
    together. If you add too much
    the crust will be tough. Be cautious.
    Divide into two parts. Roll out
    each into a 12-inch circle
    1/8 inch thick. As you roll
    out the dough, add sprinkles of flour
    under it, keeps dough from sticking.

    Raising kids is easy as pie.

    Preheat oven - four hundred
    twenty-five degrees. Mix 3/4
    cup sugar with two tablespoons
    of flour, 1/4 teaspoon of salt,
    3/4 teaspoon of cinnamon,
    1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg and
    1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
    Peel and core six apples, slice thin
    and mix with dry ingredients.

    Dealing with teenagers? Easy as pie.

    Place 1 pie crust in ungreased pan.
    Press firmly against sides, bottom.
    Spoon filling into crust-lined pan.
    Top with second crust. Wrap excess
    top crust under bottom crust edge.
    Press edges together to seal;
    flute. Cut slits in crust. Bake 15
    minutes. Set temp to three-fifty,
    and bake for 45 minutes.

    Voila! Easy as pie!

    1. lmao!!! pie is not easy. We pie makers know that. I wonder where that saying came from anyway. Even with the oil crust, it still takes forever to make a pie and it's gone, in the snap of your fingers!!! great poem!!

    2. It comes from MEN who ATE the pie, didn't MAKE the pie. LOL.

    3. Good one. I avoid crust making myself, and admire those who make it. Sigh. However I tell myself it's fattening anyways so I am justified in avoiding it, ha!

  2. omg! this is great!! and yes I read the recipe and decided to never make a pie because ... well... it just isn't as easy as pie :-)

  3. We'll Always Have Paris

    You said we would always have Paris
    but today as I sit alone and bewildered
    in some out of the way cafe
    in a city whose name I can't recall
    I wonder what happened that day
    when the fog rolled in and the rain fell
    and you kissed me one last time
    before I walked to get on that plane
    alone leaving you standing there
    with my kiss and those last words on your lips...

    1. gives me a lost and lonely feeling. A lot of good imagery, the fog rolled in, the rain fell. the plane. the kiss. the last words.....well written

    2. Sweet, and evocative, you paint a good picture here.

  4. You Made Your Bed, Now Lie in it!

    You left your husband and children
    said, "I ain't never comin' back!"
    Did you expect him to cry and beg?
    Did you want your cake and eat it too?
    No, he found another and right quick
    not wanting to be alone, lonely and unloved.
    The first things that she did was
    start renovating - the house and him.
    He cut way down on drinking and lost his belly.
    Now! You're mad about how things turned out.
    Blaming everyone but, yourself!
    You did say - "I ain't never comin' back"
    Now you've made your bed, go lie in it...

    1. Yup, that's life in general. I admit I was expecting a "dad" poem given the title. That was one of his favorite sayings to us too.

    2. interesting rant... and life goes on

  5. Finally went back and filled in my missing comments. All are done now. Yes, Tasha, you tend to post late. I'll have to start going back more often.

    1. Hello, yes I do because i look a the prompt in the morning and then think about it all day only to find it's night and I haven't done anything but think! However, I do always enjoy this very much and thank you for checking on me.

  6. What Goes Around Comes Around

    A loving heart
    gives without thought,
    without stint of itself;
    gives and is given to in return
    by the law of reciprocity.

    All life is a giving and a receiving,
    that the giving may have a purpose
    and the receiving a place to be.
    and by accepting
    the receiver in turn gives, making room
    for what has been given, giving
    and the circle becomes complete.

    With a full heart my giving is.
    With an open heart, my receiving is.
    The love that gives and receives
    has endless supply.
    The love that gives without stint
    receives the same and more,
    and finds in the giving
    and in the receiving
    endless joy.

  7. I went back and found an old poem and recast it a bit. I had something different in mind but the day got away from me.Hope this will do.

  8. yeah,,, I like this one a lot! beautifully said and beautifully written.

    1. Thank you Bonnie, I tweaked it a bit and I think improved it as well. This challenge is so good for me! I appreciate it a lot. And I think doing the weekly poems has sharpened my creative spirit as well. BTW I am so amazed that you can write a poem at that hour of the morning when I can barely open my eyes, let alone be original and creative!!! My hat is off to you.
