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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

2018 PAD Challenge - Day 3, Stop - Don't Stop

From Robert Lee Brewer:

 ... Two-for-Tuesday prompt, which means you can pick one prompt or the other, do both separately, or mix both together. Do whatever makes you feel good. Here are the prompts:

  1. Write a stop poem. 
  2. Write a don’t stop poem.


  1. gonna have to be straight up on the screen. no notes. no corrections i'm afraid.


    if only i could sleep
    might get things done
    rabid thoughts stop me sleeping in the deep
    feel like this is the last run

    wish i had a key to shut down my brain
    then maybe, i could start again
    at least it would stop the pain
    STOP THINKING ABOUT HER!!!!!! there is nothing to gain

    1. LOL. I know it's not a funny poem, but I think we can all relate to not being able to shut down the brain. I spent a long time last night thinking about a response I wanted to make to a post and by morning it had been taken down. What a waste.

    2. yeah. my brain goes to strange places at 4AM...sometimes wish it would stay there and leave me alone. but then who else would write with a multi coloured pencil as the sun was coming up? only minutes left. hey " only minutes left " is a good promt huh?

    3. Yes, you do have that little obsession. Use the eraser in your left hand and wipe the board clean, maybe that would help? Best of luck!

    4. yep, you feel real tired...then just as you close your eyes, all kinds of stupid thoughts start rambling through your brain and you can't shut it off. Great take off on the prompt. Glad to see you today.

    5. Paul, I have trouble with insomnia too. I get about 2-4 hours a night. My mind just keeps on spinning at top speed. You did a good job on your poem.

    6. bizarrely victoria, i was seconds from responding to you and i ran out of library time yesterday and it wiped it grrrrrr! sitting in a pair of snoopy shorts writing poems, reading and drinking at 4AM can't be normal is it? - love and sleep - paul.

    7. thanks tash. think my eraser got erased. but then i think too much - love and peace - paul.

    8. it's the next day too wolfie. wandering about like a zombie, walking past where you were going to go. a million things to do and all i can think about is bed....awwww well sleep is for wimps ha ha - love and snoring - paul.

    9. thanks paul. once tried to knock myself ou, to stop thinking about what i was thinking about at 4AM. just gave myself a sore head - take care mate - paul.

  2. Don't stop believing in yesterdays dreams
    there's still time to make them come true
    remember your plans and youthful schemes

    when life comes apart at the seams
    and your world is colored in blue
    don't stop believing in yesterdays dreams

    every morning the sun rises and beams
    shines down to awaken a new day for you
    remember your plans and youthful schemes

    when life takes you to extremes
    and you think there is nothing more you can do
    don't stop believing in yesterdays dreams

    at the end of the rainbow a pot of gold gleams
    a lifetime goal to pursue
    remember your plans and youthful schemes

    don't let them wash away in hopeless streams
    they're there for the taking - they wait for you to
    remember your plans and youthful schemes
    don't stop believing in yesterdays dreams

    1. Love, love, love this. Made me choke up. So much agree... HOWEVER, there should be an APOSTROPHE in every "yesterday's". LOL

    2. picky picky picky... okay... you're right but we all know these poems need worked on... oh damn... i just messed up what can I say... lol... hey is Tad not playing this month?

    3. Nice one, sounds like a song to me. Quite lovely.

    4. I think this is beautiful. These prompts haven't been too bad so far. You did a good job on this one! I agree with Tasha, it does sound like a song.

    5. Bonnie, Wow!!! I really love this poem. It is a very pretty poem and written in a very beautiful way. Linda tells me it is a Villanelle.

    6. nice poem bonita. yesterdays dreams can turn in today's nightmares however. good sentiments though - love and memories - paul

  3. I'm starting to have fun with my version of the challenge. It really is too busy for me this month to write too much, so I will at least keep this up. I do want to write some "serious" poetry too. I also decided, that since I'm making it a story poem, I needed to add punctuation or it would eventually get unreadable.

    Secrets slither down
    hallways concealed by doorways
    eclipsed by shadows.

    Her red lips, red hair
    red dress, shimmer in dim light
    as the door opens.

    "Stop," she cautions, then
    views the intruder, smiles
    with invitation.

    1. oooohhhh ooooooh ooooooh.... now it is really getting interesting... i'm really enjoying watching this unfold.

    2. Me too since I don't know what direction I can take until I get the next prompt.

    3. Me too, this is so interesting! And a good idea too.

    4. Yes, this is like watching a bit of a soap opera...and even YOU can't know the outcome or the next episode!!! LOL I love it!!!

    5. Victoria, I am really enjoying your poem. It is getting very interesting!!!

    6. getting there vic. getting there - love - paul.

  4. Be Bop to Be Good

    A woman once known as Be Bop
    Was tickled from bottom to top.
    As everything jiggled
    She wriggled and giggled
    But never, no never cried stop!

    Then she altered her name to Be Good
    And moved to a new neighborhood
    Where tired of tickling
    She then took up pickling
    Which made all the tickling stop.

    1. Awesome!!! Limericks are so fun and you do a good job on them. I got a giggle out of these!!! good job...

    2. not a fan of limericks but this is cute

    3. Tasha, I kinda like limericks. They are something that I understand. These gave me a tickle.

    4. I like limericks too, and your double one works very well. Made me laugh!

    5. " be bop a lula, i don't mean maybe " - pickled paul.

    6. Thanks to all for the nice comments, most appreciated.

  5. I posted on yesterday's also. I will do my best to comply with the dailies but cannot promise to post on the day always.

    1. That's why I took on short ones. There's just no way I could keep up this month. I need to move National Poetry Month. LOL

  6. stop all the hate
    that goes on in the world
    stop prejudice
    stop bullies
    but most of all, stop war

    wouldn't it be nice
    if the whole world was at peace
    we could call ourselves
    The United World of Earth

    we would stop all borders,
    poverty and crime
    and if we were attacked
    from outer space
    We would be united
    an undefeatable force

    as we stand right now
    I fear for our dear planet

    why, we could have a world language
    taught in every school
    so, we could understand
    each other, in every other land

    so, let's get started right away
    and don't stop till we're there
    because it's going to take a lot
    of time to get us anywhere

    1. if only there weren't any people in the world then we could have peace but people come with biases hatred and prejudices. i do like the idea of this poem.

    2. I believe in global citizenship also. And there was a time where people tried to implement a universal language - Esperanto. Didn't happen. LOL. Enjoyed your poem a lot.

    3. all wise words wolfie, but in the modern world, you gotta ask, who's gonna make a load of money out of this, or is that just me being cynical? - love and language - paul.

    4. Really lovely, Linda. Remember the folk song Strangest Dream? Reminds me of this. Beautiful sentiment.

  7. Stop or Not

    Stop or don't it's not a big deal
    you can either eat now or skip a meal
    Have you got those items you've been meaning to get?
    You can't need them too much or you'd have them I'd bet

    Stop thinking about what you should have done already
    Or don't stop screwing up, who cares if you're steady
    You might have stopped trying to strive to be free
    But, you could try again, don't you agree?

    We lose our momentum once in awhile
    Things get put off or lost in a file
    Stop or don't stop, it's important to decide
    For this indecision is no place to abide.

    1. I like it that you worked both sides of the prompts into your poem. Fun.

    2. hey this could have worked for the indecision prompt as well :-)

    3. always thought the answer to all the worlds problems, is just stop doing it! nukes. pollution. war. the works - paul.

    4. I like the rhymes and the sentiment both. Your poetry is getting better and better. YAY!
