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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Day 3

For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Three (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles include: “Three Blind Hippos,” “Three Muskrats,” “Three’s Company,” “Three Movies Is Too Many for The Hobbit, Peter Jackson (just saying),” and so on.


  1. It's very tempting to cop out and use an old poem, considering I have one entitled "THREE," so I'm going to compromise. I'm going to post my old poem now, with the admission that it IS an old poem that just happens to fit the theme, and then still write a new one. With that said, here's my old one:


    His third try at Algebra, Mike requests
    a book number with threes in it. Third time's
    the charm , he tells me they say. They do, but

    three days later, he flashes impish blue eyes,
    smirks, My dog ate my homework. I smile back,
    mark zero in my grade book. I've heard that

    one too. Now get to work. If three cell phone
    companies have different rates, which one
    is best for you? What percent of paychecks

    go to taxes? How much interest will you
    pay over 30 years to own a home?
    Mike's dog gorges on word problems

    while text messaging takes priority
    for this boy who thinks a man doesn't think
    he needs Algebra to find solutions.

    Mike wants to pass this class using only
    third time charm. After all, that's what they say.
    They say a lot... like... Three strikes and you're out.

    1. Today I am having better luck with my computer. I really like this poem Victoria. It gave a great message.

    2. Me too, great message. And so nicely said too.

  2. sad but true and an entertaining read. the trinity of threes... third times the charm - three bricks shy of a load - three strikes and you're out

  3. Three Times Three

    Three men on a match can bring bad luck
    just ask the commonwealth soldiers
    who fought the the Boer War
    for that long light gave their enemies
    a clear view of them and the third
    man was always killed. Bad luck indeed!

    Three strikes and you're out is sad but true
    Just ask the fans of Mudville when Casey took the bat
    Yes his haughty attitude got him in great trouble that day
    as he shook his head and let the balls go by without a swing
    the umpire called strike one and then strike two
    as the crowd held it's breath strike three said it all.

    One drink too many and he lost his way home
    until a neighbor saw him as he stumbled along
    yes, three sheets to the wind he'd be going home again
    his wife wouldn't speak to him his children hid in fear
    he'd be living in the doghouse for a week
    for having that one big glass of beer.

    Three times three can be unlucky
    but it's your math question for the day
    what is the answer to the equation 3 X 3 =

    1. Yes, three does seem to be a big number in our society. There's also the Holy Trinity and a genii grants three wishes. And given your reference to Casey at the Bat, you might enjoy this (You'll have to read from four down up but he is slowly writing "Kasich at the Bat." Jon is Tad's brother.

    2. Three time's the charm they say! Good things and bad come in 3's. My wish for you is a charm for improved health and happiness to fill your heart and overflow into your whole life.

  4. Okay, so MAYBE I AM going to write 30 kids poems. So far it's polling 3 for 3. Here's today's effort:


    I like to write a lot of poems, you know,
    most of them about my brother Joe.
    And so today I’ll write on something new.
    You see, I have a couple sisters too.

    My sisters are so old, they’re in their teens.
    They try to be the boss of me. They’re mean.
    They tell me what to do and babysit.
    They will not let me cross the street, or spit.

    Linda and Bonita are their names.
    Sometimes they will let me play their games.
    Jump rope, hopscotch, jacks and Crazy Eights.
    They even sometimes let me wear their skates.

    I like it when we play together, three
    of us, we’re sisters, Linda, Bonnie, me.

    1. lol! yeah well you were our baby sister. A very nicely written sonnet that brought a tear to this old woman's eye remembering those days when Linda and I were so old you thought we were extra mothers :-). thanks for the sentimental journey home.

    2. This was a delightful sonnet, and great fun to ead as well. Thanks for this peek into he past.

  5. first time--
    First time, with music rocking the floor,
    Cries of songs from decades I longed for.
    A woman of woman on my left--
    Scoring? No.
    We did not want what we were offered.
    Bestie limps along side me.
    Snarky commentary of the people drinking.
    A game of scrabble-
    Drunken words amuse the uninebriated
    Loving life,
    For three is company

    1. Very nice. Sometimes three IS company! I love "Drunken words amuse the uninebriated."

  6. Three Kinds of Men by Linda Rivas Bole

    Three kinds of men
    attract many kinds of women
    we have the gentleman
    the bad boy type
    and the boy toy
    who likes to employ all his tricks.
    The gentleman, the first of three
    will propose to you on his knee
    and two from three
    the bad boy type
    with his abs and shoulders
    and fancy pipe
    and smile from ear to ear.
    While number three will give you all
    the pleasure you've been needing
    the boy toy will even read
    the same book you've been reading.
    Take your choice
    one of three
    or wrap them all up
    in a package
    just for ME...

    1. LOL. I've dated all three. But a pipe??? LOL

  7. lmbo! that was an unexpected and fun ending. not a bit greedy there were you :-)?

  8. Finally I am on this - not sure I like it but

    Three Minutes to Midnight

    Water's rising, clock ticking
    while we fight about everything.
    Consider sneaker brands
    change TV channels.
    Meanwhile nature plots against us
    Zika nature's way
    of giving us the diminished
    capacity we already
    act like we have.

    1. Yeah, that's how I felt about my day 4 poem. On the other hand, I haven't written a poem a MONTH in years, let alone a poem a day. It's why I suggest we do an editing month too. There are some that I'm sure I'll say, "round filing cabinet" but even in the one yesterday, there's some imagery I like that may work in a totally different poem. It's getting me to friggin' write, and seeing other friends participating keeps me going too.

      That said, and sticking to my "impression not suggestion" mode for this month (because it will discourage MORE writing) I really like this. It made my stomach hurt a bit and anything that gets a physical reaction from me, even if it hurts, means you hit something.

  9. Three times is the charm
    I repeat with intent
    the three simple words:
    I love you, that they
    may make their way,
    may charm their say
    into your mind and heart.
    Three times three,
    magic is me and you and we.
    Thrice three, I love you, you love me
    and we love one another,
    and that makes three!

  10. Well, I've been so blocked about this one I think it was keeping me from writing lately! So I wrote something - not sure I'll ever do anything with it, but at least I've broken my private jinx!


    One is the loneliest number
    (so they say)
    and it takes two to tango
    (they say this with a wink)
    but three?
    Three is trouble –
    it’s a pair and a spare
    and in a world of couples,
    a single spells

    It was my mother’s tragedy
    (so she often said)
    that there were but three of us –
    a miscarriage before my birth,
    a hysterectomy after my little
    brother’s, assured that we
    would be, forever, a family
    of three.
    And it seemed true –
    sometimes my brothers
    paired up against me,
    sometimes it was me and
    the baby against the middle,
    while other times we oldest
    tried to ditch the youngest.

    I often wonder if the Battle of Three
    is a natural-occurring phenomenon,
    replicable throughout the world,
    or if we simply fulfilled an expectation.

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington
