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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Day 23

For today’s prompt, write a footwear poem. A poem about shoes, flip flops, socks, slippers, flippers, boots, pumps, and so on. If you’d prefer not to dedicate a poem to your footwear, just mention footwear somewhere in the poem. That’s right; your hi-tops don’t have to be the star, and it’s totally cool if somebody’s clogs play a minor role in the poem.

Robert Lee Brewer's original post


  1. From River Dance to feet of flames there is much to admire
    when Michael Flatley takes the stage he sets the place on fire
    Yes, the Lord of the Dance's tap shoes leave nothing to desire
    as his feet move faster and faster and his leaps forever higher.

    1. there is a reason why my contribution is a quatrain. I think a poem a day has affected my mind as the other night my dream was in a quatrain form. i don't know what the dream was except it was two quatrains and was very scary. the worst part is I woke up from the dream, went back to sleep and had the exact same dream! wish I could remember the verses and why they were so scary.

    2. LOL. Did you remember them when you first woke up? That is so funny.

    3. You--
      The influence.
      Shaper of livelihood,
      Your spirit,
      Tattooed on my soul.
      I'd be honored to fill shoes half as big for someone down the line. V

    4. You--
      The influence.
      Shaper of livelihood,
      Your spirit,
      Tattooed on my soul.
      I'd be honored to fill shoes half as big for someone down the line. V


    I wear shoes only when required,
    still prefer bare feet, at least shoes
    that will slip off at any point.

    Always thought it was the result
    of being a barefoot hippie
    as a teen in the late 60’s.

    But then I recalled my mother’s
    frustration at how many pairs
    of 10 cent flip flops I could lose

    over one summer vacation.
    I would walk out of them, leave them
    like random footprints on my path.

  3. For this prompt I am posting a poem I wrote many (MANY) years ago - because it is my definitive footware poem.

    Sole Entanglements

    Old shoelaces unravel
    unruly as love
    as likely to trip you.
    Untied, each lace dances
    frayed and flaccid
    reluctant to knot again.

    Velcro closures lock
    and cling to willing to grip
    but Velcro can't let go
    There's rip and uproar
    when suddenly undone.

    Old loafers are the best.
    So easy to slip
    in or out of at a
    moment's whim, they
    shelter your pennies
    never ask for socks.

  4. On the Eloquence of Footwear

    A Russian premier
    pounds the table
    with his shoe

    An American president
    crosses his leg, reveals
    hole in his sole

    A passionate Muslim
    hurls his shoe
    at the leader of the free world

    The dictator’s wife
    had more than 1,000
    pairs of shoes

    Some children in third world countries
    cannot go to school because the way is long
    and they have no shoes

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington
