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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 20

For today’s prompt, write a poem of what goes unsaid. Maybe it’s unrequited love, a hidden contempt, spoiler to the most recent TV show or blockbuster movie. Whatever goes unsaid, maybe write it instead.

Robert Lee Brewer's Original Post


  1. this really might go unsaid if I can't get it right this time...


    He saw her across the restaurant
    she looked sad and shy as she sipped
    her latte and let her eyes wander
    as she waited and watched the door.

    She saw him as he watched her
    let her eyes drop to her drink
    blushed as she tried to pretend
    she didn't see him across the room.

    Others chatted and laughed while
    they pretended to not see the other
    each wanting to say something
    but too shy to speak up

    or to walk across the room
    to ask if they could join the other.
    eventually she gets up and leaves
    as he sits there - watches her walk away.

    perhaps one day they will find the nerve
    to talk to each other without the blush
    of shyness and nerves but for now
    the words will be left unsaid.

    1. Good job on today's theme!!! I really enjoyed reading it. A lot of that happens today in the day of texting and computer dating!

    2. Reminds me of Tom Waits' song "Closing Time." Nice job.

  2. She looked at me so haughty
    like I was something naughty
    maybe I should bow down
    and kiss the ground she walked on

    She primped in the lady's room
    while I washed my hands
    the mirror just glowed with her presence
    all of her rings and all of her bands

    Well, she turned to walk out
    and there's something I could have said
    about the tail flying out of her pants
    but, I just giggled inside my head

    I wondered if anyone would tell her
    or leave it hanging there unsaid
    if she treated other as she had treated me
    they could giggle inside their head!

    1. lmbo!! love it! yep sometimes people just deserve a little humiliation when they think they are so much better than others around them. fun fun fun!

    2. LOL. Yup. Things left unsaid.

  3. Wasn't sure I was going to pull one off today. Hard day moving studios. But once I settled in, the poem came. I think this month of discipline has been good for me.

    a 5/4 poem

    Didn’t do my homework,
    she says, doesn't
    mention drunk mother,
    asleep, or
    younger brothers needing

    dinner, baths, help
    with homework. She tried
    to do her
    own, fell asleep over

    Accepts the zero,
    not a flinch,
    but unbearable is
    on her teacher’s face.

    1. awesome! powerfully written stark reality poem. yeah I really like this one!

  4. I love you,
    I hate you.
    You need to work on your addiction.
    Come to church, maybe it'll help.
    I don't agree with you.
    That's not right.
    Don't do that....
    All left in the cobwebs of consciousness,
    To not be spoke another day

  5. I love you,
    I hate you.
    You need to work on your addiction.
    Come to church, maybe it'll help.
    I don't agree with you.
    That's not right.
    Don't do that....
    All left in the cobwebs of consciousness,
    To not be spoke another day

    Will you do x
    Will you do Y
    Will you do z
    She never said yes
    but never said no
    and did all three....

  7. What Goes Unsaid

    How can I know
    what I might
    one day
    wish to have said
    after you’re dead

    What I can never say
    because I said
    nothing that day

    I let the moment pass

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington
