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Monday, April 4, 2016

Day 4

For today’s prompt, write a distance poem. As a runner, I automatically think of running when I think distance. But hey, there’s long distance relationships. Or why not get beyond geographic distance and consider distance in terms of time or emotional distance. Or some other interpretation.


  1. This is my first non-kid poem, but I'm thinking I should have written a kid-poem. As much as I like the sentiment of this poem, it's a terrible poem. But I have to work on getting ready to teach class tomorrow night, so maybe I'll edit later if I can.

    a villanelle

    We measure distance along a line
    using inches, don’t try to count between,
    where an infinite number of points align.

    My parents’ five children, fruit of their loin
    flung far and wide to Florida, Eugene,
    we measure distance along a line.

    Use Google for miles, a route to design.
    Find how to get from Sumter to Greene,
    where an infinite number of points align.

    We scattered like pollen or the toss of a coin,
    a long way from each other, we rarely convene,
    we measure distance along a line.

    Our lives still seem to intertwine,
    bring us together. We meet unseen
    where an infinite number of points align.

    The distance dissolved when we are online,
    share talk and arguments by means of a screen.
    We measure distance along a line
    where an infinite number of points align.

    1. I get the nostalgia feeling once again reading this one. I really miss my brother and sisters. It seems strange that we ended up so far apart...

    2. I like the idea of sharing with sisters and brothers across the line of distance. Of course I just like the idea of sisters and brothers too. I this a form. I note the repetition and it helps create the distance. Cool poem Victoria!

    3. I am always in awe of this form of poetry because it is so intricate and so interesting--like a weaving, only with words. Most wonderful.

    4. I don't thinks this is terrible at all! made me feel set that we are all so scattered to the wind but yet we stay connected via the internet so we are really never far apart. i think this is beautiful!

  2. Distance-traveling by Linda Rivas Bole

    I've traveled the distance
    I've been on the road
    I've been dirty and broken and hungry
    but, I traveled the distance
    I found my way up
    to the top of the pile of rags
    Yes, I've traveled the distance
    around the U.S.A.
    I slept under bridges, beside rivers and in the snow
    Oh, I've traveled the distance
    can't say it wasn't fun
    I'd do it again and again and again
    I've traveled that distance
    and played in the sun
    by the ocean, in the mountains and valleys
    I've traveled the distance
    backpack on my back
    piece of black plastic my home
    I've traveled that distance
    I've covered it all
    I've traveled that distance
    down the road

    1. I think this is your best one so far! I am hung up on family poems. LOL. A lot of really good imagery here.

    2. I felt I was there with you..travelling that distance. very good poem and well written.

  3. Keeping my Distance or Not

    At a distance there is peace,
    when up close shows too much
    and the heart starts to pound,

    creating distance creates perspective.

    From a distance I can see
    what otherwise may dishearten
    in a different light

    Then I decide if I'll get closer.

    1. I like this. Kinda reminds me of the song "From a Distance."

    2. Oh boy so true. The push pull of trying to get close enough to really see without getting close enough to be injured. Tricky. This short little poem sums up a lot.

    3. Nice comments. Many thanks for your kind words on my little ditty.

  4. The distance is very short
    between the top and bottom.
    Excuses flow as an open hydrant.
    You earned and deserved your comfort.

    I climb the mountain,
    a rock slide,
    a wrong breath away from valleys.
    The distance between
    competent starched shirts authoritative khakis,
    and wilted maryjanes with torn plaid skirts
    is very small

    1. Awesome imagery again. I love the last "sentence" in particular.

    2. i really like the imagery of this one. very vivid.

  5. Short. Trying to catch up.


    Everything is blurry and far away now.
    Things recede daily as I run towards them
    The universe expands faster and faster
    My world seems to contract
    like a spasm
    or a fist
    raised against grief.

    1. Some days I want to face the world with no glasses, preferring everything blurry. Bruce Lee was nearsighted and said he felt it was an advantage to spar with no glasses because it's easier to fight a faceless opponent.

    2. excellent! a lot said in so few words.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is a reworking of a poem form my scrap heap. It was always, I think, a distance poem.

    11:30 AM

    We sit in Harry’s Bagel Shop,
    each alone at a table for two.
    Nine of us with cups and napkins,
    some eat sandwiches, one nibbles a croissant,
    two chose bagels with flavored cream cheese.
    A young man in red plaid shirt studies
    the table top intently, as if it holds
    some message only he can read.
    A woman gazes into mid-air
    while stirring endless circles in her cup
    and finally leaves, her coffee unfinished.
    A lavender-haired old lady reads a magazine,
    a man in a suit works his crossword puzzle with a pen.
    Nine people eat lunch together today,
    a community of solitaries,
    no conversation,
    eye contact carefully avoided.

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington

    1. you brought this scene to life and made me feel as if I was there. I could visualize the vignette easily.

  8. Distance?

    He lives in England I live in the States
    He is in his 40's while I am in my 60's
    we met on a poetry site and enjoyed
    each others poems and style.

    We began to text each other
    and found we enjoy the same music
    the same movies and had the same
    strange type of humor.

    We became friends and have gone
    through years of life and hurt
    and shared our pain and sorrow
    as well as our joys and triumphs.

    Some how the distance doesn't seem so far
    we have email and text messages to
    keep us close. We communicate every day
    and time and distance evaporates.
