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Friday, April 1, 2016

Day 1

For today’s prompt, write a foolish poem. It’s April Fool’s Day, after all. Let’s loosen up today with a poem in which we’re fools, others are fools, or there’s some kind of prank or tomfoolery happening. Fool around with it a while.

Robert Lee Brewer's original post


  1. There is no edit button so in order to correct my post I had to delete and pot it again. Hopefully I got all the words right this time... okay here's the poem.

    Really? by Bonita Rivas Johnson

    Yes, I truly wonder if some people have a brain
    or if there's just an empty space inside their head
    perhaps it got rusted when they left it in the rain
    perhaps they bumped it while climbing out of bed
    for thinking for them seems to be an acrobatic feat
    you wonder where their thoughts have wandered and tread
    Like one day as I was about to cross the street
    the buzzer went off as it normally did
    when another crosser asked why did that buzzer tweet
    I looked at the confused questioning kid
    to let the blind know the light has turned green
    I watched her as the thought through her mind slid
    appalled by my response she did not glean
    a horrified look came across her face
    a look too many times I have seen
    she continued to walk at my pace
    at my destination soon I would arrive
    and I could see I hadn't made my case
    I wondered how these people did thrive
    did all their common sense run down the drain
    when appalled she asked, 'why would they let blind people drive?'
    Perhaps it got rusted when they left it in the rain
    yes, I truly wonder if some people have a brain.

    1. You never quite know what crazy conclusions might be drawn! (Half the time I wonder where my brain went!)

    2. Darn. The movie must be too old to find on Youtube. I remember a movie with Steven Guttenberg where he played a blind guy in college and at one point his buddies let him drive and direct him.

    3. OMG I got my daily chuckle out of that one!!! Thanks Bonnie!!

  2. Yeah, and it won't let you format in comments either. So no italics like I always use for quotes. SIGH... Here's mine. It still need some editing, but at least I'll have something posted.


    "Why are you all dressed for school?"
    I asked my brother Joe today.
    "It’s Saturday, you silly fool,
    I’m in my bathrobe, where I’ll stay."

    (Beneath the robe, I wear my clothes)
    He checks computers for the date
    (which I have changed while he still dozed),
    Heads back to bed while I still wait.

    When he’s all cosy in his bed
    I burst right in, say "April Fools!
    Not weekend but weekday instead.
    Get up or you’ll be late for school!"

    But Joe just lays in bed and smiles,
    Points at his desk and then I see.
    A note tacked up there all the while.
    Eyes still closed, he grins with glee.

    Today is teacher’s service day
    I'd forgotten that there was no school.
    So it was Joe who got to play
    And me who was the April Fool.

    1. lmbo!!! this made me laugh out loud with the twist at the end!

    2. HA! Quite a twist at the end!

    3. I remember getting all dressed for school on a Sunday night after a good afternoon nap and coming downstairs at 7:30 p.m thinking it was A.m.!!! Cute twist at the end!!!

  3. This is foolish in a different sense I guess. It's what came up. I haven't thought of this in years. And yes foolish. Anyway here it is:


    glasses, plates, mirrors,
    ashtrays, mugs, bottles, bowls,
    candle holders, coffee carafes,
    every item of glass
    in small pieces on the floor,
    three inches deep
    everywhere here
    in this studio apartment,
    testament to anger
    pent up
    from love
    and fearing
    she sweeps it all
    takes out the bags,
    buys paper plates
    before he gets

    1. I have actually done that. Not that much, but when I was at the peak of frustration, I would sometimes grab photos off the wall and throw them. The sound of the breaking glass really did seem to release tension like it was breaking inside of me.

    2. I always try to throw things that won't break.... like knives, scissors, paper cutters :-). funny story though - husband #2 bought plastic cups and glasses because I had this strange ability to break cups and glasses while washing them!

    3. I saw a glass fight once years ago. They even broke their mother's antiques. I had to clean up the mess; I was the maid! So I have actually seen what you have described in your neat poem about the "fool"!!!

    4. This was something that actually happened 1973 or so when I lived with my eventual husband. He never ever said I love you. Never acted demonstratively. When he was at work one day I broke all the glass in the house. And like the poem cleaned it up before he got home. Sigh,

    5. omg the only thing I have ever done similarly was I got sick of washing dishes so I threw them all out the door and used paper plates for a few months then I finally cleaned them up again and vowed I would keep up with the dishes. LMBO

  4. A Man and His Money by Linda Rivas Bole

    A man took his paycheck
    and spent it on booze,
    and didn’t have food
    for the family.
    What shall I do?
    He cried to himself
    And robbed a poor man
    of his money.
    Now his pockets jingled once more
    and he said
    I shall gamble
    And make twice as much.
    So, he played the bandit
    and lost all his jingle
    and once more he cried,
    what shall I do?
    OH MY GOD, what shall I do!
    So, he robbed another man
    of his wallet.
    This time he bought food
    Took it home to his wife
    and she beat him on the head
    with the skillet.
    What did I do? He cried all in tears,
    I brought home food for the family.
    It’s 10 p.m. I’ve waited all day.
    We’re starving and you’re drunk as a skunk!
    This is not enough food for a week
    for the family
    Where is you pay you beast?
    I lost it, my love, in the river, you see,
    when I fell o’er the walkway there.
    You were seen in the casino and
    You were seen in the bar!
    You fool, how can you lie to my face?
    And she clobbered him again with the skillet.
    Only a fool would lie to a woman
    with a weapon in her hand!

    1. LOL. One of the karate tournaments we went to, a woman used a frying pan as a weapon for a weapons form. The judges gave her low scores, saying it wasn't a "traditional" weapons. Well, so what. As you point out, it does work!!

    2. Seems like it might make a great Irish drinking song!

  5. and it is a traditional weapon for a woman :-). yep that last line says it all. cute write :-).

  6. From high school foolishness and sophomoric attitudes,
    We rose.
    Still overjoyed by beauty--
    Leaves changing,
    Crumbling in wisdom
    Sipping tea gave way to drinks biting back.

    We made the jump.
    Then to now,
    Child to adult,
    School to life,
    Yes, what's in a friend?

  7. From high school foolishness and sophomoric attitudes,
    We rose.
    Still overjoyed by beauty--
    Leaves changing,
    Crumbling in wisdom
    Sipping tea gave way to drinks biting back.

    We made the jump.
    Then to now,
    Child to adult,
    School to life,
    Yes, what's in a friend?

  8. I work-shopped my poem with my writer's group today. Here is the result. If you're interested in the "craft" of poetry, compare this with the original and tell me if you think the new version is better.


    "Why are you already dressed?"
    I asked my brother Joe today.
    "It’s Saturday, you little pest,
    I’m in my bathrobe, where I’ll stay."

    (Beneath the robe, I wear my clothes)
    He checks computers for the date
    (which I have changed while he still dozed),
    Heads back to bed while I still wait.

    When he’s all cozy in his bed
    I burst right in, yell "April Fools!
    Today is Friday, poopyhead.
    Get up or you’ll be late for school!"

    But Joe just lies in bed and smiles,
    Points at his desk and then I see.
    A note tacked up there all the while.
    Eyes still closed, he grins with glee.

    Today is teacher training day
    I forgot–there is no school.
    So it was Joe who got to play
    And me who was the April Fool.

  9. I haven't yet done
    a silly "pome,"
    an April Fool,
    a little jewel
    So I thought I might,
    just write a really foolish
    really, really, really foolish,
    April foolish poem,
    just for fun,
    no foolin'.

  10. My Fool is the Fool of the Tarot.

    Thus Speaks the Fool

    Here comes the fool
    they laugh when I approach
    They think I don’t hear.
    They don’t know I don’t care.

    I carry everything I value
    tied in a bandana to a stick.
    My dog, loyal companion,
    accompanies me everywhere I go.

    I do not need to look
    where I place my feet
    for I am always on my path.
    I trust Universe to keep me safe.

    I travel far and wide, take a scrap
    of wisdom from everyone I meet.
    When the road returns me home
    I empty my pack and begin again.

    Seeker, you who seek to know,
    follow with your own empty sack.
    Meet the Magician, High Priestess,
    Empress, Emperor and Hierophant.

    Watch your story unfold.
    Find your answers inside yourself,
    for if you find them not within
    you will never find them without.

    ©Priscilla Anne Tennant Herrington
