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Monday, December 4, 2017


From Paul Bole. 

Technology. Anything you want to say about technology, whether it's good or bad or fun or unnecessary....just anything about technology,


  1. This is an old, old, old poem that I have tried to update a bit for today's technology. Do people even remember computer cards?


    I sat at work, alone and late,
    (they said the project couldn't wait,)
    when suddenly my edit flashed.
    Yep, you guessed, the system crashed.

    I ranted, cursed, but points were moot,
    I finally knew I must reboot.
    I pushed the keys to make it load
    and waited for the running mode.

    But suddenly to my dismay
    a note appeared on my display,
    "The genie of computerland,
    sits and waits for your command."

    Right then a joke I didn't need!
    I'd kill the one who'd done the deed.
    I figured when I logged it on,
    it would be fine, the message gone.

    But when I hit the logon key
    I saw some things that could not be.
    The disk drive smoked, the display shook.
    When it went POOF, I couldn't look.

    When the smoke had settled down
    I took a chance and looked around.
    I knew that I had worked too hard.
    I saw a huge computer card.

    The card had arms and legs and smiled.
    It wasn't something I'D compiled!
    It said, "I ain't no microfiche.
    I'm a genie. What's your wish?"

    I could not figure what to say,
    I must be nuts but I would play.
    Who knows, insane just might be fun.
    No telling what I might get done.

    I said, "Fix my bugs and write my code,
    and document it, every node!"
    But suddenly my eyes shone bright!
    I thought I'd finally seen the light!

    I said, "Write for me a super game,
    to bring me fortune, bring me fame!
    With 3-d graphics, action too!
    Adventure! Totally brand new!

    "My name upon the title screen,
    in flowing script, in blue and green."
    I watched the genie data card.
    "I hope all this won't be too hard."

    The genie smiled and said to me,
    "No problem, none that I can see.
    I am at your beck and call,
    Just write the code. I'll do it all."

    I looked at it, I was so shocked.
    My mouth dropped down, I stood and gawked.
    "What do you mean, you cardboard jerk.
    I make the wish, you do the work!"

    The cardboard genie bent in half.
    It creased itself and laughed and laughed.
    "Computer magic, don't you see?
    Without the program, it can't be!"

    It all sunk in, I was a fool.
    I thought it sick, I thought it cruel
    for magic to take such a turn,
    to make me want, to make me yearn.

    But then I smiled, I knew I'd won.
    Yes, it would know when I was done.
    I took that card and laughed in fits
    and tore it up, in bits and bits.

    1. aaawww technology hates me victoria. it seems to go out of it's way to tick me off....i think it's something personal after all those pocket calculaters i broke in the nineteen eighties ha ha - love and peace - paul.

    2. I can really relate to this one - I used to program with punched cards. one night after getting called in I threw all of the cards of the interest crediting program on the floor. Your poem is very clever, with great rhymes and it's really funny - but it really hits home. Nicely done!!!

    3. It's a lovely story with great rhyme and beat! It did excellent aloud! Not a beat out of place...

    4. Paul, I programmed computers for 25 years, and loved it until Windows came along.

      Ken, when I went to Penn State to get my degree in computer science I had to write operating systems and compilers on punched cards. I still remember the days when the semester was over and I would open the boxes over trash cans and laugh. I actually wrote this in my head for the most part when working all night to finish a project at Texas Instruments back in the early '80s.

    5. A impressive poem!!!I am so in admiration. I agree with Linda Bigtime.

  2. Very clever and unique. I liked it very much!!!

  3. i have a few anti tech poems, but i wrote this one just for our site about 4am.

    technology hates me
    it wont let me see what i want to see

    " i don't need to sell my soul. he's already in me " - i wanna be adored - the stone roses.

    get baffling messages i don't understand
    while holding the phone in my hand
    don't really care about the copyright, or the brand

    billion dollar satellites that broadcast trash
    while penniless girls sleep in back alleys with a nasty rash

    haven't watched t.v. in three years
    am i missing anything?
    prefer crazy ladies, ducks and pussy cat purrs
    but i still wish she would make my phone ring.

    1. Very thoughtful last line - still thinking about it!

    2. yea, I enjoyed this poem very much. We refused to watched tv for about 20 years. We just started up again. To answer your question, no you're not missing a damn thing...

    3. I love it, especially the last line. Very poignant.

    4. thanks ken. she never did make my phone ring - love and peace paul.

    5. i've always had better things to do than watch t.v. wolfie. most of it seems to be made by idiots, for idiots, starring idiots. awww well.don't think you missed anything either in the past 20 years - love and peace - paul.

    6. thanks vic. i've another tech poem, i wrote yesterday, if i can find it in this infinite bag of books i carry around - love and peace - paul.

    7. Nice poem, very you, and very true for you. You say it so well. Kudos.

    8. not a fan of the modern world tash. too fast and silly for me - love and peace - paul.

  4. This is a parody of William Carlos Williams' "This is just to say." If you're not familiar with the original it's easy to find on the net.

    This is just to say

    I have hacked
    the emails
    that were in
    your mailbox

    which means
    you will probably
    a lot more porn

    Forgive me
    but you will also get
    50 million dollars
    from a Nigerian prince

    1. Very good - I do like the WCW poem, and this is an excellent parody of it

    2. Fun poem. Good job, that is definitely a good representation of todays technology!!!

    3. Love it and it's a great take on the WCW poem. And I'm still waiting for the 50 million dollars. Sure would come in handy.

    4. you mean nigerian prince's don't give you fifty million dollars?......damn....that's where all my money went ha ha.

  5. Here's an old one:

    studying smart phones
    in the elevator
    I break the silence
    with a fart

    1. Hi Ken, good to see you back again this week. fun poem.

    2. Welcome to our group, Ken!! I love this. And unfortunately, I have an 8-year-old karate student who likes to break the silence in class with farts. LOL.

    3. my phone isn't very smart ken, but my farts are pretty ripe ha ha.

    4. Ha ha, yes, chuckle, and how about another verse about the reaction? You do good in short bursts for sure.

  6. as a child
    I thought it was cool
    to have a transistor radio

    I even had two
    one was nothing more
    than an alligator clip, clipped
    to my bed springs, with ear buds attached.

    I listened to Jazz
    all night long...

    That was teen technology then
    when I was ten or so
    Now...I don't even know
    where to begin with modern technology

    kids have remotes for everything, TV, boom boxes, toys etc.
    they have cell phones, video games, interactive games on the TV,
    lap tops, with world wide web, and still more games to be played
    with people from around the world!

    When I was a kid
    only Dick Tracy had a wrist watch phone
    now all the kids
    can have one if they do
    their chores...and sometimes
    even if they don't...

    I often wonder what more can
    they give us in Techno world
    I can't even imagine what's next

    I've always imagined
    that by now, 2017,
    we would have cars
    in the air and in the water

    Solar panels on every house
    I must say that I feel two
    different ways about
    modern technology...

    I'm very impressed on one view and
    very disappointed on the other view
    all at the same time...

    Television went from tiny black and white sets
    to , let's see how big we can make a screen, then
    put tiny movies on your phone...

    Oh my technology!
    But why, tell me why, are we still
    using gasoline?!

    1. Yup, but actually it was ONE earplug, not earbuds. Everything was still "mono" back then, not stereo. LOL. And like you, I thought we be on Mars by now. I thought that by the time I grew up I'd be going there to live.

    2. don't understand video games and most modern tech. i thought we'd all have jet packs and be living on mars by now, not giving all our cash to bill gates and apple, so they can annoy us. afraid i can imagine what is next wolfie - love and peace - paul.

    3. you're right Victoria, it was only one ear plug. It's been so long I couldn't even remember what it looked

  7. A couple other short computer poems I wrote many years ago:

    A computer is just a machine.
    You could never call it obscene.
    So if you turn red
    from words that it said,
    it's you who knows what they mean.


    Eight bits or two nibbles - a byte.
    It's like food. Hey that works! Well, it might.
    But bytes by the bunch
    make words. If that's lunch,
    then machines eat their words, ain't that right?


    computer haiku
    one zero one zero one
    what did you expect.

    1. i don't want to bite those bytes and bits vic.

  8. In Praise of Technology

    If it weren't for technology
    I could not send this out,
    or share my words with hundreds
    yet have no need to shout.

    Technology will let me reach
    around the world to see
    the faces of my loved ones
    so very dear to me.

    The horse and buggy time of yore
    had the virtues of that day
    and life perforce was slower paced
    for nature held more sway.

    Yet I'll choose this time, with all its gifts
    Enabling me to share
    my poetry with all of you
    like a family out there.

    It is a joy to read your words
    And share in your talent too
    Technology has made a place
    I'm so glad to meet with you.

    1. aaawww tash. trust you to take the optomistic point of view. i agree. but i still prefer a pencil and paper. sometimes letters get there quicker than e - mails - love and peace - paul.

    2. Thanks Paul, how kind of you to comment. I haven't had time to give a thorough read to others yet but will soon.

    3. Absolutely! I agree wholeheartedly. Technology is a mixed blessing but I wouldn't want to do without it.

    4. As usual you have a different, positive take on it- good one!

    5. yes, yes, yes!!! I love it. Very well done! It read well outloud also.

  9. Proud of myself to be getting this in mid week!!! an not at the last minute.

    1. and you should be proud of yourself...this was a tough prompt!

    2. Oh you are so very kind. I like you!!! Hugs, Tasha

  10. got another technology poem i wrote yesterday, if nobody minds.


    managing all my million dreams
    oh! it's so hard
    when everything in my head is migrating south
    and stupid things come shooting out of my mouth
    i don't believe in teams
    not sure if my hard as nails girl is my girl, or my bodyguard

    " tell everybody waiting for superman to hold on as best they can. he hasn't dropped them, or forgot them, it's just too heavy for superman to lift " - waiting on a superman - the flaming lips.

    tried all her technological toys with no answer
    missed our date by snoozing
    she may be violent, but a great dancer
    she's bigger and stronger than me. if i don't turn up tomorrow she'll give me a bruising
    but geeeezz she smells nice
    and anybody would look at her twice, or thrice.

    1. Interesting poem. I love the title best.

    2. thanks victoria. it's only a passing nod to tech really, but my other one about nuclear bombs was too much - love and peace

    3. More autobiography, a sad tale of your experience. Thanks for sharing, it's goo to have you here with us.

    4. isn't all poetry autobiography tash? how can it be otherwise. you gotta write about what you know - love and peace - paul.

    5. your bodyguard girlfriend, sounds like you really like her and need her around. She just might be a keeper...

    6. eeerrr actually she left me for another woman and fled to scotland since i wrote this poem......aawwww well. she probably would have killed me anyway - love and peace - paul.

  11. technology sucks
    all kids want to do all day
    is play with fingers

    1. I think it's rude for children to be taking over the living room sprawled on the couch playing video games when there is company...I have actually seen husbands and teenagers taking up the whole living room with a video game

    2. hate it when i am having a serious conversation with a woman and she cuts me off to answer a text from some idiot. surely idiots can wait, till i finished talking about love and law? - love and peace - paul.

  12. when the lights go out
    with no electricity
    we learn to survive

    1. yep, I agree, when everything fails we will find a way to survive.

    2. maybe the world was a better place by candle light.

    3. I know it's more romantic!!!!

  13. Tech Check

    Where have we come from and where are we going
    are we killing ourselves or implementing growing
    what we create to serve our needs
    can turn so rotten to reflect our deeds

    How do we dispose of materials so lasting
    short of nuking them with unholy blasting
    too bad that inventors didn't quite finish their plan
    to deal with the plastics and air pollution bans

    Something that's good should be good to the end
    like a loving spouse or a real good friend
    let's not be like doctor Frankenstein the mad
    and bring forth things that make us sad

    1. that's the trouble with inventors paul. they don't think ahead to when there will be billions of cars and a planet covered in plastic. i read that einstein would have burned his notes, if he knew they were going to be used to build nuclear bomb - love and peace - paul.
