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Sunday, December 31, 2017


From Tad:

A poem that questions motives.


  1. Finally got to commenting on last week's poem. And I promise I will never, ever brag that I "never get sick." I seldom do but when I do, it's full force. I ended up with a cold and a stomach bug at the same time. It started on Christmas Day and I'm just feeling better today.

  2. His motive was all wrong
    he bragged about it way too much
    you cannot murder a Mexican kid
    to get that 300 pounds of pot

    he bragged about it way too much
    he made people hate him
    to get that 300 pounds of pot
    it wasn't worth it for his karma

    He made people hate him
    it was hard to understand
    it wasn't worth it for his karma
    it wasn't worth it for his soul

    It was hard to understand
    his motives for the murder
    it wasn't worth it for his soul
    and they never found a body

    His motives for the murder
    they were clearly greed and arrogance
    and they never found a body
    so in his mind, there was no crime

    They were clearly greed and arrogance
    you cannot murder a Mexican kid
    and they never found a body
    His motive was all wrong

    1. ooo, brrr. Wicked!Great poem, well said and chilling!

    2. some people have no soul to lose wolfie. they sold it down at the crossroads - love and peace - paul.

  3. hard reality poem and well presented. was this a real story? it just seemed so real I had to ask.

  4. Motives

    A young man who tired of cooking
    Hoped he'd find someone kind and good looking
    To take over his chores
    And be one who adores
    Without needing money or booking.

    He offered this person to marry
    And hoped that she would not be chary
    But alas he discovered
    When his needs he uncovered
    That no one who answered would tarry.

    1. Had to look up chary. I like the double limerick!

    2. aaahhh i like a limerick tash. all the ones around here are dirty ones ha ha - love and proper limaricks - paul.

    3. Thanks for the nice comments, very kind you are. I had fun writing it, too.

    4. Funny and clever. And I did know what chary meant.

  5. Motives uncovered to his dismay caused the young man to lose his way. Happy New Year all!!!

  6. phew! got new year out of the way, so the library is open again finally. got a couple for you on motives.


    " plastic crap and things going wrong. the future is made in hong kong " - flux of pink indians.

    my motive is love
    it's all i ever wanted
    my motive for moving was my little dove
    if i can't buy her enough make up and lagers
    she does one of her public emotional saga's
    my motives were true, but i got jaunted

    the deed is that not enough?
    you were in need
    you gotta soft to be tough
    her motive is to feed her love lead
    i either love or hate. from fate and destiny, i do digress
    ....................but such a pretty dress.

    1. everyone has their own motives and oft times those motives are not pure

    2. Ah , the old story in a new form, always the old story.

    3. oh, there was nothing pure about her bonita. like that old nursery rhyme " when she was good, she was very, very good. but when she was bad, she was wicked " - paul.

    4. think i'm getting too old for the old story tash. might become a hermit and live in a cave....wait. i do that now ha ha - love and peace - paul.

    5. I could get into a long discussion of codependency, the difference between love and cathexis, (what you describe is the latter), but maybe I'll save that for email. As a poem, it's really good and as always, I think it could be even better with a bit of editing but I understand your spontaneity also. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to your email. I WILL get to it. LOL.

    6. thanks victoria. hadn't felt this way in a long time. like i always say, you would have to have met this woman to understand. despite the zillions of poems i've written about her. how do describe a crazy goddess? - love and peace paul.p.s. e-mail anytime karate kid ha ha.

    7. How indeed! I looked up cathexis and was quite in agreement with you, Victoria. Good description. I've met a few crazy goddesses in my time, however, I am not a big fan. I always say, "Handsome is as handsome dos," And "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Perhaps she's a witch? They are good at enchanting people.

    8. don't know if she's a witch tash, but she certainly enchanted me. probably that love potion she kept in her back pocket ha wasn't easy going out with a woman the whole city wanted to sleep with - love and peace - paul.

  7. this is about my perfect woman that i met briefly. my motivation for going on, if you will, it was only a 45 min conversation, for as the title suggests we were only


    lauren doesn't want to work in the insurance office
    she wants to be a mrs, not a miss
    what she really wants to do is paint
    she's clumsy and plain
    and gets caught in the rain
    no make up. terrible hair and clothes
    but she knows which way the river flows
    no way could she twirl
    just my type of girl

    bottle thick glasses
    and attends catholic masses
    but with those eyes, i don't think she has to forgive any trespassers

    spotty, chubby and shy
    that's what caught my eye
    wants to paint the universe
    in verse.

    happy new year everybody. have a better one - love - paul.

    1. she sounds wonderful with motives as sweet as she seems

    2. The ones that get away are always the best ones. I especially liked the last verse of this one. Said it all nicely in a good, brisk way.

    3. like i said bonita, my type of girl, with a bag of books and music. too young for me though. made a nice change from meeting women with a bag full of booze, needles and heroin though - love - paul.

    4. I love this one. It's obvious this woman is who she is. That's always been my attitude in life also. I think you could lose the 2nd line though. LOL

    5. oh, i was gonna put ms, but it didn't go with office. getting my motivation back after a period of hibernation. expressing who i am, tends to get me in to trouble around here.....but who cares. to quote popeye the sailor man " i am what i am " ha ha - love and peace - paul.

  8. indeed tash. the best ones get away. it's the ones that want to get caught that drive me nuts - love and peace - paul.

  9. Hi everybody, I just caught up with the prompt that was two for one, cities and war and love. I posted a poem and left comments on all of the poems. Happy New Year

    1. I noticed Breanne hasn't posted anything in a while either. We need to get on her!!

    2. yeah. where is breanne? she writes good stuff.

  10. The temperature went below 0 so they moved out of the camper for a couple of weeks to stay warm so I haven't been able to push her but I will blow up her phone on this one this week. At least try. LOL

  11. Motives

    Do you know what you intend to do about that
    or will you try a quick fix like rabbit from a hat
    I can't understand why people act like they do
    What are their motives do they care for me or you?

    Are the actions we perceive really as they appear
    or are we seeing them twisted within our social sphere
    what we may intend could come out all wrong
    might even be compared to a protest song

    I'm just trying to point out that it's not cut and dried
    when you mean to help out but hurt someone's pride
    as to the interpretation of my analogy of intention
    I think I'll leave that to Frank Zappa and the "Mpther's of Invention"

    For those of you not familiar with Frank, I do not mean a slight
    My motives are purely whimsical and not put forth to fight
    There's an old saying, "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade"
    Try to think the best possible things to show with what you're made.

    1. You must have worked hard on that one. Lots of good rhymes. Interesting piece of writing. (Was this the one you were looking for a rhyme for else for?)I like he questions in the second verse. Something to think about.

    2. nice one mr zappa. i always try to pull a rabbit from my hat and end up with a lemon - love and peace - paul.

    3. good job! love that the rhymes don't feel forced so the flow of the lines isn't disrupted.
      And Tasha it was paul fowler looking for a word to rhyme with else not paul bole...

  12. He's coming around again
    that look in his eye
    I've seen that look before
    that lovelorn google eyed
    I can't live without you gaze
    Can I resist him this time
    in the end I don't
    I give him what he wants
    eight weeks later I realize
    once again his motives were
    lust not love as he proclaimed
    yet when I look at the four
    little kittens who snuggle
    against me to nurse
    I can't judge him
    contented purrs from me
    and the babies fill the air.

    1. oh, those pussy cats can be naughty creatures bonita.....not as naughty as somebody i know though ha ha. she's got more kittens than that - love and peace paul.

  13. I really love your take off on the prompt. We see it from a cat's eye view. Very clever. Purrrrrrrrrr

  14. Not a very good poem but one of my new years resolutions was to write a new poem every week, and here is is Jan 6 and it was do or die time.

    What is poetry?
    What combination makes
    words a poem?
    Is it only
    because you say so?

    Is it when you write to
    find a voice
    in the formless void,
    but without discipline.

    Or is it
    adherence to
    carefully crafted
    form, pure in language, but
    no passion?

    Can it be both
    or is it neither?
    It's what motivates you
    to write that
    makes poetry.
