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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Historic Persona

From Linda: 

Write a poem in the voice of an historic person. Ancient history, or recent history it doesn't matter.


  1. I have been hearing foot falls
    from outside the wall
    for several days now

    I want to write to my "Kitty"
    but, the emotional strain
    from the family is too much for my moment

    especially Margot and Peter, who are
    showing dark circles beneath their eyes
    I know it won't be long now until we are discovered

    I feel it...
    even though we live in silence
    whispers, over two years of scuffling about like mice

    and whispering, always whispering
    I know my best friend of all is my diary, "Kitty"
    I cannot trust anyone with my innermost thoughts

    my life has changed so much since coming to live in
    the annex room, behind the book shelves at father's work
    I've become a woman, an author and a lover...

    I am 15 and I am scared...

    1. I'm quite sure everyone knows who I am in my poem. So I believe I would be insulting your intelligence by saying so.

    2. g'day ms frank. i read your diary a couple of times - love and peace.

    3. It really is as if you got into her head. What an awesome poem.

    4. To Linda, not related to this. I was looking over old threads, and I stopped on your poem in the "Fruit ripens" prompt. Loved it, wrote a comment which you might want to go back and look at.

  2. Anne Frank and you really got into the character. well written and very emotional. love it!

    1. thank you, I did my homework. lol

    2. WOW! I am so impressed. Thanks bunches for this fine effort.

  3. Tough one to take on, but you do find the voice and you do find something new to say.


    I deliver the mail
    in Natick Mass
    middle aged white
    guy in blue shorts

    Fridays I drive
    three hours to Boston
    bass in the back
    play for the door

    back to the route
    where no one would get it
    if someone were to tell them
    I’d played with Bird

    1. i used to work at the post office tad. nice one. i was the fastest letter sorter in the east ha ha - love and peace.

    2. Nice poem. I enjoyed it very much. Ummm I get it and all. The mailman doubles as a bass player for a band. I just can't figure out which band. lol

    3. He plays in a local band now, but once he played with Charlie Parker.

    4. And somehow I wa asleep at the switch typing this up. He drives to Albany, not to Boston.

    5. And this actually is a historical figure. This was guy I knew, who worked his day job as a mailman in Massachusetts, played jazz on weekends in Albany. But he had once been an important figure in modern jazz. He had been one of Charlie Parker’s favorite bassists, and had made several records with him, and with other leading modern jazz musicians.

    6. Knowing you, I figured it was a real person. And I love it that you told his story.

    7. what an interesting person! i would have like him. thank you for introducing us to him with this wonderfully written poem.

    8. Great job, most interesting. Many thanks!

  5. my historical character is blackbeard the pirate. as some of my g.p. colleagues may remember i need no excuse to write a pirate poem. aarrrgghhh i already be hoisting the mainsail.


    aaaaaarrrrggghhh i be a pirating cove
    for my wench doth leave me while hoisting the rigging
    through endless gales i've drove
    bow in to the waves digging

    me canvas was ripped and torn
    faced many a moby dick
    me cutlass was rusty and worn
    wi wenches that like the needles prick

    up anchors!
    hoist the main sail
    we go on past the horizon
    ahoy! to landlubbing bores
    no life boats for me. if'n i don't find my treasure island i fail
    thy site of thy lady on dry land hath long gone

    water flows down hill
    till it reaches the sea.....deep.....dark.....and....still aaaarrrrrrgggghhh.

    lost me treasure
    she plundered me forever.

    thanks guys. i actually am a pirate nowadays. just don't have a ship - love and peace - paul.

    1. We are related to pirates also, Paul, but your jargon beats it all. I love it!!!

    2. Love it. Always been a pirate fan!

    3. what fun! made me smile to read it :-)

    4. Cute poem, well done and colorful, like you!

    5. aaarrr you be a pirating cove too wolfie. we should hoist a flagon of ale sometime

    6. you be a buccaneer too vicky?

    7. thank ee though comely bonita wench.

    8. oh, i can be a little colourful tash. maybe a bit too much red at times

  6. The poet said I took an axe
    and gave my mother 40 whacks.
    But there were only 18 blows.
    And who has killed her, no one knows.

    And eleven blows were father's fate
    Not 41, so contemplate
    I told them that I did not smite.
    The jury said that I was right.

    No one saw what I had done.
    I didn't do it, didn't run.
    Some else did do the deed.
    And now I have all that I need.

    I spend their money as I will.
    A big, nice house up on The Hill,
    Can't say I'm sorry that they're gone.
    And call me Lizbeth from now on.

  7. Funny and historically accurate. You don’t need “and” at the beginning of the second stanza, and it kills the scansion. And since I’m nitpicking, your sequence of tense is a little weird in “who has killed her.” And since I’m making myself thoroughly obnoxious, since the author of “Lizzie Borden took a axe” is lost to history (as far as I know), maybe start with “Some poet...”? That allows Lizbeth to belittle the other version of the story right from the git-go.

  8. I love it!!!! Lizzie Borden is a great choice! You did such a great job on it too!!!

  9. I am so impressed with all these efforts and as well I am daunted!!! This will take some thinking! Lizzie is a geaat choice.

    1. nicely done vic. i used to know a football hooligan called axey...eerrr guess why he was called that - love and peace - paul.

  10. The Copper Bosses killed you Joe,
    They shot you Joe says I
    Takes more than guns to kill a man
    Says Joe I didn't die
    Says Joe I didn't die
    And standing there as big as life
    And smiling with his eyes
    Says Joe What they can never kill
    Went on to organize,
    Went on to organize
    I never died said he,
    I never died said he. (Joan Baez)

    I rode the rails from place to place
    Saw working conditions in disgrace
    Men labored for pittance from day to night
    Someone had to take up the fight.

    I heard the pleas and angry cries
    I said, it’s time to stand and organize
    We fought hard and rights were won
    Handed down from dad to son.

    Our voices were heard from state to state
    Execution by gun was to be my fate
    But my rally cries still are heard
    Where union bosses spread the word.

    Yes, my body may be dead
    But my story worldwide is spread
    Where unions rise up still
    They cheer the name Joe HIll.

    1. Awesome! Another good choice. It was tough prompt but you succeeded well!!

    2. Very powerful indeed. Loved that song for years, too.

    3. Bonnie, I am very lucky to have someone to read the poems to me. I get so much more out of them. Your poem stands alone as great without even mentioning the perfect rhyme and rhythm....

  11. Wow!!! what a powerful heartfelt poem!!! I got goosebumps!!! Of course that's not the first time your poetry has caused goosebumps for!!!

  12. " hey joe " - jimi hendrix.
    i used to be a union another life " you can't kill us, 'cos we are part of the union " billy brag.
    take care bonita - love and peace paul

  13. From EBB to RB, her Always Love

    I've given all I had to be with you
    and you have given all you are to me.
    Together we have written what is true
    in our own ways both well and faithfully.

    Our words, our verses ever overflow
    and sing our songs to set the world alight.
    They burn with purity our hearts to show
    how poets can together share their light.

    I wish we had more time to live and be
    yet God has granted us at least these years
    to live and love and share most gratefully
    our words, our smiles, our laughter and our tears

    Yet one day on another further shore
    we'll be together loving as before.

    1. Tasha, this is a beautiful sonnet. I enjoyed listening to it. I liked the line, our words, our smiles, our laughter and our tears.

  14. Hopefully everyone knows the sonnets of EBB? I wrote my senior paper on her in High School and enjoyed reading about her life. She and RB have been great favorites of mine for as long as I can remember.

    1. are we talking elizabeth barret browning here tash?

    2. You got it right!!! and famous for her sonnets, too. Thanks for getting it right.

  15. I am Jesus, a son of God
    preaching tolerance and abandonment of the rod
    I hope you understand what I'm trying to say,
    that God loves us so, do not turn away.
    I wish you had something to go on
    than just long ago stories
    and wish you could have been there
    for the incredible glories

    History has a way of suiting its recorders
    it's their word about what transpired
    But there is no way for you to know for sure
    what is truth and what is to endure

    It's so strange how many true believers
    point their fingers and call others deceivers
    But, my last commandment for you, is to love one
    another as I have loved you.
    Seems to me it's something the you should automatically do

    Whether you believe the things that are written of me
    your faith is planted and grows just like a seed
    So, nurture this good story and pass the word along
    let's believe in unity and make each other strong.

    1. I liked this a lot and enjoyed what was said, so very true!!!

  16. He was black
    And and used to talk smack!
    Why we elected him I don't know,
    it dealt this country a terrible blow.
    But now he's gone, and we are no longer his pawns.
    Free at last, I'm so glad he's in the past!

  17. Her own e-mail server she did make,
    so that her motivations and actions she could fake.
    She let one of our own die, and then set out to tell us lies.
    He detractors she tried to hush,
    and so the Blackberries she did crush.
    her defeat was a crushing blow to, liberals everywhere, her below.
    but her own problems she did make, and now it's time to eat her cake.

  18. never had a problem with black people anonymous. it's white people that give me grief and get me in to fights - love and peace - paul.

  19. The voice of anonymous is not universal.
