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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Gifts, giving and given

This week's prompt is from Tasha: 

For this prompt considering the day and the season, I would like to suggest Gifts, giving, and given. What do you ive gladly? Not so gladly, what have you been given, you appreciate or do not, and finally, what are the true gifts? Please feel free to interpret as you see fit and enjoy! .


  1. PROOF

    I construct poems like Geometry proofs.
    Each line makes a statement, has a reason.
    Start the poem with what you know, the given,
    end with final words, what you want to show.

    Each line makes a statement, has a reason.
    Start the poem with what you know, the given.
    End with final words, what you want to show.
    I construct poems like Geometry proofs.

    1. I enjoyed your take=off on the prompt as well as your very short pantoum

    2. Victoria, I totally love your awesome little pantoum. They don't look any easier than a longer one!!!

    3. well constructed :-). sorry I couldn't resist.

  2. Nice one!very reads both ways. Is there a special name for this form?

  3. Tasha, Victoria wrote a very well constructed, shortest of all pantoum.

    1. Thanks, didn't realze that. Not so knowledgeable about forms as some.

  4. eerrr i sortta construct poems like a collapsing building, but i know what you mean. every....word.....counts - love and peace victoria, or karate math girl, your super heroine identity ha ha ssshhh - paul.

  5. ok. i wrote 4 poems. two got burned and yes, it did set off the smoke detectors. these are the survivors. nice promt tash, but you know i'm gonna go all dark on you, don't you?


    many days have passed since we fed the bunnies in the park
    many nights have passed since we kissed in the dark

    " life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone " - jack and diane - john cougar melloncamp.

    dried her tears all night
    still she wanted to fight
    gave her my love. it was her's by right

    need a pencil sharpener
    and a non insane partner

    she took all i had and came back for more
    still she was the creature i did and do adore

    these shipwrecks of women seem to be drawn to me like a lighthouse
    when sometimes i just want to hide like a frightened mouse.

    1. HA HA! Can't picture you as a mouse. Like the poem, though, even if it is another of your laments.

    2. i always knew i was way out of my league with her tash. but she was enough woman to turn any man in to a mouse....but god! she smelled nice ha ha - love and peace - paul.

    3. deeply dark. Thank you for letting us into your past.

    4. well written and as Victoria said compelling

    5. oh, you don't want to go in to my past's scary

  6. one more and i'll behave....eeerr probably.


    i know it's over
    but like a drowning man i grasp for her life belt
    every emotion there is i felt
    keep thinking i'm goung to recover

    heard little sammie was beaten in to the hospital
    that just makes me want to kill

    she gave me the twilight of love. now we are both lost in the dark zone
    fricken hell. throw a starving dog a bone

    i've no place to go
    but still want to meet you under the mistletoe.

    thanks everyone and happy new year - love and peace paul.

    1. One day perhaps she will be merely a memory, not an sad ache, I wish that day would come sooner for you than later. Hopeless love, I think they call it. Wishing you well for the New Year and Beyond, for sure!

    2. she was always trouble tash. but like i said before, i can handle a certain amount of trouble. but this emotional tornado of a woman blew me away - take care tash. hope stephens cold is better - love paul.

    3. darkly beautiful...yes, a drowning person will fight for their last breath...hoping. We hope till the lights go out.

    4. Interesting and oddly compelling.

    5. thanks wolfie. to continue the sea analogy. she was my titanic. all shiny and lovely on the inside, but prowen to icebergs - love and peace - paul.

    6. thanks karate kid. going not so dark in my new stuff - love and peace - paul.

  7. Giving and Receiving

    A loving heart
    gives without thought,
    without stint of itself;
    gives and is given in return.
    And we are given that we may give,
    and give that giving may be and continue.

    All life is a giving and a receiving,
    that the giving may have a purpose
    and the receiving a place to be.
    Unfolding the gifts means
    unwrapping the giving
    to discover the receiver
    and by accepting
    the receiver in turn gives
    as the circle becomes complete.

    With a full heart my giving is.
    With an open heart, my receiving is.
    The love that gives and receives
    has endless supply and never lacks;
    the love that gives without stint
    receives the same and more,
    and finds in the giving
    and in the receiving
    endless joy.

    1. life is a full circle of giving and receiving. Even infants give by smiling and cooing and just by being all around pleasant. It is a wonderful circle. I love giving as well as receiving. Especially if the gift is appreciated.

    2. Yes, and I like receiving too, just as much, actualy. Thanks for your comment!

    3. I like the thought of this one but I find the many "give" and "giving"s to make it sometimes sound like a tongue twister.

    4. sweet idea but as Victoria said hard to read with so many repetitive gives etc..

    5. I find it interesting that while there are as many receiving-s as givings, there was no problem with them...curious. The tone of the poem is a kind of a chant, so that is the impact of the repetition. Perhaps it does not work.

  8. This is not a new poem, howeer I will certainly write one of those beore the week is up. I have another one called The Gift, perhaps I ought to publish that one too. It's cute. So I will, and still I'll write another one or you'll think I made that prompt on purpose so I could post these. No, not at all--at last not consciously.

    1. i love your generous heart tash. i'm so glad you don't live where i live and have decent friends. this city would break your gentle heart - love and peace - paul.

  9. The Giving Wound

    I grieve the things I cannot change
    and change those that I may.
    Sometimes the difference is clear
    Sometimes I lose my way.

    Pain makes it difficult to see
    the thin dividing line
    between the lesson to be learned
    and where the light may shine

    to show the reason for the trial
    and why it wounds me so
    that I may open up my heart
    and see how I may grow.

    The thorn that pierces makes me bleed.
    As well that thorn may be
    a sharp reminder to be kind
    and let the love flow free.

    I grieve the things I cannot change
    and change those that I may.
    And when the difference is clear
    I see to find my way.

    1. Yes, I like this poem Tasha. Pain is a great reminder that we are alive and need to pass on the love. I like that part of the poem....and I like the way you started and ended your poem. Nice.

    2. Thanks again. I appreciate you! Your thoughtful comments make my day. Love and a Christmas hug.

    3. I like the way you do a take on the first stanza in the last, giving it a more positive direction, from "lose my way" to "find my way." That's all we can do.

    4. nicely done the way it circles around using the same thought

    5. Thanks to you both for the kind comments.

  10. I couldn't find The Gift--wrong title I guess, if I find it I'll post it, however, here is another poem I did find on the theme.

    1. hope you aren't turning in to me tash...that would not be good, i promise. " the boy with the thorn in his side " - the smiths - love and peace paul.

  11. one more then i'll give someone else a chance. it's about the gift of ghosts in my head.....yeah, i am quite weird. it's also sortta charles dickensish

    GHOSTS ( a hard road 5 )

    a dozen toasts to all my ghosts
    the little one that died young
    and the one that always sung

    i miss......i need....your laughter

    " i ain't afraid of no ghosts " - ghostbusters.

    i've learned about honour
    a hard road more often than not
    but worth the effort

    i know it doesn't rhyme
    but i didn't have the time
    the ghosts outnumbered me one to nine.

    " we've come too far to give up who we are " - up all night - daft punk.

    1. I don't mind that it doesn't rhyme, I like it a lot, and found it more touching than many you have written.

    2. sometimes the gifts we get, aren't always what we want. the gift of love can sometimes be a poisoned chalice - watch out for those ghosts tash - love paul.

    3. The gift of presence and love are very fine gifts indeed. I have had the honor of the presence of three ghosts in my lifetime who helped me understand things like death and loss...

    4. I like this one a lot. And I love that you say it doesn't rhyme even though it does. It adds a level of absurd to the poem.

    5. need my ghosts to keep me warm wolfie. 'cos the living are no good at it ha ha. death and i are old friends. we've met many times - love and peace - paul.

    6. i'm always good at being absurd victoria...eerrr ask anyone ha ha. there are no rules in poetry karate kid - love and peace - paul.

    7. thanks bonita. pussy cats ok? - love and peace - paul.

  12. My dog is concerned with
    life’s mysteries and
    expects me
    to unravel a few

    at least the small ones
    that’s what dogs do
    but I’m not
    sure I’m ready for this
    I have the secrets

    give them as gifts
    individually wrapped
    with appropriate
    hand lettered cards

    red ribbons
    but dogs don’t think that way
    so I touch noses
    and flip one up
    in the air

    she leaps up to catch it
    shakes it back and forth
    like a plush toy
    trots out to
    bury it in the yard

    1. lovely dog was much smarter than me. she taught me about the world, not the other way around. she always had the look, that she knew all about life's mysteries and was only teasing me - love and peace - paul.

    2. I like this take on the prompt. It is very amusing and charming. I enjoyed the great imagery. When Thor was just a puppy, (he's 18 now) he used to bury everything even his supper. He would carry mouthfuls outside and bury them. If we gave him a bone, he would bury it immediately! He finally got to the point where he realized that no one was going to steal his stuf and grew out of that habit

    3. I thought this was a charming poem and not only that but reads well and is so nicely visual. Kudos!

    4. It needs a lot more work. This is something I’ve done before, and it can yield interesting results — take a poem that I’d started without thinking about the prompt, and bend it toward the prompt.

    5. You always think your poems need more work. I love this the way it is.

    6. my first thought after reading this was WOW! so that is my comment... wow!

  13. I bought Christmas gifts for everyone
    didn't forget a soul
    I wanted to play Santa
    for the kids

    But, an Arctic storm hit
    and ruined my plans
    now the gifts still sit here
    on the living room floor

    Yep, it snowed five feet
    and I don't have a sleigh
    cars don't make it
    on such a winter's day

    Erie's snowed in
    and we're snowed out
    sixty-one inches
    is nothing to laugh about!

    I'll give my gifts
    they're not going anywhere
    when the snow melts
    that's when I'll get there...

    1. Oh my! Truth in verse.Well the joy gets extended that way, so good for you anyway, and a nice poem telling your tale, Hugs, Blessings, Happy New Year

    2. I hope you finally got to have your Christmas!! As far as the poem, you start out not rhyming but start in the 3rd stanza. I guess that's the way the snow flies. LOL.

    3. poor Linda! just think how much fun to have Christmas after everyone else is done :-)

    4. it's the gift that counts, not when it gets there wolfie. didn't get my gift till yesterday - don't fall in the snow - paul.

  14. Gifts

    A gift for you, I exclaim in eagerness and joy
    you say to yourself, I can hardly wait, oh boy
    you open it up hoping for a pleasant surprise
    If these clothes are for you, they'll be your demise

    You wouldn't be caught dead in such folderol
    just the thought evokes extra strength Tylenol
    Well that's ok, it's the thought that counts
    presents aren't measured in dollar amounts

    If you give from your heart instead of your head
    You'll make someone happy and stand in good stead

    Sometimes receiving is about as hard as giving
    don't offend the giver if you want to keep on living
    my take on gifts is that they can be a risky proposition
    but go ahead an participate, it's just part of the human condition.

    1. Great rhymes!!! Plus truth, I suppose it is difficult to choose for someone else. Mostly I give my Stephen gifts he's pointed out he wants! I buy and stash until the day. Liked your poem a lot.

    2. LOL. Yup. Good meter and rhyme and I agree, gifts are difficult.

    3. good write and spot on in your observations

    4. nice paul. made me smile. best christmas gift i got was my ex crazy ladies second hand bugs bunny slippers - love and peace - paul.

  15. joyful gifts of life
    sometimes taken for granted
    are the most precious

    1. Yes indeed, very much to the point!

    2. Agree wholeheartedly and a lot said in so few words. Overall, a nice senryu, but I think you wasted two syllables in the last line. "are the" could be functional description.

    3. are we talking about vodka here wolfie ha ha. only joking - paul.

  16. Gifts
    The gift at the heart of giving
    blends into the gift of receiving
    and both flow as one because
    what goes around, comes around,
    and the circle/cycle is joyous
    unless to be sure the gift
    is a bunch of germs.

    1. Made me laugh. I thought you were getting "deep" and then that last line hit. Nice job.

    2. upon finishing your poem, I sneezed...!!! and laughed at the same time.

    3. Thanks for the read and for the comments too! Happy New Year to All!!!

    4. made it tash. yeah, the gift of germs. a kid on the train thought it was a good idea to sneeze all over me for twenty minutes.....uh-hu!

    5. Thanks, all, glad it pleased and amused.

  17. Made it under the wire...hope it gets read!
