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Sunday, April 15, 2018

2018 PAD Challenge - Day 15, Metaphor

From Robert Lee Brewer:

For today’s prompt, write a metaphor poem. That is, write a poem built around a metaphor. Remember: Metaphors actually take on another object (like “I am a Tree” or “I am a Rock“). This is not to be confused with similes, which are like metaphors (for instance, “I am like a tree” or “I am like a rock”), but not quite. Dig? If so, then you are a shovel or spade or bulldozer. Now poem the heck out of metaphors today.


  1. only five mins to write this poem. can't guarantee any spelling, or quality. straight up on the screen.


    she made me stone
    right down to the bone
    death and i are old friends
    though both of us still pretends

    little lies devour my soul
    to be whole? or under pressure turn to coal.

    outta time. i know it needs a third verse, but only seconds left.

    1. yes i understand about death being an old friend. kind of got too acquainted with that entity myself. i like this poem!

    2. A very special poem. Would like to see another verse hoeer it's good as it is also.

    3. death and i have hung out a few times. the reaper ain't much of a party guy though - love and peace - paul.

    4. thanks victoria. i'm better under the queen/bowie song - puppy dog woofs - paul.

    5. thanks tash. yep, it needed another verse. just ran out of time........story of my life - take care - love - paul.

  2. I look through the closet of my life
    find an old pair of worn out shoes
    tucked behind clothes that no longer fit
    styles long forgotten

    Old photographs in a dusty box
    memories of another time
    cards and ribbons lie askew
    life from days gone by

    Old shoes old clothes old memories
    my life - myself - my scattered dreams
    lie in the back of a closet
    lost in darkness and in time

    1. reply poem - i dust the cobwebs from my mind
      just to see that diamond i can't find - paul.

  3. Secrets slither down
    hallways concealed by doorways
    eclipsed by shadows.

    Her red lips, red hair
    red dress, shimmer in dim light
    as the door opens.

    "Stop," she cautions, then
    views the intruder, smiles
    with invitation.

    Case of mistaken
    identity, so like him,
    she discerns too late

    it was not bright, door
    unlocked, unprotected. One
    can intrude unheard.

    "Pizza?" he inquired.
    Pepperoni, sausage. Smells
    waft across the room.

    Memories flood her
    senses, family dinners,
    Friday gatherings.

    "So like your father,"
    she says, "thought you were a ghost
    come back to haunt me."

    "I battle that ghost
    each day." her visitor puts
    forth. "He's never gone."

    A good deal of time
    has passed since their last meeting
    yet they do not touch.

    "You should, could, have warned,
    prepared my marrow for this
    abrupt reunion.

    Why now?" she laments,
    purses her red lips, turns her
    red dress to the wall.

    She slumps, a spider
    luring prey, feels arms surround,
    capture completed.

    "Let's eat some pizza
    before it gets cold, but you
    must hear my report."

    Words tight, a coiled spring
    ready to release, trigger
    savage explosions.

  4. I am a sharp knife
    I can stab you with my tongue
    I am more dangerous than
    a two sided blade
    but I will only wound you
    if you tear my spirit
    or torment my psyche
    or place dark matter in my life
    because I am a sharp knife...

    1. the tongue is mightier than the sword

    2. ouch! think you cut me with this one wolfie - flick knives for prossies - paul.

    3. I love it. And I certainly can identify.

  5. My Love and I

    My love and I may wander through thickets of thistles and thorns
    and not be harmed
    My love and I may meander through mingled moments of seduction
    and not be charmed.
    Wrapped in the knowledge of each others' arms we are
    well armored with protection
    Secure in trust and filled with thankfulness we feel
    the blessing of connection.
    My love and I are one and in that oneness
    grow together like a tree.
    We are its branches and its roots,
    embraced as one eternally.

    1. i love the idea of love being the branches and the roots. lovely!

    2. love protects you from the thorns tash - in a gooseberry bush - paul.

    3. I can almost hear Celtic music playing when I read this. Lovely.

  6. yes, I could almost hear the music, also!!! very well done!!!

  7. Many thanks or the kind words, you are all so nice to comment and encouraging too!
