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Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Tasha Here, My nomination for the poetry prompt is FORKS. Any kind will do. Have fun!


  1. Forks

    Decisions arise with all forks in the road:
    this way or that way? Which way shall I go?
    One poet tells us he took the least traveled,
    did he regret it? We never will know.

    Forks in the road are a devilish conundrum;
    decisions invariably cause me to wonder.
    Whichever I choose, there's this niggling thought
    was this the right choice, or did I perhaps blunder?

    Forks in the road can be anyone's guess
    it helps to have maps, though not always I fear
    for they don't include pitfalls or detours or landslides
    or dragons or bears that might simply appear.

    At a fork in the road I will reach in my pocket,
    it's there that I keep my reliable guide
    to make my decision at the fork I am facing
    the toss of a coin will help me decide.

    A fork in the road, and a coin to aid me,
    two faces to choose from, which fork shall I say?
    The choosing is easy, the method is simple
    And all that remains is deciding the way.

    1. Absolutely. I've always joked that my autobiography should be titled, "It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time, or, That Didn't Work."

    2. I like the way this poem flows. takes you to that fork in the road and then decision time and if you make the wrong one you can always go back and take the other route :-). lovely rhythm that makes for an easy read.

    3. Great rhyme and rhythm. I like how you make your decisions. A toss of the coin and you can always go back. I've heard that to take the path that scares you the most makes you a tougher person. LOL

    Tbilisi, Georgia

    The goons stormed the Kiwi Cafe.
    Bedecked in sausage necklaces,
    they brandished skewered kebabs.

    A dozen men pulled out their meat,
    sausages, fish. The extremists
    started eating them, threw grilled meat

    into diners' vegan dinners
    at the bohemian cafe
    pelted patrons with slabs of meat.

    Then they smoked, trying to provoke
    customers, got violent, brawled.
    The melee spilled onto the street.

    Neighbors and hipsters joined the fray.
    Some on the side of the vegans,
    Some sided with the carnivores.

    Police arrived. No arrests made.
    The meat men had since absconded.
    All they could do was say "Fork you."

    1. In case you can't tell, the location under the title is a link to the article on the event.

    2. I knew this had to be a real event but truly don't want to believe it! you brought the scene to life and I could see the events unfold as I read. love the last line... gave me a chuckle.

    3. Well I had to get "fork" into it. LOL

    4. This was a terrific way to get "fork" into this poem!!!
      I could tell it was a true event also. You played it out very well. A lot of imagery here so we could witness the whole scene!!!

    5. Oh My, that must have been a sight to see. woo hoo, well done as a poem too. Clever the way you worked in the fork!

  3. Collections

    I wonder why people don’t collect forks
    in the museum in Erie, PA they have spoons
    someone invented a silly thing called sporks
    never caught on for the silly buffoons

    in the museum in Erie, PA they have spoons
    sporks didn’t make the cut for me
    never caught on for the silly buffoons
    spoons are used to stir my tea

    sporks didn’t make the cut for me
    and forks are great for pie or cake
    spoons are used to stir my tea
    but forks I use to cut my steak

    and forks are great for pie or cake
    someone invented a silly thing called sporks
    but forks I use to cut my steak
    I wonder why people don’t collect forks.

    1. forgot to post this form is a pantoum. I have decided to use this round to work on my form poetry. I didn't want to delete the poem just to add Pantoum to the title.

    2. I never thought of that. They collect spoons, but not forks!

    3. Great pantoum!! I used to love the spoon collection. I do wonder now why they never collected forks.

    4. very cute, that form is a favorite of yours and you do it so nicely. I liked the way you worked the spork into it. Nice job!

  4. Chorus:

    I've been down that road so many times
    so many times
    and its forked this way and that while I was there
    while I was there
    Yes, it forked this way and that while I was there.

    Oh the choices that I made down rivers and roads
    all around the country there were places I made my bed
    on the ground, Yes, I said, I made my bed on the ground
    and I smiled at the sunrise, and red sunsets all around
    I made peace with nature as I slept there on the ground


    I never called my mama's name while I was gone
    I never cried a tear, I knew I was following the road
    I played tunes upon my fiddle and I laughed
    more than a little. I had fun wherever I laid
    my head, I slept like a babe wherever I made my bed.


    Oh, I've wandered up the mountain pathways
    up and down and up and down in a daze, never gave a care
    if I was lost. In the forest I would find a fork and come
    out someplace else. And all the days would run one to another
    and I called the earth my dearest mother


    I carried with me just what's on my back
    a bag of cereal for food was in my pack
    a book to be read, a journal to be fed
    and some clothes in case I found a shower
    or a lake down the road, down the road.


    1. love the way you take us with you on your adventures and make it come to life. found myself singing it as I went along... fun choice and entertaining :-)

    2. I'd love to hear this sung, (though maybe not by Bonnie. LOL) Nice job.

    3. just trying an experiment. HA HA HA

    4. why don't I have a picture. LOL

    5. Oh I really loved this wonderful verse. It sounded so authentically old timey, like I came across it in a book of songs collected by a folklorist. Lovely job.
