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Wednesday, May 25, 2016


This week's prompt is from my sister Linda. The topic is clutter.

It's time to clean the clutter from our house, a room, our mind, our spirit... anything that has accumulated clutter.


  1. Cluttered (Lento)

    Jumbled within the confines of her scattered mind thoughts
    Crumbled and disintegrated too rapidly to hold or catch
    Tumbled over the ghosts once alive in empty spaces
    Humbled by suspicions that would grab and then detach.

    Impressions cluttered and melted into past mistakes
    Possessions not hers to keep or pass along
    questions fueled the flames of her already demented mind
    Impressions left her lost where she did not belong.

    1. This seems awfully sad to me. So much clutter leaving "her lost where she did not belong". It seems to me your last line is a very powerful line and the perfect way to end this piece. Beautifully sad!

    2. Scary poem. But I love the form. At first I thought you were just saying to read it slowly like music (lento). But I figured I'd look up the form. I'll have to give it try.

    3. Poignant. And very telling. Beautiful poem. Sad image. Good job.

  2. The lento lends a lot of passion and mystery to this poem. Very dark and serious. I enjoyed it very much!! Very nice, Bonnie!

  3. Clutter is so basic for mankind
    clutter is always in my mind
    I try to clear it out sometimes
    but it just doesn't happen...

    Clutter is all over my house
    I creep around here like a mouse
    I have to rout just to find a blouse
    we have to find a place to put things...

    Clutter is all over this room
    I'd like to sweep it out with a broom
    but my husband looks at me with doom!
    So I don't move an amp or a guitar...

    I can't sweep out the dog and cats
    I straightened clothes and this and that
    But when I want something, I don't know where it's at
    I've got to do something about this clutter...

    1. lmbo!! oh boy can i relate to this scenario!! but with the steroids playing havoc with my body I have gone into a nesting syndrome and with the help of a friend have actually cleared out a lot of clutter and have the house livable... well all accept Keith's room which remains the inner sanctum but I have designs of getting in there and clearing out some of it today... heh heh heh... enjoyed this read as it made me smile :-)

    2. So incredibly relatable! Reminds me of when I lived in my last apartment. It seemed there was nothing I could do with all that clutter-just lacked the space to put things. I noticed in this poem you repeat how you wish or you need to do something about it all but nothing ever seems to get done. A very well chosen repetition, but it also transfers feelings of anxiety to the reader. I enjoyed reading this.

    3. LOL. It doesn't help. Everyone once in a while I clear out the clutter but it always seems to return.

  4. Brain Smoothie

    The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows
    Laundry needs to be folded
    I’m hungry
    But the dishes need to be washed
    Maybe I’ll just get takeout….
    The Mona Lisa Has no eyebrows
    There are no clocks in a Las Vegas Casino
    In your head…
    In your head….
    They are crying
    Perhaps I should pick up that guitar today
    The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows
    I want to go out
    I want to stay in…
    I guess I’m not a people person
    Or people just don’t like me
    What socially unacceptable thing am I doing?
    The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows
    My brain is in a blender
    And someone has just thrown the switch
    A glorious mess of my own brain smoothie
    Song lyrics….
    Social Anxiety….
    Useless facts…..
    The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows

    1. awesome! I love this one! extreme clutter without having to use the word... I especially like the line my brain is in a blender... can totally relate to that line :-). and i love the repetition of the mona lisa has no eyebrows... you did a great job on this one!

    2. Absolutely awesome, Meghan!!! You definitely have a cluttered mind there. A brain that won't shut down. I would imagine you sleep like that also... Great poem!!! I also like the repetition of the line "The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows" as it lends the poem more clutter!!

    3. Random thoughts was the closest I could come to clutter. Need to revise and edit a bit but I'm glad y'all enjoyed this!

    4. I love it. It's like a poem that consists of clutter. And like the others, I love the refrain.

    5. Very fine and most interesting. I liked the repetition of the Mona Lisa's Eyebrows bit, it pulls the poem together nicely.

  5. Clutter Poem
    a 5/4 poem

    Phrases for poetry
    clutter my mind.
    Half-formed silhouettes,
    like shingled sticky-notes,

    camophlage lists,
    important duties.
    Must get done.
    My mind considers, tries
    to reveal them.

    Each yellow paper
    I remove
    wants to be written, wants
    its own poem.
    The kitchen can wait.

    1. well done! every once in awhile I clear out the yellow sticky notes, napkins, envelopes with half thought ideas or lines for poems on them and either toss of finish. it's a poets dream and nightmare :-)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Clutter

      As one who loves to organize
      It seems I've had to learn
      that other people's clutter
      cannot be mine to discern.
      For clutter seeming piles or heaps
      upon another's table
      are his to organize at will
      whenever he is able.

      My best beloved husband
      does not have my point of view
      nor see his vast accumulations
      as the clutter that I do.
      The lenses of perception
      dictate our reality
      and there is a mighty difference
      twixt his and mine you see.

      His clutter is his treasure
      what he needs, or will, quite soon,
      his sentimental memories
      that play a soothing tune.
      I have learned to let his clutter be
      and just organize my own
      For love tells me to keep hands off
      and leave his stuff alone.
      Tasha Halpert

    4. I was trying to comment on Victoria's Poem without success, so now it's under mine, which is why there is a delete where I wanted to post. Oh Well. I wanted to say it is very clever, and so like those little sticky notes--mine are actually on my computer screen rather than being separate pieces of paper, and they are very useful to be sure. I keep recycled paper clipped together and write notes on that, and yes, poetry prompts or article prompts as they occur. My grandmother used to cover the floor with notes to herself to do things. Sticky paper hadn't been invented. Reminders are good and clutter has its uses. Thanks again.

    5. I think it's safe to say we all experience this. I have a notebook cluttered with tons of random ideas that are only half comolete. Love how you used this challenge to explain the realities of being a writer! Love this!

    6. The kitchen can always wait!!. poetry is much more important than the kitchen!!! I love this poem!

    7. To Tasha: I am clueless about this reply thing and where to put the comment for your poem now. But I enjoyed your poem. I am not to touch my husbands precious "stuff" either!! If I do he swears I lost something or threw it away!

  6. How do I post without ending up as a reply? Help! Thanks!

    1. You just did, right there. Basically go to the box at the VERY BOTTOM of the blog and put it there. You shouldn't have to click on any "Reply" link.

      BTW, since it's your turn next week, your choice: send me an email address (preferably gmail) and I will set you up to post it yourself, or you can send me your post and I will post it.

    2. Your husband and mine are so similar when it comes to 'clutter' and I love this poem because it does epitomize the dilemma between those of us who organize neatly and those who organize in what looks like clutter to us :-). but they know where everything is and if we 'organize' it for them things are lost to them. there is a method to their madness :-). so i leave his room alone and organize and clean the rest of the house. lol

    3. Love how you bring the perceptions of others into this poem. How some people don't see it as clutter while others do. "For love tells me to keep hands off" is an excellent line. The things we deal with for love eh? Beautiful work!

    4. Love how you bring the perceptions of others into this poem. How some people don't see it as clutter while others do. "For love tells me to keep hands off" is an excellent line. The things we deal with for love eh? Beautiful work!

    5. thank you Bonnie, I had a feeling we had similar situations, funny isn't it? Thank you Mehgan, you are so kind. I love it that you commented on a specific line.

  7. Dear Victoria, I don't seem to have your email address in my book. Can you send it to me? I have a gmail account as Thanks! I have my topic all set. Perhaps you had better put it up for me as I am not always clever when it comes to posting. Thanks!

    1. Just in case you didn't get my FB message or invite to co-author the blog, figured I'd mention it here so you could go check your gmail email. (There's a rhyme, LOL).
