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Saturday, April 25, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 25: Remix

From Writer's Digest PAD Challenge:

For today’s prompt, write a remix poem. That is, take one (or more) of your poems from earlier this month and remix it. Make a free verse poem into a villanelle. Or condense a sestina into a haiku or senryu. Or forget form. Just completely jumble up the words…or respond to the original poem(s). As always, have fun with it.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write aa new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. Reply Haiku to April 10

    No more nail biting for you!
    Virus victory!

  2. Replies
    1. Righhhhhtttt. You intended that pun. LOL.

    2. I honestly didn’t. I didn’t notice it till I’d written it.

  3. And here's my nature poem redone as a sonnet.

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But bears are out there with their mamas,
    And Kurosawa's foxes keep
    Their watch for boys in striped pajamas,
    Or little girls in riding hoods--
    It seems they too can be misled.
    Be careful with your worldly goods,
    You're better off at home in bed.

    But even that's no place to hide.
    For sure someone will want your sex
    Or withhold theirs. Perhaps its time
    To hit the underground and ride
    To where the Number Six connects
    To Coney Island of the mind.

    1. I like this better than the first one. And yeah, starting with Kurosawa and ending with Ferlinghetti makes for quite a poem.

  4. Coney Island if the mind! Lol. That’s good!

  5. That's actually taken from another poet, as is the first line, of course. I start with Frost and end with Lawrence Ferlinghetti, one of the original Beat Generation poets, still alive and kicking at 101.

  6. An updated version of yesterday's poem.

    We walk up Lofty Heights.
    Your thighs hurt.
    I am out of breath,
    far too quickly,
    attempting exercise.

    Green leaf buds
    turned our brown walk green.
    Soon, full trees will
    canopy the rutted
    old dirt road.

    Background birdsong plays,
    the only sound
    other than our breathing.
    You speak up,
    name them all. I can't.

    We trudge up, up,
    step over rocks, gullies.
    Almost there,
    know we can make it
    to the top.

    On the way back, downhill,
    you tell me,
    quite seriously
    I would like hills
    better if they were flat.

    1. Both are goo, though there is more of the experience in he second one...I think the first one reads more smoothly.

  7. This is a reworking of my Quirk poem as a ballad

    The Ballad of the Kind Friend

    We met at a fair on one fine day,
    All a down a down a
    And found that we had much to say,
    All a down a derry o.

    She was young and we were older
    All a down etc.
    As we chatted we grew bolder.
    All a down etc.

    Asked her to visit at day's end
    All a down etc
    She did and soon became a friend,
    All a don etc.

    Then the virus came along
    All a down etc.
    No more shopping went our song,
    All a down etc.

    Let me for you shop she said
    All a down etc
    Lest too soon you wind up dead
    All a down etc.

    We agreed and now our friend
    All a down etc.
    Brings us groceries without end
    All a down etc

    By chance we met to pass the day,
    All a down etc.
    Who knew things would turn out that way?
    All a down etc.

    1. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Well done, sad words to a happy beat. You should put it to music.
