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Sunday, April 19, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 19: Six Words

From Writer's Digest PAD Challenge:

For today’s prompt, write a poem that uses the following six words:

  • bump
  • embrace
  • fixture
  • howl
  • lonely
  • resolve

How did I come up with this list? Actually, it’s a tie-in to our Shakespeare Week that starts today, because the Bard is actually credited with inventing all six of these words. Pretty cool, eh? For sestina fans, I kind of intentionally made it six words for a reason. So let’s get writing!

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. I bumped into
    a herd of deer
    while walking through the forest
    I embraced the scene
    and knew right then
    that I was in grave danger
    ...the fixture in my mind
    right now
    is a tree
    from his head
    that rattled when
    he shook it, then
    he stomped the forest floor
    so hard
    earth shook
    trees quaked before him

    in silence
    I howled
    great dismay
    so lonely and small
    I stood
    not know what to do
    there I was in the midst
    of antlers and sharp hooves
    so, my resolve was very simple
    I squatted down...
    relieved myself
    this movement actually worked
    they stopped the threat
    continued grazing
    and let me
    leave in

  2. This is a true story. It happened in Port Matilda, PA in 1993 or there abouts during apple picking season.

    1. Great story and great job on the prompt. I'm having the biggest problem with fixture.

    2. Thank you. I sure hope things work out for you real quickly so you can work on your poem!

    3. Lol. Adds new meaning to being so scared you shit your pants. Maybe the act of relieving oneself during fearsome moments is the true answer.

    4. Wonderful tale, loved it! Perhaps by doing what you did you conveyed that you were just a fellow creature going about her business.

  3. I
    not to howl
    when I bumped my lonely toe.
    I embraced the fixture’s pain.

    1. LOL. EXCELLENT take on the prompt. Amusing and using such a few number of words.

    2. You beat me to it with less words, good job.

  4. Elbow bump
    but no embrace,
    No handshake, fixture
    of American class

    I try to not
    be lonely, resolve
    to stay human until
    it's time to
    howl at the moon.

  5. Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Did you bump yourself?
    Let me embrace you!
    Was it the light fixture?
    Don't howl! You'll get better
    soon, meanwhile, I'll resolve
    to stay so you won't be lonely
    and I'll kiss it to make it better.

    1. Sweet, and uses all the words effectively. I was going to say it's been decades since I did the kiss to make it better, but realized I have actually done it in my karate classes a few times.
