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Monday, April 13, 2020

PAD Challenge Day 13: Purpose

From Writer's Digest PAD Challenge:

For today’s prompt, write a purpose poem. Many people like to have a purpose in life. Some folks do things on purpose. And yes, sometimes it appears there is no purpose to life’s events. Whatever drives you, I hope you’re able to pair purpose (or lack of purpose) with your poetry today.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt.


  1. is there a purpose
    to this life
    what is mine
    where do I fit
    into this universe
    why am I here
    there really are no answers
    like people claim there are
    I don’t believe in anything
    sorry but it’s true
    religion is a medicine
    and theories are too thin
    only a hope
    heaven has
    no substance
    just a scroll
    screwed with by “saints”
    and Valhalla... various
    words to cheer on warriors
    and women to feel peaceful
    I’ve lived long
    and literally
    hard and harsh
    I’ve seen and heard
    the truth about mankind
    they do not live
    what they preach
    and hide behind
    closed doors
    sin can be forgiven
    so sin can be performed
    no, we are not just human!
    we are much, much more
    people stagnate
    never grow
    in tight environments
    of old thought and theory
    enlighten eager entities
    grow and learn
    that good the only way

    1. Great rant! "enlighten eager entities, yes!

    2. Oh boy. “Sin can be forgiven so sin can be performed”. A little pet peeve of mine when I learned about confession at church. Do what you want - just go to confession.
      Grow and learn. Indeed. Nice share.

    3. I agree with both. Great rant. I think it could be a great poem too, with some work. This is draft month. We should make it revision month next month. LOL

    4. I'd start with "I don't believe in anything." It really kicks in after that.

  2. Why
    do I
    get out of bed?
    Greet the sun? Drink the coffee?
    Empty my bladder, mostly.

    do I
    unlock the door?
    To go out? For visitors?
    Cats and dog go pee, mostly.

    do I
    watch comedies?
    Great story? Favorite stars?
    To laugh so hard I cant breath.

    do I
    watch children play?
    Listen? Friendly play? Sharing?
    Innocent truths takes my breath.

    do I
    choose happiness?
    To smile? To enjoy? To share?
    To participate with ease.

    do I
    get up, open
    the door, laugh, lose breaths, take breaths, with ease? To live life my way!

    1. A Pictorial tour through your life, nicely done. Incidentally. did you know part of being and contributing here is that you are also supposed to make comments on the poetry of others fairly regularly? Or so I was told when I joined, to be sure...

    2. Love this. You and I share similar aims. I love your attitude.

  3. Questioning Purpose

    What is the purpose of dust?
    Is it to provide a must do?
    Something to be removed?

    What is the purpose of a seed?
    Is it to fill a need, or to bring
    life into being for a purpose.

    What is the purpose of tears?
    Of fears, or cheers, except
    perhaps to express being human.

    What is the purpose of death?
    Is it to make dust in place of breath?
    Or perhaps to make room?

    1. This made me laugh a little for personal reasons. I cry easy. I have flat surface disease and just realized less to dust when all my surfaces have “stuff” on them. I struggle growing anything and can kill a plant in record time from too much love (water). And death - for sure more DUST. Thanks.

    2. Well done. And yes, agree on all counts. I like the internal rhyme, seemingly random but obviously planned.

    3. I think this is one of your best.

    4. Thanks for the kind words indeed!

  4. Mary Anne Ellenburg-FieldsApril 13, 2020 at 11:43 PM


    PURPOSE is the ultimate force
    That sets each day on hourly course.
    As I rise, I search for seed,
    To bring to life this day’s need.
    Where shall I organize and glean?
    Can I create beauty yet unseen?
    Will I have energy in continuous flow?
    Who can I teach what I know?

    PURPOSE makes a strong demand
    That keeps me on track, or be damned.
    I count the day at each clock’s hand:
    I Purpose to do all I can!
    Will I hold back for lack of nerve?
    Will there be others I could serve?
    Can I surmise, if I give my best,
    That I’ll feel happy, and I’ll feel blessed?

    PURPOSE is the best reconcile
    To balance love of life or life by guile.
    In multiple layers of purpose, I muse:
    ‘Tis better to serve others, than others use.
    Will I consider the future in my present?
    Will righting the past be my precedent?
    Will optimism rule or pessimism flow?
    If Purpose loses value, will I let go?

    PURPOSE helps count my nightly sheep.
    Among the pastures that I keep.
    I consider today’s doubts and peace,
    Wondering if tomorrow will be another day’s lease.
    Will I fulfill another God-given role?
    Will God always be lover of my soul?
    No matter my failures, I purpose to be
    Aimed with Purpose toward eternity.

    1. Beautifully written. You really could turn a lot of your poems into song. Especially like the line. "Who can I teach what I know?" Each generation does have lost skills. You are teaching your grandchildren to sew and so much more.

    2. What a lovely poem, well written and well expressed.

  5. What a lovely positively purposeful reading!

    an acrostic

    Poetry can create beauty or
    Ugliness. It can be written with
    Rules or not one rule. Created for
    Public consumption, for performance
    Or simply for one person to read.
    Show your words, your thoughts, your ideas
    Even when it burns souls, breaks your heart.

    1. Tiy ae so very clever, this is quite remarkable.
