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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Three things

From Sue:  As you read this (try not to cheat) select 3 items in your reach.

Place them in front of you and compose anything about them
- can they be on an adventure together?
- do they have feelings?
- do you have feelings about the items?
- if you had to describe them to a child or alien or blind person

Literally show us how odd the situation is. 


  1. Mom's parents grew up
    with no electric lights.
    Used a wringer
    washer, ice
    box, gas lights, wood stove.

    Dad bought them a washing
    machine to win
    them over
    and let their daughter
    marry that black Spaniard.

    Electric lights
    washer, dryer, tv,
    all in our home,

    growing up.
    Now, my devices
    list too many to count.
    Within my reach
    I access--

    A remote control.
    A smartphone. A laptop
    where I write this
    and send it
    to the blogosphere.

    1. This is great!
      I love trying to imagine getting closer to the technology of the Jetsons.

    2. I like it a lot. Movement through time with things,

    3. Awesome I loved the comparison between Gramma and Grampa's life and now. Gave me some nostalgia...

  2. Coffee mug
    Braun Thermometer

    Hello.... ok. I’m awake. Stop poking me.
    I’m opening as fast as I can. Loading.
    Tap. Tap. Open. Reverse screen to see you
    take a drink. Hey monopoly mug! What’s new?
    Haven’t seen you in awhile. Shh. She’s talking.

    Video done. On the move again. Whose here?
    NO NO NoNoNo. Don’t leave me here by the....
    Hi Braun. Any hotties yet? Ahem UMMMM
    you got a little wax on your tip there bro...
    She’s coming. All clean and just in time for Jack

    Bye braunie. Ta ta. Im off to work. Tap tap
    He he. Jackie boy. That tickles. Swipe. Tap tap
    What letter spells log? L spells log. Good job!
    Hey monopoly mug. I see you’re on the go.
    Coffee or tea? Ok. Tell me later bro...

    What’s going on over there? Jack and I saw
    Braun get the ole alcohol rub down again
    Ashley is here now. No fever. Woo woo.
    She’s coming at me with the cotton ball. Nooo
    Spitooey. Yuckie. Sigh. All clean for Ashley.

    Hey monopoly mug. How’s your day? Half full?
    I’m almost dead but I am plugged in to life.
    All the kids really drained me. What was that?
    Christmas mug wanted me to ask you the date.
    It’s MAY 25 today. He will be sad.

    Bye bye little ones. See you all tomorrow!
    Braun, THEY’RE ALL GONE. Yes. Yes! I can hear you bro..
    I don’t know why you think that I am deaf.
    Its been great to see you monopoly mug.
    We have time to pass before you have to GO!

    What? Ask monopoly mug how race car is.
    He’s in storage. Hasn’t been out since last year
    Guys wait. I have a pop up. She’s coming.
    Update. Guys. Im afraid I have to go now.
    It’s getting dark. I’m losing control. Silence.

    1. Yes, truly awesome! Did you write that this week? Wow! If you did!

    2. Yes. I wrote it during nap time and posted right away. Thanks.


    1. The iPad

    Pick me
    up, press me
    with your index
    finger, like you
    were tickling a
    baby or finding
    the softest part
    of a woman or
    making a point in
    debate. Touch me
    and you're playing
    poker for hundreds
    of thousands
    of unreal dollars, or
    forming a triple
    word score with a
    Z against someone
    you've never met who
    may or may not be
    from Utah.
    Another jab and it's
    Balzac or Marlow
    or Ellery Queen or
    Charlie Yardbird Parker
    or a chubby bride
    and groom doing
    cartwheels down the aisle
    or cute baby goats
    every way that three
    people can fuck and
    suck each other
    or vitamins delivered
    with no shipping cost.

    2. The notepad and pen

    But you
    me, didn't you?

    1. LOL. Yup. I can see you picking the notepad and pen.

    2. I can't write a poem any other way.

    3. Ok, I enjoyed this! Made me giggle for some reason...

  4. Enjambments galore. You covered the many, many things one can do with an iPad including shopping online for vitamins. I wonder why not condoms.

    Poor neglected notepad and pen.

    I like it.

    1. I just wanted to do one shopping thing, and--well, I didn't think of condoms, but if I had I think I wouldn't have wanted to use them right after the porn. I wanted to move in a totally different direction. But I guess you would need vitamins after all those threesomes.

    2. My plan when I started, to the extent that I had one -- and I try never to have a plan when I start a poem - was to write all about what you can do with a notepad and pen, too -- but then when I got there, the notepad and pen decided they had already spoken for themselves.

    3. I can see that. I almost would love to see this written on a notepad.

  5. The Theme of Three

    Smiley man about 1 ½ inches tall. He wears white shoes and white gloves.

    An oval stone painted to look like a ladybug. She has a sweet little smile and round eyes.

    A bottle of nerve tonic pills, a homeopahic remedy to help generate calm.

    Ladybug, ladybug you can't fly away
    and indeed, little lady I want you to stay,
    cheery smiley person you will surely keep
    me entertained until it's time to sleep.
    Nerve tonic pills of homeopathic style
    all will be helping me smile a cheery smile.
    These three items daily sit before me
    Helping me to think optimistically.

    1. Interesting. For some reason "Nerve tonic" sets me off, like it's something negative although it is not.

    2. fun poem, Tasha. I love lady bugs and I think they do cheer people up!

  6. the magic knife
    dug up the turquoise stone
    from the ground
    by the rose bush
    a rose awoke
    and spoke to
    the knife
    “that’s mine, put it back!”
    “no, i need it for my spell”
    “I will stab you with my thorns”
    “ha ha” laughed the magic knife
    and cut the rose
    for a vase...

    1. Love it. The three things are knife, stone and rose bush?

    2. The end! Lol. Now I want to see the rose in the vase with the turquoise stone and hear the spell.

    3. fun one. good visuals in this lively poem.

  7. the dirt was black
    and fertile
    it lay waiting
    for a seed
    the wind blew
    with ferocity
    and seeds were
    in the wake
    the rock laid it's trap
    and grabbed captured a victim
    for dirt
    the rain came down
    and pounded
    it deep withing the dirt
    a seedling emerged
    a tiny thing
    so brave and green and straight
    it pushed the rock aside
    as it rounded up it's girth
    earth became the home
    of a giant, mighty oak...

    1. Nice. What were the three objects for this one? And you've got "it's" instead of "its" twice again.

    2. Enjoyed the images here, too.

  8. Dirt. Seed. Rock. Behold the mighty oak. Loved the ending. Didn’t expect a MIGHTY OAK.
