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Sunday, September 20, 2020


 From William:

Unity and what it means.


From Victoria: Not everyone posts a poem every week, but our week to do prompts kept coming up too fast, so I am asking both of our occasional posters, Will and Winston, to do prompts also. I'm hoping it will get them to post more poems too. This is Will's first one.


  1. I hope to write a new one, but I wanted to get Will's first prompt going.

    Quotes from women who did on 1/21/17

    I marched to celebrate womanhood, because it’s
    important to be part of things that are bigger
    than yourself, to show up for all humanity.

    I marched to stand up against the expectations
    that society has for me, the box I am
    put in because of the fact I am a woman.

    I marched for the least of my brothers and sisters
    because I live my life in union with God, work
    for the least of these. I marched for the asylum-

    seeking family my sisters welcomed into their
    convent so that they would have a home as they tried
    to find some safety and welcome in a new land.

    I marched because it’s worth the try. The time to act
    is now. I marched for my sisters who couldn’t, marched
    for my daughter's future. I marched because I can.

    I marched because I believe in democracy,
    because immigrants are welcome, because climate
    change is real, because dissent is patriotic.

    People deserve a world with access to healthcare;
    where the water we drink is safe; where facts matter,
    where we live by righteousness, live by compassion.

    I marched for my nieces, for my grandma. I marched
    because I am indebted to the women who
    came before me. I marched because I have a voice.

    I marched because men should not make laws about my
    body. I’m not pro-abortion, but my body
    is my domain. No one else should decide for me.

    I marched because I studied history, don’t want
    it to repeat itself, propaganda techniques
    seen in history as dictators take power.

    I marched so that Trump, his supporters and the world
    would see the majority of Americans
    do NOT support him or his hateful agenda.

    I marched because Trump rates women on appearance,
    insults women publicly. I will not allow
    this to be normalized into our society.

    I marched to save United States democracy.
    I marched for women I love, for women I will
    love, for women I know, for women I don’t know.

    I marched to show support for immigrants, Muslims,
    minorities who have the most to fear. I see
    years of marches until we make things right again.

    I marched because the future is ours to make, full
    of hope. We need to stand up for justice and life.
    In other words: we have got to keep on marching.

    I have been reignited to raise my voice, take
    action, get involved. We need to be louder, drown
    out the hatred of that vocal minority.

    We will march, we will organize, we will protest,
    we’ll do what we can to fight the gross oppression
    that America has harbored for way too long.

    We are the tiny voice in Whoville. Together,
    we'll be heard. Only together will we be heard.
    My idea of making America great.

    1. I love this . you covered every reason to march and if they hadn’t started i think people need to protest even though the govt is trying to discourage and bad protest , it’s part of what keeps govt clean!

  2. I'm working on a new one, however this song lyric I wrote many years ago fits the theme nicely.


    Perhaps there are no strangers, only friends
    who have not met each other yet it seems.
    Perhaps we are the branches of a mighty tree
    that's hung with all our many-colored dreams.

    Perhaps each life is but a single note
    that altogether makes a symphony.
    Perhaps we are the sound of one accord
    that rings throughout all of eternity.

    Perhaps each note is all the notes combined,
    for one and one are still one in the end.
    Perhaps each stranger is ourselves alone,
    in need of someone who could be a friend.

    Perhaps we can remember who we are
    and know there is no other way to be.
    Perhaps one day we'll truly come to know
    ourselves as branches of a single tree.

    1. Lovely. I'd love to hear is sung.

    2. very pretty song, Tasha. Like Victoria idkove to here it sung!

  3. unity

    In my world
    there is discord
    unity a thing of the past
    people follow media
    and tend to get lost
    in social argument
    and nonsense they feed
    the “free” saccharine citizens
    belief in government is gone
    our world has become
    so scattered in sensibility
    that confusion is our conviction
    and the people are all conformed
    or cultivated to conformity
    that thought may just combust
    into crumbs of what was once
    a unified people
    now we are putrid crumbs
    of congregated constituents
    of chaos

  4. Will, this prompt actually made me feel emotional and made the words flow! Thank you for the great prompt!
