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Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Week in Review

 From Linda (who damn well better post a poem this week):

Write a poem based on something that happened to you this week. It could be something life-changing or something that you feel is worthy of poetic expression...


  1. this week

    there came a change
    somehow this week
    the air, a breeze, a faint aroma
    nostalgia searched my soul
    uprooting soft turmoil
    of other Autumns
    other times
    when life was full
    and so exciting
    the thrill of “harvest”
    was upon me
    tractors, ladders and apple trees
    Mexican music filled the air
    the race to pack the bins
    sweet sweat of work
    private pleasure of muscle throbs
    eating the biggest, sweetest
    apple on the tree
    me, with a smile in my heart
    apart from the world
    In a secret society
    that no one gets to see
    I did
    I saw things
    of beauty and
    also things I didn’t
    want to see...
    but all in all
    i’m content
    in the winter of my life
    to have the smells
    and memories
    that linger
    on the breeze

    1. Lovely. It's almost two poems. I think the first one could end at "that no one gets to see".

    2. Nice poem, been missing you! Good painting of a scene and sweetly nostalgic.

  2. unconventional
    conventions virtually
    choose who is running
    for our country's president
    democrat republican

    1. Were you watching then? Mot me! Too much verbiage...not like your brief poem! Fun to read aloud.

    2. Yup. At least some of both of them. Drives my husband nuts. He doesn't see how I can possibly watch the RNC. I tell him I need to in order to earn my Political Merit Badge. But yeah, I'm a political junkie.

    3. Tasha was right! Your poem was fun to read aloud!

  3. Thunder Delights

    Some people shiver when thunder rolls,
    others, like me rejoice.
    It makes me happy to hear it rumble,
    I enjoy the clouds loud voice.

    Many dogs shiver and shake at the noise
    though I never had one that did.
    Cats on the other hand don't seem to care,
    so it seemed when I was a kid.

    When the rain pours down and the lightening
    sizzles and electrifies,
    what fun to watch as the thunderstorm
    flashes through the skies

    1. I love thunderstorms. Awaiting one as I write. Nice perspective on them.

    2. Thaks, I appreciate your nice comment.

    3. i play thunderstorms every night to sleep. I’ve done it for years! I loved your poem!
