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Saturday, June 27, 2020


From Sue:

Like love melt?


  1. Happen to have a kid poem handy. I hope to write a new one too, but let's get this started.

    a tanka

    lawn sprinkler twirls out
    rainbow arcs kids run through but
    I like rain showers
    where I twirl mouth toward sky
    feel rain taste rain hear rain joy

    1. What a vivid image of something sooo familiar to any one who remembers it.

    2. I liked it because it has all the senses and rain employs all the senses! Great description in a small poem!

  2. This is a very old poem, meaning I was very young when I wrote it.


    For Christ's sake, don't get hung up on the weather.
    It's calm, it rains, it storms you know who's boss.
    When it comes, it's going to be a mother.

    Surf's up, and you're in forty feet of water
    Without a board have faith He'll come across;
    For Christ's sake, don't get hung up on the weather.

    The sky looks like a city or a father,
    Heavy over the ocean, damp as moss.
    When it comes, it's going to be a mother.

    He takes you by the hand and leads you further,
    Where whitecaps curl around your legs like frost.
    For Christ's sake, don't get hung up on the weather.

    You dance upon the ocean, like a feather,
    The land hangs on you like an albatross.
    When it comes, it's going to be a mother.

    You'll see it, as you sink beneath the breakers,
    A vision of Our Lady of the Sauce.
    For Christ's sake, don't get hung up on the weather.
    When it comes, it's going to be a mother.

    1. I love this. A villanelle to boot. It's much more accessible than your usual fare. You SOUND young. LOL. I picture the you in the old pix I've seen.

    2. I feel like its about sex/orgasm
      The weather is male
      The ocean is female
      Making the ocean a mother

      Forty feet of water/drowning in bliss
      Lady of the sauce—— sperm

      Am I wayyyy off?

    3. Interesting, as always, and as a well written extended metaphor it really strikes a good note.

    4. Sue - I hadn’t thought of it that way, but I like it. I’d thought of it more as being about death, sex and death have always been closely related. The French call an orgasm “le petit mort” - the little death. And W. B. Years said there are only two subjects worth writing about - sex and death.

    5. Awesome Tad, it held me captive from beginning to end

  3. Matters

    From the billowy mess in the sky,
    pulled by gravity,
    tiny sparks of sensation
    land on my exposed arms.

    My mind wanders like the wind
    considering how clouds are accepted
    for who they are:
    grey or straight or monochromatic.

    Splat! splat splat splat-splat
    I watch with the privilege
    of doing nothing as
    the deck wood gets blotted.

    The spasmodic clouds chatter
    with jailed droplets as
    the sky gets heavy and blue
    Bang! Bang!

    Steam rises from the ground.
    I smell the hot stink in the air
    and continue rocking
    as my mind floats with the clouds.

    Sky tears and cloud shadows increase
    as the pitter patter marches faster
    demanding to be noticed
    wanting its presence to matter.

    I can’t deny I am soaked.
    My mind was always open
    and I could have done something
    but my umbrella wasn’t.

    1. Wow! Love the plethora of metaphor and the galore of images!

    2. Your poems keep getting better. I love "sky tears". And once again, I love the surprise ending.

    3. Wow, Sue, this poem it terrific! I loved "Clouds chatter with jailed droplets...I liked all of it but that was extremely descriptive...

  4. memory aromas
    linger in my mind
    I stand from my position
    pulling weeds
    the wet of sweat rolls
    down my brow
    the breeze cools and soothes
    I smile at the essence
    of childhood memories
    the fragrance of sweaty children
    running, waiting for rain
    to wet their hair and
    makes some puddles
    in which to splash
    cooling off the heat
    like my garden plants
    anticipating all of
    summer’s joys...

    1. This is awesome, combining your current garden with memories of days that smelled like that.

  5. There is no delete button that I can see. I tried to publish under my gmail account and it came up UNKNOWN...

    1. I deleted it but you should have been allowed to.

  6. A sweet poem, thanks for sharing.The sensuous effect was excellent.

  7. This is an older poem, yet I have been so busy...I wanted to at least put up a poem, so here it is.


    Under a tree for whose shade I feel most grateful
    tears rise like the tide into my eyes,
    running down cheeks caressed by a gentle breeze.
    I am thinking of my friend.

    My tears flow, directing me
    to remember all that I wish to forget:
    that life is brief,
    that pain is a fact of life
    that no matter how brave or cowardly
    how soon or how late,
    we all face the end.

    Here by the sea
    it is easy to let salty tears flow,
    to release them into the salty air
    to fall and mingle with the sea,
    to lose themselves,
    to become one with its ceaseless motion.
