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Sunday, May 12, 2019


This week's prompt is from Tasha:

My prompt this week is to write about cats, kittens or any feline you choose. It could be an animal companion or an imaginary cat story, a cat you have known or one you ould enjoy knowing. Have fun. Tasha


  1. Omens

    Black cats cross my path. I walk
    under ladders to avoid
    them. Glass clatters, hits the floor,
    mirrors shatter, startle me

    from a deep dream of peace. I
    watch black cats cross my dresser,
    walk on my chest. They have not
    been fed, although the alarm

    sounded ten minutes ago.
    Evil odors fill the air.
    Black cats cross my face, let me
    know the litter box is not

    fresh. I want to go back
    to sleep, but bad luck meows.
    I would walk under ladders,
    but black cats still cross my life.

    1. Love it! Cats can be such pests! Did you actually rite that at 6AM? How remarkable!

    2. cats everywhere in my flat now. if only white tiger would stop getting stuck behind the fridge, i might get something done - love paul.

    3. Love the wry menace of this one.

    4. Tasha, no I did not write it at 6AM. I searched my poetry folder for it at 6AM. LOL

    5. love this one. cats want what they want when they want it. we have someone feeding them in the morning and the first time she came munchkin came screaming that something was wrong and why wasn't I up feeding them.

  2. To an Orange Pussycat
    Oh ginger cat with coat so fine
    Your soft and gentle paws entwine
    My heart, sweet kitty cat oh why
    did you have to go and die?

    I might have known you'd soon expire
    the day you caught your tail on fire,
    and then you ate what you ought not
    and vomited the awful rot.

    We called you, and you did not show
    your whiskered face above, below,
    until I crawled beneath the house.
    Did you consume a poisoned mouse?

    Your little corpse was stiff and stark.
    We buried you before 'twas dark,
    saying a little prayer you'd find
    some angel child that would be kind.

    1. This was written a while ago, and I intend to write a new one too, still, I thought it fitting.

    2. so sad tash. always tough when an animal dies. some people, less so - love - paul.

    3. Wow - an abrupt switch from grand guignol to heartfelt. Effective.

    4. This is so sad. The last verse is really hard-hitting.


    a white tiger and a valiant tiny mouse
    live in my house
    top cat and crazy cat live in my hat

    purry snuggles has a chuckly purr
    while i'm playing kitten wrangler
    trying to corral blackie the wanderer.

    " what's new pussy cat " - tom jones.

    1. Awesome. As Tasha said, cute and fun. I'd love to see more like this one from you!

    2. hheeeyyyy cute and fun are my middle's allen actually, but we can dream - love paul.

    3. thanks vic. it's hard to be cynical when writing about kittens. remember all those zillions of poems i posted about my dog on gotpoetry? - love paul.

    4. you're having too much fun with those kittens... time to find them new homes... love the poem

    5. still tempted to keep them all bonita. still three weeks till they are wiened. though they do enjoy belly flopping in to purry's milk bowl....sigh! got them some kitten toys and they hate them. they prefer daddys socks - love paul.

  4. having become the owner of a junk yard cat and five kittens in recent weeks, this one is too easy for me. think i messed tash's mind up with kitten mush ha ha


    up to c on the second verse tiger
    you are late on the chorus
    tiny mouse
    purry snuggles will you keep up with the harmonies
    and stop that purr
    no! you aren't going out to climb trees.

    quiet now kitties
    i'll give you the note
    sigh! yes top cat, you can sleep in my coat
    crazy cat, do you want to sing
    or play with your mommies titties?
    tiger, don't be scared
    of the harmonica thing
    the beatles piped in to their bed
    the kitten chorus dared
    as long as they are all well fed.

    1. Good one, and very entertaining. I really like the way ou create the images of you conducting and the response o our kitties, excellent and fun

    2. Wow! Amazing. You really CAN write about other things than women who you think treated you badly. We need more prompts like this.

    3. thanks tad. the kitten chorus progresses - love paul.

    4. thanks tash. bought a tiny harmonica and covered it in cat milk, so they can blow it with their kitten breath. i need a tamborine for them to bounce on,. then we will be ready to play shea stadium - love paul.

    5. i can also write about drunken, drug addled , crazy women too vic ha ha. kittens all decided to sit in their cat milk today, then lick each others bottoms for an hour. oh well, as long as they get their milk somehow. i need a tiny, tiny drum kit. white tiger is hitting the high c's - love paul.

    6. love the images you give us with this one. adorable poem!

    7. i was conducting them with a match stick, instead of a batton. blackie really needs to work on his concentration and weeing on the conductor is right out - love paul.


    In the morning
    I find two
    cats on either side
    of a sliding glass door
    a mirror image

    but the cat
    on the inside has
    a saturnine halo
    drifting around a
    pug face like

    a harlequin dog
    dodging the police in
    dell’ arte
    counterfeit menace

    cloaking close-locked evil
    the outside cat
    is furtive
    but full of purpose
    might not be the best trade

    but the lady’s
    still asleep
    I open the door
    they pass through each other
    with practiced ease

    1. interesting how you categorize your felines. an enjoyaboe read and an interesting set of images.

    2. I love the ambiguity. I've read it like five times and I'm still not sure if there were actually two cats or a reflection.

    3. sounds like a doppleganger tad. watch those cats. they are tricky - paul.

    4. reminded me of a picture I took of our marmalade cat and his feral buddy who looked almost like him and they would sit side by side at the door. love this one

  6. There were two cats. And there was a lady who was still asleep. But the suggestion that there was a liaison, and that the cat going out and the cat coming in are in some ambiguous way a reflection of that liaison...completely fiction. This moment with the cats in the doorway came when I was down in New Jersey working with Neale Godfrey, with whom there was never even a hint of anything but a working partnership, and the only thing I was really unsure of was whether it was ok to let the cats in and out. So the ambiguity was intended, but not because I was trying to offer tantalizing hints about my own life. I am first and foremost a storyteller.

  7. I just want to say something here about Bonnie, and how much the heart of this group she is, and how much I miss seeing a poem from her, and how much my thoughts are with her.

    1. I agree. I texted her your comment. It said it made her heart feel so good. She's feeling a bit better but not up to getting online yet.

    2. this is so sweet and it did make me feel good. I have been getting up a little every day and my husband insisted I get online for a bit and at least check in here. I wonder if I will ever feel good again. I sleep a lot.

    3. Keeping you in my prayers, There is homeopathic support for cancer and its treatments if you find one,you might also find some help. Wishing you well and sending Love, Tasha

  8. A Short Tale

    Kittens become cats
    cats go on to have kittens
    kittens grow up fast.

    1. Typo in this necessitated removal to fix. This is the only annoying thing about this site, and I can tolerae it OK.

    2. sometimes too fast tash. herding kittens at 4am, with a flashlight is tricky - love paul.

    3. so true and the cycle goes on and on

    4. Spay and neuter!! Cute little poem though.

  9. Tiny Dancer

    She leaps and twirls
    dances with grace
    the other cats watch amazed
    she leaps from the floor
    to the refrigerator top
    They try but fall short
    landing with a thud
    far from the gracefulness
    of the Hidey cat who seems
    to fly as if she had
    invisible wings. She's gone now
    but wherever she is I see her
    dancing and leaping higher
    than any of the other cats
    awing them with her athletic grace

    1. Love this. And a new poem to boot. I hope this means you're regaining some energy. I'm still surprised you didn't already have a multitude of cat poems.

    2. excellent bonita. purry snuggles was leaping and bouncing to catch ghosts yesterday. think tiny mouse has learned to fly. " the secret of flying is to throw your self at the ground and miss " - hitchhikers guide to the galaxy - love paul.

    3. What a lovely poem, and so vivid! You are surrounded with spirit cats, I just know it.
