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Sunday, February 10, 2019


From Tasha:

My prompt is this: 

Write a poem about what you want to know. What do YOU want to know? Or alternatively, What would you like to know? 

Enjoy, as they say. 


  1. And I just happen to have a poem that exactly fits the bill!


    I am uncertain what will happen
    tomorrow, if I will wake up cold
    or if I will want to eat breakfast.

    I do not know if my car will be stolen
    while I sleep or if a thief will come
    through my window and steal my worthless

    record albums, ancient stereo.
    If I want absolute certainty,
    I can not even know if the moon

    will bring tides or if the sun will rise
    tomorrow. "Now I lay me down to
    sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep."

    To hell with my soul, I want to know
    things, like, will I lose my memories
    when I get old? I want to know when

    my heart will not hurt each time it beats,
    and if my lover loves me, flawed,
    yet capable of love for him, flawed

    as he is also. I can protect
    myself from many things, club on my
    steering wheel, burglar alarm at home.

    I can put a gun under my head,
    a condom on my lover's cock, but
    I wear nothing to protect my heart.

    I leave my windows open at night.
    I need the breeze over my naked
    body. I'll take my chances with thieves.

    1. You could write a book using this poem as the skeleton and each verse a chapter...the last two lines illustrated in could write a song because I could hear a mysterious musical element floating around while I was reading it. But another poet like the people in our group can read the whole story just like it is...poignant!

    2. Love this poem!! Great prompt too!

    3. Who is Nobody? Been curious about that for a little while

    4. Not sure who "Nobody" is. It can be different each time, but this time I suspect it's a former student of mine who I invited to come join the group. I hope she does. She's an excellent poet.

    5. Good poem and as usual, very provocative. You do such a lovely job!

  2. this poem should be a song. songs and poems are practically the same anyway. burglar alarms no good where i used to live...they would just steal the alarm - love - paul.


      i want to know
      why did she have to lie?
      why did she have to say goodbye?
      why did she leave with my baby in her tummy?
      i need to know where she did go
      why did she think evil was funny?

      enough!!!! knowing nothing was knowing too much
      logic and literature i do bring
      but your soul i never could touch
      knowing i would never give you that magic ring

      why do i pay for electricity
      it's invisible to me
      i want to know why love is all i can see
      to be, or not to be
      i want to know the internal workings of a tree
      and the mind of a honey bee
      also like to know why people watch t.v.

    2. from the serious to the sublime.. but all interesting things to want to know...

    3. Enjoyed this one a lot. I actually think the last stanza would stand alone as a stronger poem.

    4. i'd also like to know why the library closes early on a weekend, why i'm put on hold for 45 minutes and why drunks pick train stations to fight on bonita. some mysteries are unknowable - love - paul.

    5. You do have two poems here, the first two verses as the first, the last verse as another. I think you could extend that one as another poem entirely.

    6. my replies are all over the place this week. i blame the gigs, old friends and chilean wine ha ha. you are right tash. starts off serious and gets progressively sillier. got one more poem, i'm gonna slip under the wire later - love paul.

  3. What do I want to know?
    will the chemo work for me
    only to put me back in renal failure?
    the irony of beating cancer
    only to die of kidney failure
    would be the biggest joke of all
    But past that is there a reason
    for our lives, our pains, our fears,
    the daily trials and triumphs?
    in the end does mean anything or was it all
    just wasted time lost in vagueness
    Will the world end in another big bang
    blow us all into oblivion?
    or an arctic freeze burying us in ice
    Will new beings inhabit the earth
    find our bones and study the creatures
    who once roamed the earth
    My thoughts ramble from here to there
    no rhyme or reason to the flow
    just questions that remain unanswered
    Perhaps I may never know
    or understand the why of now
    or the promise of tomorrow

    1. Love this. As Paul said, very dark. I actually think you dno't need the last three lines.

    2. All good questions, and what will we ever know, I wonder, until the time comese. Ah, that slippery stuff. A good ramble and I agree with Pul and Victoria about the last 3 lines.

  4. very dark for you bonita. but you are in a dark place " will the world end in the daytime...or will the world end in the night time...i really don't know " - the smiths - love - paul.

  5. good job i don't pay for my electricity. usually leave the place before the court summons turns up. as for watching t.v. if i wanted to see stooopid idiots being stooopid, i'd move back to sunderland. thanks vic - love - paul.

  6. oops! reply in the wrong place. i blame the chilean wine - paul.

  7. What I Want to Know

    I want to know where the time goes.
    It slips through me like a tear
    or a blink, and is gone with a wink
    but where? If only I knew
    I would seek it out, find it and
    Put it back where it belongs.

    The slippery moments won't stay
    Not even in my memory, sometimes.
    Then when I breathe, or sigh
    To my surprise I find a moment that
    escaped the net that sweeps it
    All away when I have not paid attention.

    I cherish my time. I even try to hoard it.
    Yet that does not work; it still escapes
    into that mysterious somewhere
    I cannot discover, no matter how I try.
    I have sought it in vain, only
    to have it elude me time and time again.

    I wish somehow I could make time
    I'd keep it safe and sound and just for me.
    So then I'd always have enough.
    If only the recipe were available.
    Then where might I discover the ingredients,
    Perhaps in some mysterious, hidden tome.

    The clocks I watch count my moments,
    even as they pass beyond my grasp.
    I want to find time so as to have it
    to get done what remains undone because
    I could not lure the moments from
    wherever it is they hide themselves from me.

    1. I feel like Paul, quoting songs but this made me think of the Judy Collins song, "Who knows where the time goes." And yes, your poem really struck a chord. I can't believe how much of my life I've wasted by letting time slip away.

    2. so profound and sad... time does have a way of slipping away unnoticed and one day it's just gone... well written

    3. Thanks for the kind comments. I have written a lot of poems about time, and find it to be a fascinating subject.

    4. time is like dry sand tash. the harder you squeeze it the more it slips between your fingers - love - paul.

  8. lightening struck, fire was created
    knowledge of light in the darkness
    of juicy cooked piglet and roots
    and we moved on and on
    the light bulb, the telephone
    radio and television..
    real knowledge, abstract knowledge
    knowledge I'll never understand
    knowledge I'll never know exists
    And we think that we're so smart
    but we find ancient artifacts
    that clearly show a civilization
    with more knowledge than ours

    1. so much we will never know... well done

    2. Interesting take on he rompt. Nice, nd fun to think about. BTW I hope you saw that I did comment on your poem for last week. Hope you liked my Time piece. (Ha ha pun)

    3. yep those egyptians knew what was going on. you don't have a five thousand year empire by being stupid. fun bit of knowlege. honey buried with pharoahs in ancient egypt is still edible today. apparently honey never goes off. guess humans will end up fighting for the last honey comb...oh, well - love - paul.

  9. my friend's horse and best friend dixie rose died the other day. i wrote her this poem. it sortta fits in with the promt.


    my friends horse died today
    i want to know why horses die
    and scumbag junkie pimps just pass on by
    is there a horsie heaven where they get to play
    and eat hay all day

    what's dixie's friend blue gonna do
    he doesn't understand about death
    .....just take another breath.

    1. Actually yes, there is a horsie heaven and I have a friend whose horse is there.

    2. all animals go to heaven, except spiders. dunno where humans go bonita " a rose by any other name would smell as sweet " - billy shakespeare.

    3. a priest once told me that animals don't go to heaven. i asked him " then in what sense is it heaven with no animals there? sorry padre, but i'm not interested in a place like that " - love - paul
