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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Passions and hobbies

Obviously all of us here write, whether is be a compulsion, a calling or a hobby. What else do you do for hobbies? Or do you have another passion? Write about one, whether it be rock painting, book sharing, miniatures, needlework, hiking, going to the gym, or yes, you can even write about writing.


  1. Just a note: My passion is people, communicating with them, helping when I can, maintaining relationships. I will write about this asap. However, toward this end, I am helping our friend Paul who wants to participate so I have said I will post for him. He just sent me his Broken Hallelujah which I have posted on the previous page. Thanks for any comments which I will forward.

  2. My Passion is People

    My passion is people all kinds of people
    my favorite label is friend
    I cherish relationships dearly I do
    and feel very sad if they end.

    I love to communicate, frequently do
    with words whether written or said,
    poetic or prosy, plain, simple or flossy,
    whatever seems right in my head.

    I love to send emails, and snail mails--a few
    though I used to send many of these,
    in the age of computers electricity’s better
    to use than the substance of trees.

    My passion is people: taking care of my friends,
    or helping out someone with care,
    entertaining or feeding, whatever they’re needing,
    my pleasure, my passion is there.

    1. I like the musical rhythm of this one

    2. Thanks, it just came out as I posted Paul's poem and I was inspired to write it down.

    3. Nice poem. I like your philosophy on email too. I never thought of it that way, always mourning the demise of snail mail.

    4. Thanks! Yes, it's a good way to keep in touch with those many who never did write letters.

    5. Only one line doesn't scam - My passion is people, taking care of my friends. You don't want to lose anything in the first part of the line, because that's kind of your mantra. So maybe chop out a syllable in the second part? I care for my friends?

    6. yep I guess people can be a passion. I like Bonnie like the musical rhythm of this one.

    7. Tasha, nice rhyme and rhythm. I enjoyed listening to it.

    8. Sure, Tad if you think that's better I will change it, though not on this page, lol.

  3. I have entertainer this passion since I was a small child!I suppose it isn't a hobby, and I do have hobbies, but they are not passions like this.

  4. As I read this prompt I came to the realization that….

    I have no passion in my heart
    The music died within my soul
    No love remains for craft or art

    when the enthusiasm did depart
    I had no command or control
    I have no passion in my heart

    no place to once again start
    the journey toward a goal.
    No love remains for craft or art

    no place for me to play the part
    or fit into the niche or role.
    I have no passion in my heart

    I feel the pain of the empty dart
    as it spits me so I am not whole.
    No love remains for craft or art

    will I fit in piece or part
    Fervor from my heart they stole.
    I have no passion in my heart
    no love remains for craft or art

    1. Gee, this doesn't sound like you! I mean the verse is very good as always but the sentiment? I find it hard to believe. Say it isn't so!

    2. I agree with Tasha on this one. It really doesn't sound like you. At the very least, writing is a passion.

    3. hi kid. just trying to get a comment going. the library girl is helping me

    4. like Victoria said writing is a passion and you are on your third book!!! I'd say that is a passion. lol good poem though

    5. Bonnie, nice poem, I enjoyed hearing it. But, Like every one else, it is not credible. You have been writing poetry for as long as I have known you and longer according to Linda. That is a passion.

    6. What I really like about this is its passionate affirmation of the death of passion. The heart of poetry -- one of the hearts (like the earthworm, poetry has at least five)-- is paradox. The reader can feel that the speaker is lying -- she still has plenty of passion left -- and that she's telling a terribly important truth -- your heart can be broken, more times than an earthworm has hearts, and you don't ever really recover from it.

  5. poem from Paul Fowler... I am going to give him the link and explain about coming in and commenting on others poems. Hopefully he can get this figured out once he starts commenting.... and here is is poem...


    if only me and ernest hemingway
    could stay in a cuban bar for a day

    with frank, or james herbert sitting in the back
    stan lee, jack kirby and billy shakespeare walking in and giving me a heart attack

    please mister lee, sign my x - men number ten
    excuse me there goes jane austen
    just a little pride and prejudice
    lost my library, now my pile of books has come to this

    of course the books are better than the movies
    they always are
    forget the characters. just make sure the special effects go too far
    love reading in the park in a summer breeze

    of course the bar tender would be stephen king
    a horrific drink, he would bring.

    1. Fun poem, and yes, books are better than movies, at least most of the time.

    2. Thanks for posing, Bonnie, it is good to have him participate, hope he can figure it out. I send him the comments, yet it is better if he can manage to come here, himself. I is good he has friends who share his poetic efforts.

    3. i know your love for books runs deep to the point you risked getting arrested to rescue books from your 'home' ,,, good write!

    4. i think i got this site sorted a bit. got a comment through. give me a while ladies. technology hates me - paul

    5. i have a slight hope that this reply, will eeerrrrr reply. think the library girl sorted it. thank you ladies. one of these days, i'm gonna learn how to post on this site ha ha.until then, i'll rely on bonita the cat creature and young tash - paul.

    6. Yes books are a real passion. fun read. I read my first complete novel "The Story of Lou Gehrig" when I was 7 and Victoria was being born. I was at gramma's house and didn't have anything to do. hahahahaha

    7. Paul, nice to meet another Paul!!! how appalling...I enjoyed listening to your poem. Linda reads the poems to me. I get more out of them if I hear them. I hope to hear more from you!!! Glad to have you in the club!

    8. still can't figure out how to post. do i just type it in this box?
      they are better read out loud. i am a rebel performance poet. just stand up and read them in parks and pubs and such - paul.

  6. Passion of Mine

    I'm a very passionate breather, air is so great,
    it fill me with hope and things that can't wait
    I'm passionate about my mate, my lover.
    If I lost her, I would never recover.

    Things that matter are another passion of mine,
    they must be dealt with if I'm to be fine.
    Equality is another if we are to tell all,
    united we stand and divided we fall.

    Speaking from the heart is my major passion.
    It's something that I hope won't go out of fashion.
    There are so many things to be passionate for,
    because life is so grand, who could ask for more?

    1. A lot of passions but I love the first two lines best.

    2. A nice list of passions, I agree. Speaking from the heart is my favorite of this collection, so special!

    3. now I know why I have no passions... you took them!! like Victoria I really like the first two lines and I had hoped you would continue in that vein. fun read!

    4. the first two lines say it all. you always tell me that of all the things you will miss from earth when you die is air because you enjoy breathing so much. Lovely poem

  7. Knit 2, purl 2, until I finish a row
    Turn, reverse the stitch. 2 purl, 2 knit.
    Progress inch by inch. I watch it grow.

    I need to clean the bathroom, yet I know
    tomorrow I will find new dirt and grit.
    Knit 2, purl 2, until I finish a row

    The laundry's never finished, even though
    the washer's always running. So I sit.
    Progress inch by inch. I watch it grow.

    As soon as the litter box is clean she'll go
    and piss in fresh, clean litter, or she'll shit.
    Knit 2, purl 2, until I finish a row

    I shop for groceries weekly, rain or snow,
    but we're always out of something. But I knit
    progress inch by inch. I watch it grow.

    I'll never finish housework, and I know
    I never gain an inch, but I can't quit.
    Knit 2, purl 2, until I finish a row,
    progress inch by inch. I watch it grow.

    1. Oh nice one, very nice one. I have a daughter and a friend who have the same passion as you do. The form works so well with the expression of this poem. Kudos.

    2. awesome! great write I could feel the need to keep knitting and not worry about the rest. I find lately I am less and less concerned with cleaning as I know as you said even if I did it today it would need done again tomorrow so use the time for things you enjoy.

    3. I love this!!! I feel that way about painting rocks right now. I could care less about housework anymore. If I wash dishes more will pile up so I use paper plates. If I vacuum the dogs will roll around and put hair all over the carpet. If I even try to clean the bathroom...oh well, we won't get into that lmbo.

    4. Victoria, Your poem made a lot of sense. Linda told me it is a Villanelle. It is a beautiful form of poetry. You used it in a good way with this poem.

  8. I have too many hobbies
    to name just one
    my true passion lies
    deep within my
    miniature collection
    I've been fascinated
    since I was 8
    we went to the museum
    Bonnie, Vinnie and I
    there was a magnificent dollhouse there
    that captured my very soul
    there was a tiny book
    with real words
    and I coveted it!
    I have been a collector now
    for 27 years
    and I have two books
    with real words
    sometimes I pretend I live there
    I stare into it and become very small
    I use the microwave and the laptop
    vacuum the living room
    and sit in front of the fireplace
    with my tea and crochet or
    read my books with real words

    1. Honey, I look at your miniature collection all the time. I remember when it was nothing more than a few pieces of furniture. 27 years of collecting and remodeling and making thing and finding's a real gem now. Nice poem too.

    2. I love, love, love this poem!!! It made me remember that as a very young child--perhaps 2 years old) I was taken to see the doll house of then Princesses Elizabeth and Ann that was touring the USA to raise money for the war effort in GB, and I was held up to see and it had electric lights and running water and I was enchanted! I loved my childhood doll house yet never did have one as an adult--though I made things for my childhood one and played with it endlessly. Thanks for the memories.

    3. I love this too. I love the two books with real words. I wonder how it would work if you started with being 8 and going to the museum, and then spent a little more time in the last part of the poem, actually in the dollhouse.

    4. I remember that doll house at the museum. I agree with Tad. I'd like to see you start there and also spend more time IN the dollhouse.

    5. Show, don't tell is the classic advice to writers, and like everything else, it's not always good advice. Sometimes you do need to tell, not show. But here is an almost perfect example of when it is good advice. You don't need to tell the reader that this is your true passion. They'll get that from reading the poem.
      But this is a natural way of writing. You sit down to write about your true passion, and you're going to say to yourself, hmmm, what's my true passion? I have so many. But wait, my true passion is....and you're writing all that down, as you should. But then in the second draft you start to pare it out.
      I sort of stopped saying "show, don't tell," even though it's good advice, and instead I tend to say: don't tell anything that the reader will know even if you don't tell it.

  9. lovely thoughts on a passion. i loved the idea of living inside the miniature world you've created from your imagination.

  10. Well, it's no secret that my passion is music, especially now, with this huge jazz history project I've taken on. So here's an older poem about growing up with that passion.

    I’m not so old

    I was just fifteen when Charlie Parker died
    My older brother took me aside
    And said, Kid, it's a bad day
    It's a sad day
    Well, I didn't know why and I had to be told
    Hey, but I grew up
    And I learned my stuff
    And I learned enough And I'm not so old

    When I was a kid just starting to move
    I filled my soul with that rhythm and blues
    And I listened to the Clovers
    And the Coasters
    And I couldn't get enough of that rock and roll
    I was growing up
    And the beat was mine
    And it still sounds fine
    And I'm not so old

    Then one night I turned on the radio
    Looking for some of that rock and roll
    And I heard some bebop
    Brought me to a full stop
    Didn't know what it was but it moved my soul
    I was almost grown
    And they said it was Miles
    I still dig his style
    And I'm not so old

    I saw Monk dance around the Five Spot floor
    And a cat from Texas made the Five Spot roar
    His sax was plastic
    His sound fantastic
    And I went back again to hear Ornette blow
    I was all grown up
    And he made jazz free
    Still sounds good to me
    And I'm not so old

    Once they said that jazz had passed away
    But I go down to hear the young cats play
    They play in the tradition
    They've got a mission
    They play sweet and strong and free and bold
    Well, I may be grown
    But the cats blow on
    And the music's young
    And I'm not so old

    1. Love it! Is this actually a song? Like, with music and such. LOL. It sounds like it should be.

    2. I can imagine it with music, but it would still be spoken, not sung. It's mostly true. I was 15 when Charlie Parker died, but I didn't have an older brother, and I didn't really know anything about Bird until later when I started listening to jazz. The story of accidentally turning the radio to a jazz station and being mesmerized is true, although it was Coltrane, not Miles.

  11. this left me with a smile on my face. i could feel the passion with each verse and you know wht... i'm not so old :-)
