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Sunday, March 19, 2017


From Paul:

What do you believe about life? What is strength and what are the ingredients for happiness?

Choose one or use as many as you want.


  1. Here is a short poem I wrote recently, will also write for the prompt as stated. I like the suggestion. Thanks, Paul!

    Age Is An Illusion

    Age is an illusion
    chronology a ruler
    that measures moments, not time
    years, not laughter or tears.

    Age is of the heart
    and sometimes mind.
    Grains of time are threshed
    into the bread of life

    the chaff flies away
    with our laughter.
    Tasha Halpert

    1. This is part of the attitude that in my opinion is responsible for my inner happiness. More to come. looking forward to seeing others' ideas.

    2. I like this poem a lot!!! I especially loved "Grains of time are threshed into the bread of life". That is an awesome line!!!

    3. Many thanks! I appreciate you!

    4. I love the metaphor throughout the poem, especially where it ends, "the chaff flies away / with our laughter."

    5. Oh many thanks to you for your comment. It is an honor to have you say such kind words.

  2. Laugh at life as life laughs at me
    hold not onto anger but forgive
    understand life is short - time runs out
    there is no room for resentment
    let love fill my heart
    and hate will find no space
    each day find time to laugh
    to dance to sing to rejoice

    1. This is beautiful. It is a real and true way of living that if done right would give us a world without war, a world filled with smiles and joy and peace.

    2. Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! True words, Bonnie and righteous ones!

    3. This sounds like a prayer, especially line 2. And yes, we all need to "find time to laugh / to dance to sing to rejoice"

  3. Happiness is my past as a vagabond
    carrying my life on my back
    with my lover at my side
    making love under the open sky
    which was my home

    Happiness is the smell of fresh cut grass
    the sound of a full blown symphony
    the touch of newborn baby skin
    the taste if raspberries right off the bush
    the sight sunrise on a beautiful day

    Happiness is hoping for tomorrow
    waiting Christmas coming
    knowing I have hugs and kisses on the way
    planting a garden and hoping it grows
    watching for birds and butterflies all summer long

    1. this is sweet and lovely and I felt peace and love just reading it. beautifully written.

    2. Not as edgy as some of your poems, but as Bonnie said, "sweet and lovely." I keep waiting for a picture of Snoopy for some reason. LOL.

    3. yep he should be doing his happy dance :-)

  4. I believe life is
    the beginning of tomorrow
    thoughts that roam through our minds, randomly
    pleasure, romance, sex
    warm caresses on my naked body
    tiny hands that take mine and lead the way
    then watch me use the toilet
    life follows me everywhere
    life is to do, to play, to transform, to revel in miracles
    life sends us on journeys of wonder
    of cloud behavior and earth maneuvers
    filled with magic and resolution
    if only we believe...

    1. this one made me smile and laugh and yes... believe!

    2. Oh special, special poem. How loving is this!

    3. Yes, this one has that edge I was talking about. Not overly fond of the last line, maybe even the last two. IMMHO it should end on "of cloud behavior and earth maneuvers."

    4. I just have to say that I love, love, love the two lines: tiny hands that take mine and lead the ways/then watch me use the toilet. Too sweet and so interesting as a kind of metaphor as well.

    5. Hello Victoria, I am sorry but I do not agree with you. I think of edge as having a razors edge and none of my poems have such sharpness as this. I like my last two lines.

    6. Victoria, I went through every poem that I contributed thus far and I cannot find anything that resembles this "edge" that you speak of. I wish you would explain what you mean by "edge".

    7. Maybe "edge" is the wrong word but I'm not sure what would be the right word. To me, you write about "real life," sometimes living that life on the edge. In this poem, you move away from the "sweetness" and into "edginess" talking about love and sex and moving to talking about a child following you to the bathroom. Wandering around the "edges" of convention. Not a "razor's edge."

  5. hi bonnie and linda. it's paul from England. just a test message to see if this is working.

    1. Hi Paul, Glad you made it to the site. good for you! Nice to see you here. Hope you read some of the nice poems people write here and comment on them.

    2. it's it's high time you joined in the dance... :-)

    3. Hello Paul, I'm Linda and Bonnie's "little sister" Victoria. Welcome! I look forward to reading your poetry.

    4. Hi Paul!! Nice to see you here. Hope to read a poem soon!!!

  6. Happiness is rainbows spinning
    from a crystal in the sun,
    drenching the walls with color,
    lifting my heart higher, higher.
    Happiness is knowing I am loved
    by the one I love with all my heart
    who makes my being sing and dance.
    Happiness is now, here, and how
    the affirmation that all is well
    resounds within me, regardless, knowing
    proof is nothing but alcohol content.
    Happiness is knowing the sun will rise
    even if behind clouds, it will be there
    and the rainbows will sooner or later
    splash the walls of my room with joy.

    1. I love the line "proof is nothing but alcohol content."

    2. Thank you, I didn't originate it but I like the concept as well as the saying.

    3. Such beautiful color and imagery in your poem. I enjoyed it very much!!!

    4. Thank you, Linda, so much.

  7. As I wrote this, this is exactly what was happening and it was so special I thought ah, here's the poem for this prompt.

  8. Back to old poems that fit the prompt.


    I am uncertain what will happen
    tomorrow, if I will wake up cold
    or if I will want to eat breakfast.

    I do not know if my car will be stolen
    while I sleep or if a thief will come
    through my window and steal my worthless

    record albums, ancient stereo.
    If I want absolute certainty,
    I can not even know if the moon

    will bring tides or if the sun will rise
    tomorrow. "Now I lay me down to
    sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep."

    To hell with my soul, I want to know
    things, like, will I lose my memories
    when I get old? I want to know when

    my heart will not hurt each time it beats,
    and if my lover loves me, flawed,
    yet capable of love for him, flawed

    as he is also. I can protect
    myself from many things, club on my
    steering wheel, burglar alarm at home.

    I can put a gun under my head,
    a condom on my lover's cock, but
    I wear nothing to protect my heart.

    I leave my windows open at night.
    I need the breeze over my naked
    body. I'll take my chances with thieves.

    1. Brrr! Interesting ideas here. And very vivid thoughts. Wow, fierce one!

    2. The imagery excites and stimulates my mind. I enjoyed your poem very much.

    3. powerful emotions come through with each verse. one of those poems where I find I had been holding my breath as I read it was so intense.

  9. Another old one. We have April coming though. I must start writing.


    Tree covered mountains burst
    with round baby spring cheeks
    mature to smooth, dense, deep
    green of full-grown summer,
    Leaf colors change, gradual falling of autumn.
    Jagged snowy branches
    show wrinkles of winter.
    I think of my gray hair,
    soft middle-aged body,
    grateful I do not live
    the whole cycle each year.

    1. excellent comparison of nature and the human body! and the last two lines say it all. enjoyed

    2. I realize I have a problem with line 5. Weird because this is an old poem. All the other lines are six syllables. That one is 12 but won't break at 6. Oh well...

    3. love it! awesome imagery... have to admit the last two lines made me chuckle.

  10. Masterful poem! I am so impressed. It makes me really think, too, saying so much in so little that the unfolding of it reminds me of a fan or of a Sutra, that spins out its meanings from a minimal few lines. Five Stars and a big Hooray!
