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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Endings and Beginnings

The prompt this week comes from Tasha. 

Endings and Beginnings, There is no ending without a beginning and no beginning without an ending.


  1. earlier than I had
    intended, but what
    choice? Our options
    sucked up like a vacuum
    tube in a corn
    ucopia, so that first the
    sex melted like sugar
    cubes in milk, the
    sustenance dwindlng
    to flaccid. and our
    thoughts into smoke, only
    the one left: to

    1. I feel that this poem can start over again at the end, and make the end the beginning. Awesome! I like the imagery you project into my mind with your words. Truly an enjoyable poem!

    2. Your imagery is, as always, superb. I love "sex melted like sugar cubes in milk."

    3. Fine imagery, excellently put, in a clever yet effectively sincere way.

  2. Her end is near, so soon, so young.
    She doesn't want to continue on.
    Life so precious, life so dear.
    Only a few years left for her.
    Much is locked inside her brain.
    Will she let it out like the rain that falls?
    Or hide in vacant, hollow halls,
    with her exciting life gone by,
    while she sits with salty tears and cries:
    I've lost it all, no longer me,
    how can I live, how can I be?
    She must be brave and tough it out.
    Somehow we must make her shout:
    I have time left,
    I'll use it wisely.
    My end can be a new beginning.
    I can leave behind a song worth singing,
    a story worth the telling.
    She can die and still live on...
    If only she will try.

    1. I guess this really was an appropriate prompt for Bonnie's current situation. I wrote on the same subject.

    2. A resounding Yes! Perhaps she will indeed wake up and see the light you are shedding toward her. A wonderful poem and a fine way to put this important message into words. Read it to her over and over.

    a grossblank

    Don't trust anyone over 30. Die young, leave
    a pretty corpse.
    Our generation of children
    looked for the Never-Never land of early death
    before we saw sagging breasts, gray hair, forgotten
    memories, many of which are best left that way.
    Over the hump, we reach Social Security
    find ourselves traveling downhill toward the last laps.
    Your panorama sees that lap in perspective.
    Life damaged beyond repair by incompetence,
    there is still too much life inside you to slow down.
    Live through your thoughts and words. I want to know, to hear.
    Tell your stories, write your poems. Your mind lives! Be heard!

    1. I only wish she saw it this way. Well written poem; it read well aloud by the way...

  4. A wonderful, wonderful statement in an effective, poetic form. May your wish be heard and your words ring true.

  5. Endings and Beginnings

    There is no end without a beginning
    there is no beginning without an end.
    The worm, the Ourobouros bites its tail,
    time without end that begins and ends
    Phoenix-like, and yet without implosion
    Or explosion or indeed any sound at all.

    I am always beginning, as I end I begin
    and begin as I end in a daily round
    as I live in each moment that dissolves
    into itself as I become again myself
    new each moment, dying in that moment
    seamlessly within the wholeness that is All

    1. Lovely poem, Tasha! It echoes for me some of T.S. Eliot's lines, which in turn express ancient religious themes from a variety of Eastern and Western traditions …..

    2. Thank you so much! I wish you might give thought to participating here, it is such fun! Plus stimulating. Having a prompt gives me some meat to chew on so to speak and gets me into a more original frame of mind when it comes to writing.

  6. Sorry this is so late life has been incredibly busy lately and I have had little time to focus on anything but the immediate moment. Cheers to all.

  7. It's beautiful Tasha! The way you blended all your words together in the last stanza, I could see you beginning and ending and beginning and ending all over again. Great imagery.

    1. Many Thanks, Dear Linda, Did you get my message? I have lost your email. Please send it to me? I sent Bonnie a card, did she receive it yet? Blessings to you all.

    2. Tasha I have lost your email also. Mine is Please email me and I will update you on Bonnie. Love and hugs.

    3. Yes, I will. just got back from a trip through time myself, I'll be writing about it next week. Do you see my Love notes on FB or ought I to send them to you? Love and hugs, with joy! and blessings, Tasha

  8. Dear Linda, HELP!!! I have sent you to your email you gave me and no results, are you ok? I tried two versions, and the second came back, and the first didn't work for Paul of Omegapaff. Can you help? Mine is or

  9. I tried lrbole@yahoo--as did Paul, and his came back. I tried 1rbole@yahoo and that returned to me. Can you help? one and l (el) are identical.
